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Drum Dub

Unapologetic Bitches
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About Drum Dub

  • Birthday May 22

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  • Location
    Buenos Aires
  • M Fan Since

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Bye Bye Baby

Bye Bye Baby (39/89)



  1. According to this video it looks like he is auctioning his Keep it Together Jean Paul Gaultier vest. Is interesting as it looks like the one used by Kevin Stea and not hes (or maybe every dancer had two models to switch).
  2. Wow what a night!!!! Just watched the entire show in amazing quality through twitter stream, no apps, no subscriptions, no VPN.
  3. Somebody knows if they removed the walls?
  4. Probably was as we call it in Ballet/Opera world a Pre-general rehearsal, when we try costumes and lights but not necessarily headpieces, wigs or makeup. This combination of hair and dress looks good, it reminds me of that Hollywood unused footage:
  5. Great News!! Let's hope next one doesn't take that much time.
  6. A reliable source told me she will throw empty holographic sleeves, then the vinyls will be thrown on a second suprise show with Nicky and Donna in Jesus Luz Backyard in São Paulo. In order to participate for tickets to this second show you need to record on reverse Birthday Song and send it to Guy O via tiktok.
  7. hello there

    I really do like your beard - in the picture you had before this it was even more enjoyable.


    tenga un buendía


  8. As a psychologist myself I say thank you! Really nice to know there's empathy and hope for a more inclusive environment. Glad you both enjoyed the show
  9. I would love a zoetrope vinyl with the ass shaking scene from Fever for 32 anniversary in 2025
  10. The remaining of 2024 she will have some rest and fun. 2025 looking for inspiration and maybe work on other projects. 2026 Continues with other projects and starts gathering with producers. 2027 recording, 2028 New album Madonna 70
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