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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. When i see her at the premiere looking so hot with all these actors i wanna see her acting in a movie again and be part of all the promo with the cast... It's been so long, i need it again !
  2. The new pics she has poste on Insta are absolutely breathtaking 😮 Literally my fav in like 15 years 😮😮😮😍😍😍
  3. The closing ceremony is August 11th, so in 15 days. Why would Gaga be already there in Paris ?! I'm also from France and i've actually heard that Celine and Gaga will both sing for the opening, even a duet on "La vie en rose" is rumored
  4. Uhhh ? Ok but why ate saying that to me ??! I don't get it ??!
  5. Oh i've made my comments thinking people were arguing over "Love hurts" like mentionned in the title of the thread 😂 i've just read the whole thread and realise it's about "Goodbye to innocence" 😂😂😂
  6. I've just listened to "Love hurts" on Youtube and if the ones i have played are the real deal than it's just an early demo of "Erotica" to me... An early concept wich evolved musically and thematically when she brought in the idea of the Dita personna... To me she didn't "ditch" the song, she just made it evolve till the final stage which is "Erotica". Again i'm no expert to the Erotica era and the chronology of the recordings so i could be wrong, i just give my opinion from what i hear on "Love hurts".
  7. No apparently there's another one. The one teased in the teaser is not supposed to be Celine Dion but the other one. That's what i've read...
  8. Similar shoes... Also the "big star" is supposed to be a surprise and as we speak Gaga is parading and exhibing herself in Paris waving at fans etc...
  9. Another thing that could hint she could be the mystery performer at the opening of the Olympics and that i have not mentionned on my post on the previous page is her posts from a few weeks ago where dhe posted about a secret and wrote Paris is burning...
  10. I also think it's a possibility. Apparently there's a surprise performer which name hasn't been revealed yet. We know that French president loves Madonna cause she's the one he wanted to sing for the show when he became president (but she was too expensive). Also today the official teaser for the ceremony has been published with the supposed suprise performer hidden under an armour and when i watch it the body language makes me think of M. The fact she's in London so very close to Paris makes it very possible. Now i read that she was with dancers in London... Let's wait and see... Here's the teaser : https://youtu.be/H6bAAy1Capw?si=ZRB3GRRTSfqdQC-m
  11. Ok tired of this topic, the long discussion in the unreleased music videos thread and now that one... I'm not gonna argue and repeat again and again the same thing. If only i knew i would have never talked about that video... I just said that there's an unreleased video of M dancing on a tread mill with blue sweat pants and the song is Give it 2 me. I've been told it was for a music video (then scrapped), but maybe it was meant for a backdrop video or maybe for nothing, just for fun. Now everyone is free to believe what he wants to believe. We don't have the video nor the official reason for this video so no one is right and no one is wrong at this point. Peace to everyone and it's the last time i discuss this topic. ✌️
  12. If you believe that Madonna dances her ass off in all her photoshoots and ask to be filmed while dancing like crazy for more than one hour, it's your right. On a side note, the "silly" comment was unecessary, i respect you and i expect the same in return. If you need to be insulting to prove your points it's sad really.
  13. She was also shooting a backdrop music video during that shoot 😉
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