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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Redha DBL

  1. Wow this is the best quality i have ever seen for a Madonna show !!!! Incredible, thank you for sharing !!! Ps : turn the quality of the video to HQ it's even better !!!
  2. Is it official the whole tour is postponed ? People really got an email stating that ???
  3. What was the original date of the first show ?
  4. Well that dancer is a pro (he has his blue circle) and some celebrities follow him and congratulated him for being part of the Celebration Tour so i guess we can take what he's posting as reliable. Anyway he didn't posted clearly that they are back ln rehearsals, as you said it could be a video from before M'sickness.
  5. Yeah i don't understand. Gaultier has announced he was the tour coustumes designer and now that guy claims this is him...
  6. Can't read without an account. Can you tell me what it says ? I don't get it, it was Jean Paul Gaultier who was making the costumes and suddendly it's this designer...
  7. What is that ?! Who is this guy ? Wasn't Jean Paul Gaultier supposed to be the costume designer for the tour ?!
  8. Yeah gossips websites have milked the most they could the tiny bit of info we all got already and now they're at the point where all they can do is doing the fashion police 😂
  9. Actually i've seen several pics of him looking happy and smilling from this week. Just a couple examples (on the left one he was coming back from the gym and going back to M's appartment)
  10. Guys, i think with time passing and not getting any news our minds tends to naturally worry and we imagine sad things. It's natural, this is how human brain and minds naturally works but knowing that, let's try not to fall in that trap and let's stay positive. Let's stick on what Guy and Rosie have said, let's trust them. In my case, i keep on thinking about that picture of Rocco with that big smile on his face when he was living Madonna's appartment two days ago. There's no way he would be smiling like that if he had just seen his mother near death. If anyone haven't seen that picture and wants me to post it i will 💖
  11. Imagine if she goes against everyone's advice and starts the tour as planned 😲
  12. Hmm i believe Madonna has her own devoted doctor who would visit her even if he was on holiday or even by cam.
  13. This gotta be the worst time of her all career. Not only what's happened to her is probably one of the worst thing, if not the worst thing that happened to her health-wise, but it also happened at the worst time, two weeks before engaging in a world tour... For any artist that would be a nightmare, but for the control freak that is Madonna that must be hell on hearth... She needs to have peace of mind to heal well and in good conditions, and this is actually probably the most stressfull time of her whole career. Stay strong M 💪💪💪
  14. They do post pics of the twins that have never been posted publicly anywhere before and that for years. That's why i would be carefull before screaming fake. As i said this could totally be the Twins account but managed by mama Madonna. As for the pic being old that doesn't prove anything ; M wouldn't take any new pic and publish it knowing the state that she is these days.
  15. That account has been kinda unclear, between fake and real (i know it doesn't make sense right ?!). The thing is that they used to post pics of the twins that hadn't been posted before... Don't you think it could be a kind of twins/under Madonna's control account ? Like they're too young to have their own account but they are very modern and loves to take themselves for older girls (with Make up and everything as often on M's stories) she decided to let them have a common account but that's mama who manages it !? As for the older pic, Madonna wouldn't make any new pic currently i guess. I don't know, the choice of the pic ,the caption, all seems very Estere and Stella... Anyway there's something about that account. It's been around for years but never tried to force anything, never make anything to get really noticed and never put down people's throats that they're the real deal... I really wouldn't be surprise it's indeed the twins account managed by Mambo... Anyway, they're always posting videos and pics of them on Madonna's account, so that's only logical mama make them an account as she cannot post them all the time on her proffesional account.
  16. Thanks but actually they don't have any news. They just re-use the same "She over rehearsed for 12 hours a day" gossip that had been posted days ago and just add up a few useless supposed insider info like "some people dared to tell her this is too much"...
  17. Can you imagine how we will feel the moment we will get an Instagram notification that Madonna has made a new post !!
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