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Rebel Hearts
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Everything posted by G_O_N_E

  1. You have nothing to worry about. The 19 track and 25 track release is going to WOW critics. It's a very, very strong album, very diverse yet still cohesive. Some awesome changes were made. We should be thankful she took the time to work additionally on some of these tracks. Fans would be complaining if she released the same leaked songs, just as they will with the edits she's made.A lot of the songs were changed prior to the leaks anyway.
  2. There are rough mixes, no real demos. This, along with Queen and few others were not logged or uploaded to any server or database. They recorded the track and kept improving on it.
  3. There are always rumored or fake titles with every release. Madonna also uses a lot of "working titles" - Flirtation Dance / Skin. Same thing happened, a lot of people assumed Bang Bang was Gang Bang, when they were two entirely different songs. There are many demos from this session. Natalia Kills worked with Madonna on 7 tracks, only a few are seeing a release. Same story with Diplo.
  4. There are male background vocals on a lot of the album
  5. Yeezus loves my p@ssy best!

    1. Midnight Shift

      Midnight Shift

      Does it taste like Holy Water?

    2. Frank


      HW new lyrics line?

    3. LZE
  6. Sounds like Jorge 2.0 to me. What about all of these pictures and videos that were stolen?
  7. No changes yet. I'm also fairly confident that you can't redownload the songs more than once with preorders.
  8. Haha, plus you have the edited Walmart and Target editions, each with their respective bonus tracks :D
  9. It doesn't really make sense, their logic with releases. So dozens of songs leak, you rush 6 songs to ITunes, okay, great. Another dozen leak, and nothing... The "lead" single has yet to impact radio after being available for nearly a month... 5 remixes are publicly shared where they could be on ITunes as well... You're right Fighter, they don't ride the hype, they let it fizzle out before acting on it.
  10. They're already dragging their feet, as usual...Mixes should be on iTunes, song should have been on radio the week after it was released. It ain't 1990 anymore folks...
  11. They didn't. From the beginning it was never intended for a 2014 release.
  12. False. They will be fixed, they haven't been released
  13. No! When I say NEW, I mean brand new, never heard before. You JUST asked me how many songs she recorded along with Ghosttown, and now you're claiming one more new song...Did I say anything about re-recorded? No. The vocals from the demos are the same vocals she used for the 5 released songs. They only thing added was the few lyrics to Living For Love!
  14. Again, nothing, no where has been remastered or released.
  15. I'll just say this, 43 songs were recorded from March-June, 4 months time.She spent another 4 months in the studio after they were alerted of the breach... Many many more songs were recorded.
  16. All brand new songs have been kept tightly under wraps.
  17. Exactly, and like I mentioned she recorded new tracks for 4 months.
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