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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. Absolutely the best! And she seems to in a very good shape
  2. "ISIS DOES NOT REPRESENT THE KORAN" Tomorrow she'll be on the Isis blacklist
  3. Ok THIS IS THE INTERVIEW OF MY LIFE: all about politics. I do need subtitled file for this! I LOVE HER AND ADMIRE HER COURAGE!
  4. It's starting now, after the news, this is the link I'm wathing http://www.canalplus...nd-journal.html
  5. It's starting now, after the news, this is the link I'm wathing http://www.canalplus.fr/c-divertissement/c-le-grand-journal/pid5641-le-live-du-grand-journal.html
  6. Here we are, I'm sure they're gonna ask her about Marine Le Pen party
  7. I don't know, but considered how it's presented on the press announcement, I think this time we can really hope
  8. I don't know, but JT did something like this with Jimmy Fallon a pair of years ago... hope so
  9. I think she's going to be there for just one day and tape 5 different songs (and maybe an interview) that will be aired along the week. In that case it would be really awesome and she would definitely sing one of her old standards also :clap:
  10. https://instagram.com/p/ztHg6gmEUp/?modal=true Beautiful on Instagram from France
  11. https://instagram.com/p/zsncR0tTRw/?modal=true
  12. https://instagram.com/p/zsmW73OdEa/?modal=true Again I can't upload photographs, but she looked gorgeous in red
  13. GHOSTTOWN WILL BE IN THE RADIO FROM MARCH 13TH (according to DrownedMadonna)
  14. Taping's over, it seems to have been very very nice, she was funny and very open, with the crowd laughing at some "diva" jokes. She sang "Devil Pray" at the beginning and, after the interview, she left with "GhostTown" She spoke with Fazio for around 25 minutes and joked with him ("Stop interrupting! I was speaking before!" or "I don't understand what kind of question was that" - all in a funny way, they say). She also talked about art, omosexuality and of course music. Bad news for the italian fans: she will perform just for ONE only show here in Italy, in Turin (in a very small venue for her standards) on the 21st of november... FUCK!
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm6DdntUvCk
  16. Some funny details: As you saw in the pictures there are many people for her, but she got in by a secondary entrance She has 58 people with her She asks to avoid yellow roses on the set and in her dressingroom (how difficult she is about flowers!!!) It seems they will make a toast during the interview (hope she won't make the "drink game" with Fazio: he's a very sweet guy who would hardly bare too much alcohol) She is to start the taping, in a very few minutes
  17. It will be aired on the 8th of march, I post you the link of Che tempo che fa live streaming, it begins around 8pm Paris/Rome time zone (anyway I'm sure you will find it again next sunday) http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/dirette/PublishingBlock-eedb4649-b6c4-4892-a5a9-e2ca63b54bd8.html
  18. Yes, she's a beautiful woman of her age, with a wonderful mature and yet very contemporary album: RESPECT!
  19. Hope so, even if (I already wrote that in another thread) I do prefer her as she's in this picture, with not too much make up: she IS beautiful! Just a personal opinion, please don't hate me for that
  20. Just one clarification about her look, M still has to tape her appearance at Che Tempo Che Fa, the picture above is from reharsals
  21. Thank you Frank and YES, she looks absolutely faboulus!!! She won't perform Living for Love in Italy, but Devil Pray and GhostTown
  22. Guys unfiortunately I'm not allowed to upload photoes in here, but on this link there's a first picture of M in Italian tv show Che Tempo Che Fa reharsals, just finished https://www.facebook.com/272942696098343/photos/a.629153213810621.1073741825.272942696098343/835706939821913/?type=1&theater
  23. Yes, it will be taped tomorrow and aired on the 8th of march
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