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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Did you sign off with Sincerely ? That always does the trick
  2. That’s embarrassing 😆 that woman literally has no idea what she’s doing
  3. He also confirmed it’s definitely not a ballad and she doesn’t sing in French on the song. we should just hound him with millions of questions about this song so he releases it lol
  4. He says she confirmed it in a live chat, not in a comment. So if anyone has their latest chat we can hear it. I asked him to get that for us so we can have official confirmation
  5. I’m pretty sure he’s meaning two different songs completely. He’s talked about other songs evolving such as Paradise. There is a version with him singing it, there’s a version with Leticia Casta singing it, and then Madonna’s version which she rewrote most of the lyrics.
  6. Shirley Manson has Indeed confirmed it is true on instagram
  7. You distinctly remember? How old are you???!? 😂🤔
  8. https://www.facebook.com/reel/973364117854640?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=xCPwDs Nellee Hoopper used Madonna’s moans from Bedtime Story in his remix of Garbage’s #1 Crush for the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack. One of my favourite songs and I had not idea, but now that I know I can totally hear it. Pretty cool. I wonder if she got paid for that
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