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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. No problem then. I saw your post quoted my knida humrous post so, of course elaborating your point, I thought you were also answering to that. So when it came to "This idea that people are criticize for their sexual preference is ridiculous" I really was WTF??? It's ok anyway, a normal chat misunderstanding I respect you too.
  2. I was joking!!! C'me on, I put two ironic emoticons at the end of that obviously stupid question It's 25 years, since my first university day, I go on studying social anthropology and what I do every day for a living is to meet, listen to and help people to face their difficulties as a counselor. How can you imagine me writing such a stereotyped phrase with an even remotely serious attitude? I have to say I feel kind of disappointed right now, I mean, we do chat a lot on here ...
  3. May we say that straight men, with all the obvious exceptions, are usually a very powerful and yet immensly boring and basic audience?
  4. My opinion is always the same. I can't see it as a coincidence, it's a marketing operation and has a precise signature: Warner Music. They are getting back her credibility, thaey are using all the possible channels to make her historic tracks back to their well deserved glory. The actors of the movie are talking a lot about the song, the brilliance of the scene and her role in the improvement basically in every interview. They are asked to do so, it's part of the deal. She also went to the premiere in London, I mean ... who goes to a premiere just cause they use one of their old songs? Instead of what told in front of the cameras, Warner was probably looking for the right big movie to make an operation like this. I can be wrong of course, but I'm quite convinced this is another good marketing step, moved by her company.
  5. Oooh I'm italian, I love pasta: let me taste it! Say that to Emily!
  6. She still is, but a different kind of beauty today: I definitely wouldn't use that pic to talk about M's beauty and charisma today. So yes it's a "WAS" for me, this is a gorgeous moment in time.
  7. Just to remember how charismatic and beautiful she was, from a fb page
  8. The real problem with the timing here is honestly that, specifically ABOUT PROPOSING NEW MUSICAL PROJECTS, at this point age matters guys. That's all. Dedicating two or three more years to a movie neither her entire fandom is insterested about is a choice I respect but wich risks to penalize part of her audience. It is definitely her right to do so of course and I agree she doesn't have to care that much about keeping the general public interest high as a young teens pop singer, she is in another league since at least two decades imo (the Rio effect was a huge opportunity if she wanted to try to get one more chart opportunity, even just one good summer single, she chose not to try it and that's ok), BUT it's a pity for too many of us: releasing a record at 66 is different than at 70 under many pints of view (and let's not start with absurd parallels, also for Cher, who doesn't make real original music records since 2013). Just saying that.
  9. Yeah this is an excellent plan. If she really has to do this thing, that would be the best way possuble: a series (maybe also just a two seasons one, the first part till Vogue and BA, the creation of the myth, and the second mainly till 2005, like the tour did, and then going quicker: 20 episodes), coproduced and co-directed by the Murphy team and a great score wich mixes old classics with 8, 9 new songs ... but unfortunately this is rational
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