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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Stevo

  1. I'm not that overly bothered with the RHT. Probably due in part to me struggling with the actual RH album so I'm already not on to a winner with this tour. I dunno. I don't tend to think about the song choices, and whether they fit in a particular section, as deeply as some do, so that's not an issue. I do think the clothing she wore was pretty awful except for the flapper gear - she looked awesome then. That first costume looked mega bulky and way too big. The rockabilly look just did nothing for me and the gypsy/Latin section, I thought the dress looked ratty and tatty like it was from a second hand/thrift store. SST may have had some bad costumes but not as many and when you compare the gypsy look she used on SST it's so much better than the RHT look. I agree about the Dress You Up medley - I thought it was horrific and the songs or even just one song could have been done in a nicer way. Also, the tour was abundant with 80s hits but only Deeper And Deeper from the 90s. I think she should have done a 90s medley at the very least instead of the 80s one (but not in the latin/salsa style). Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed some parts. True Blue was cute and definitely a high point for Me. Also I really liked Deeper And Deeper on the set list. It was great to hear her do it not in a remix of overly reinvented way as she hadn't performed a faithful to the original version before, so I really appreciated that. I think the versions of the non RH tracks, on the whole weren't very inspired. They were TOO boring and sounded a lot like their original versions. I know I praised DAD for that, but that's only as I never heard the original version being performed live before. I guess it's a hard balance for the reinvention thing. I know I read somewhere that she never wanted to perform songs live to sound like what you can buy on a CD, so she wanted to reinvent them. Looking back, SST kinda reinvented the songs too much and a lot (nearly all) became essentially songs by other artists with her singing over. They weren't actually reinventions, but straight up, in your face remixes. I think she got the balance right the best on the RIT and CT. The songs were recognisable but new and fresh sounding. SST - the songs weren't that noticeable. I was at the SST opening night and a few times I was thinking "what song is this supposed to be?" Lol. I feel with the RH tour she's at the other end of the scale from SST and it's too simple/boring. In my eyes anyway.
  2. Lol - that still wasn't easy though.... I'm not really familiar with that song TBH. I had to look at a list of recorded songs (on wiki) in the end after my last guess and I didn't pick up on this song as the CD apparently wasn't released until '97, but wikipedia isn't always exactly very reliable lol. Oh well, congrats @@RUADJAI. 😃
  3. Doesn't help. LOL. I'm stuck. ;-) i can't think of anything else that fits with your answers....
  4. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Il_Postino_(soundtrack) Track 13 ☺
  5. Is it released on a madonna CD or on a compilation of other artists?
  6. Maybe a collection of her best dance-y songs.....name ideas: "You Wanna Dance?" (taken from Celebration), "I Wanna Dance" (Music) "Boogie Woogie" (Music), "Step To The Beat" (Into the Groove & Celebration) ????? LOL
  7. I agree. Maybe ...."Something 2 Remember", "Something To Remember Too" or "More To Remember"? I think if she does a huge kind of compilation, either when she decides to call it a day, or before then if it's some kind of collection of unreleased stuff etc, a good name could be "Iconic" or "Iconic - The Ultimate Collection",...or something like that anyway ðŸ˜
  8. I love it when she remembers her old, slightly more obscure songs like this. You'd assume she forgets all about them, so it's great to see they're still in her memory bank. Who knows, if she can remember it now, it might not be too insane to think it could be in her head when she's planning her next tour......?
  9. She has, or used to have a reputation as a bitch. I don't know if it's actual bitchiness or insecurity that is then perceived as bitchiness?? She's not just slightly famous, she's a superstar and has been in the public eye for over 30 years. I guess when you have that level of fame you start to almost live in a bubble and not interact with normal folk regularly. She may also find that nearly everyone she ever meets is a "yes man" or is trying to stick their nose up her butt or something. She may be so used to wondering are people only ever after sonething or only ever heap praise on her (from her fans) if they meet her that maybe she can never really feel at ease and off guard. I sometimes wonder if I met her, how would I be with her? I'm not really bothered about meeting celebrities at all, so I wouldn't go out of my way, but say if she was somewhere I was at the same place and I bumped into her casually ...I dunno, I'd like to think I'd just be normal and not go all gooey eyed and brown nose her lol. I wonder if she'd rather her fans automatically love all her songs, or would she prefer if we would assess her music objectively (and not subjectively)? I mean, I'd never ever be rude or anything lol but if she asked me if I liked Rebel Heart, I wouldn't say I loved it (it's her worst album IMO), I'd probably say it's not my favourite.... lol ðŸ˜ðŸ˜Ž
  10. Ah OK, I see. My question was did it have 3 or more words, meaning is it less than 3 words,.... but actually I guess it might have looked like is it 3 words or is it more words.....? Doh!
  11. IMO She doesn't need a new greatest hits as she's only released two studio albums since Celebration, and the singles from them weren't exactly big successes (dunno about worldwide, but here in the UK at least)... I'd like a remix album spanning her entire career but with all new commissioned remixes. Choosing singles would be the obvious choice, but maybe if some non singles were included? A regular remix album might be quite boring so it'd be cool for a mix of different styles and genres of remixes. I've already mentioned this somewhere on this forum but I'd like it if she took an album track from each album and re-recorded them to make a compilation album. Basically I'd like something innovative and experimental. Nothing boring and if she does do anything, whatever it is, it should be handled with love and respect and not be rushed and murdered (ahem, Celebration - so much potential for an awesome greatest hits package that sounds butchered, and GHV2 which was kind of boring IMO). By the way, on the topic of Celebration, am I the only one in thinking the trailers (we which were actually really cool) were misleading? If I was a member of the general public and saw the trailers I might go and buy the album hoping to hear the remix of Like A Prayer, but the album actually doesn't have that on it, instead having the album version....?
  12. She released a remix album, You Can Dance, too of course. She was going to do a remix album in the mid-late 90s "supposedly" called Veronica Electronica, but the project was abandoned and she concentrated on the album that would come to be Ray Of Light instead. Apparently she toyed with calling the then unnamed Ray Of Light album Veronica Electronica too after the remix album got shelved. But obviously she didn't in the end. 😃 Some remixes that were commissioned for the project have leaked such as Live II Infinity mixes of Into The Groove and the crazy For You remixes. I wonder if any other remixes were commissioned before the album was cancelled?
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