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Unapologetic Bitches
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RebelHeARTPOP last won the day on August 26 2016

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About RebelHeARTPOP

  • Birthday 11/30/1995

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La Isla Bonita

La Isla Bonita (18/89)



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  1. I get it now. I completely understand why you guys hate on Lady Gaga's fanbase. I get it 1000x over. Bunch of stuck up pricks who decide to compare apples and oranges with their revolting closed minded bias. I get it so fuckin much now. I'm sorry you all put up with us.

    1. Fighter


      both fanbases can get ugly tbh and look at prince fans today. nah maam

    2. RebelHeARTPOP


      But it's with anything that she does. It breaks my heart that people can justify such hatred towards a beautiful soul. A revolutionary human and a groundbreaker, it just hurts that one of my childhood icons and now my 20s icon just gets thrashed like a wet napkin caught in garbage disposal.

    3. Fighter


      its silly fanbase drama. Honestly they need to move on from the hatred cos its dumb. and what goes around comes back around. After reading comments about M's performance, Id like to believe that if someone was tributing her I would be very respectful.

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