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Everything posted by RUADJAI

  1. Madonna has always been outspoken about her beliefs, but after American Life she started commenting on US Presidents both good and bad. This continued until The Rebel Heart tour. I'm curious as to why all the sudden she chose not to speak up either for a candidate or against one. Especially when we have the candidates we do. It could be a simple answer as it didn't fit the themes of the show, but I do feel it was a conscious decision rather than thinking she just didn't think about it. what do you guys think?
  2. Let it Will Be! Madonna alone on stage is everything!! When she's not relying on back up dancers or guitars...... just Madonna. Also Like it or Not Nobody Knows Me Where's the Party (first half) I'm sure theres more.
  3. @@Holy_Water ill give u hints. 15 minutes Living for Love Live America
  4. Also Ring My Bell is not a cover. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. What's your definition of released? I'm pretty sure Madonna didn't release a cover in this time period. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Like an angel passing through my room? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. My Top 5 would be: 1.Future Lovers/I Feel Love 2.Vogue Reinvention 3.Like a Virgin BAT 4.Express Yourself BAT 5.Vogue S&S Honorable mentions: Fever Girlie Show Let it Will Be Holiday Reinvention Get Together You Thrill Me
  8. Was it released as a B Side to a single? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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