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Posts posted by PWCCA

  1. 7 hours ago, Arckangel said:

    I never said you did. I told you (and other members) what would happen if Mo put down her guitar. 

    Note: Madonna did not play the guitar on her first four tours. That did not take anything away from her artistry or credibility as an author/composer. But (having already played live guitar in her early years) she chose to incorporate it again to her live act, starting from the Don't Tell Me promo tour in late year 2000, followed by the Drowned World Tour the following year. It's been a great addition, IMO, as it gives her a bit more cred and gives a lil' rock element to her concerts.

    If Madonna put down her guitar, she can actually focus on the things that she is actually good at. 20+ years doing the same three chord play, whilst being backed up by real guitar players doesn't look so good. its as if she is playing the image of a guitar player rather than actually playing the guitar with any skill. It worked as a novelty on DWT, but began to wear thin on subsequent tours... especially as it became obvious that her skill had not improved. If she wants a 'lil' rock element' to her tours, then she is better off hiring a real band with real skilled musicians, and she can stick to what she actually does well.

    Also, there really is no need to bring up Gaga all the time. I get it, you don't like her... but why compare?

  2. 10 hours ago, Arckangel said:

    No. Putting it down would be one more reason for some to say Gaga is the better musician. It's a good thing for Madonna to play a couple of songs at least on the guitar. Gaga was wrong to imply Madonna does not compose, produce and play instruments. As a matter of fact, Madonna's got nine sole songwriting credits, while Gaga's only got three. Madonna confirmed in SongTalk decades ago that she does co-compose her instrumentals (in addition to writing lyrics and composing vocal melodies).

    Even then! Gaga does not sound any better on the guitar (she mostly plays the piano), so... I love Gaga, by the way, but I was scandalized when she claimed Madonna does not write nor produce at all!

    Was she ever a real fan, she would have known Madonna's always been very involved in songwriting (lyrics, melodies, instrumentals) and production. Yes, Madonna often receives tracks she then adds top-lines to, but as mentioned in SongTalk, in such cases, she will still rewrite or at least rework them, and Madonna's written plenty of stuff from the scratch. And she should have known Madonna plays several instruments.

    I never mentioned Gaga.

  3. A Madame X one... HELL NO!... that mess is long dead now. Very few people bought the album, even less will go for a remix effort. If a remix album were to be released, then it really would have to feature selections from her whole career, focusing on certain fan favourites... preferably with brand new mixes that are unavailable on any previous releases. I quite like the idea of a remix album mixed by just one producer. The recent Diana Ross 'Supertonic' remix album (mixed by Eric Kupper) was pretty good

  4. 9 hours ago, Semtex1 said:

    Well in the early nineties I went to Hong Kong and couldn't believe my luck at the night market. There were stalls selling nothing but cd's and vcd's and I came back to London with about 15 Madonna cd,s... different versions and mixes but it was her images on the front. Got back to London and was so excited only to find it was some random Chinese girl singing cover versions.  I should have guessed as they even got the spelling wrong on the tracklisting 'Like a Wirgin'. Those little tricksters

    Those HK night markets were fantastic. I used to buy all my Madonna shirts from those... especially the one in Temple Street

  5. On 10/27/2020 at 11:49 AM, Enrico said:


    Madonna one-of-a-kind 1980 demo cassette ; includes full band studio recordings as well as a rehearsal room-sound take; this sounds like it has been overdubbed on the original content intended. These versions of known songs, "Hear Me" (also called "Shine A Light" sometimes) / "Safe Neighborhood" / "Little Boy Lost" are very similar to the ones on the independently released cd single by Mia Mind ("Shine A Light"), but here are presented with their original intros and endings, not edited at all like on the cd. We hear Madonna do the counting before songs start, we hear drum jammings. The exclusive song "I'm A Prisoner", unheard by the public to this day, could be the early incarnation of a later period song, "Prisoner". It sounds very similar in style and vocals to the other ones, although it's a bit more raw.


    Some Infinity members have it, so I hope it will be leaked before I die.

    I would die if this (and others) leak. I have always adored pre-fame Madonna... I love the rawness.

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