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The Grammy’s 2023


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I know MJ / Whitney / Prince and George Michael are gone but Janet, Mariah, Kate Bush and plenty of huge rock stars such as Springsteen, Phil Collins, Bono, Jon Bon Jovi are still with us. Those are also her peers. 

There are also plenty of icons from the decades before are still here too. Deborah Harry, Cher, Dolly, Tina Turner, Diana Ross, as are all of ABBA, Elton. Stevie Wonder. I know M is the last of the Holy Trinity but she's not completely on her own. 

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31 minutes ago, N3onNostalgic said:

I tired defending her on twitter because a lot of people were slagging her off over her "new look" then a bunch of people said I was an awful person cause I was defending a "child trafficker" which made me delete my tweet.

why would you delete your tweet and admit defeat? people need to know these are right wing trolls

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3 hours ago, RebelHeart said:

So tv is dead, right? Social media also - so what is alive?

Add the press and touring to the mix.

2 hours ago, IconicQueen said:

You guys care more about how the public perceives her and what they think  of her than she does.

Exactly, it's like some people value more the validation of their opinions by random strangers than their opinions. It's high school all over again. 

3 minutes ago, N3onNostalgic said:

I tired defending her on twitter because a lot of people were slagging her off over her "new look" then a bunch of people said I was an awful person cause I was defending a "child trafficker" which made me delete my tweet.

This is why i say social media is dead and shouldn't be taken seriously. We need to detach from it faster than we are now. It completly eradicated truth and replaced it by the opinion of unemployed Karens in the midwest who have all the time in the world to troll and why should we give the time of the day to someone like that we wouldn't even aknowledge the existence in real life ? Suddenly we end up in online wars with people we don't care about IRL. It feels like the whole world but it's not, it's just a small pond.

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5 hours ago, sara94 said:

Fillers can be removed and Botox dissolves after a few months so she could totally have her 2018 face back if she / her teams wants to.

While it's true that Botox only offers temporary tranquillisation of muscles that produce wrinkles, fillers are a lot more complicated to dissolve than people think.

All of this is mostly speculation, but it's pretty obvious that she's undergone several different filler and possibly even fat transfer procedures through the years. It starts to get messy when filler is placed on pre-existing filler. After a while, some (old) fillers tend to spread which makes them difficult to localise and dissolve effectively using hyaluronidase. Combined with a fat transfer, it becomes nearly impossible to really control and "revert" someone's facial appearance. The result is a puffy and overfilled look.

The main question, after many years of filler getting placed on filler after filler, is – even if it were possible – whether someone's skin is even in a condition that would aesthetically benefit from previous filler getting dissolved. Patients above 40, due to the natural ageing process, often encounter a significant loss of skin elasticity. If a significant amount of filler volume were to be dissolved, the face would be at risk to notably sag which isn't exactly what those who get fillers to compensate for natural loss of volume want to achieve. 

Her full face might as well, and I think this is far more likely, be due to natural weight gain. She's been through hip replacement surgery and months of pain leading up to it. Combine pain killers with an obvious lack of exercise and it is what it is. I don't doubt for a second that she will or probably already has undergone extensive physiotherapy and training in preparation for the tour. I'd be surprised if she hadn't lost two stones by the time the tour starts.

Those images across the past one and a half years were just a coverup to hide her procedures if you ask me. It makes sense time-wise with regards to the tour as well. By the time she hits the road in July, she will look the way she’s "supposed" to look thanks to the nip and tuck. Facial surgery takes at least six months up to a whole year to settle in. Swelling, especially in older patients, can linger around for a very long time and it takes a while for the skin to reclaim its natural elasticity.

Personally, I really don't think she's ever looked that different. Throughout it all, she always looked like herself, I think. 

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14 minutes ago, acolyte said:

Her full face might as well, and I think this is far more likely, be due to natural weight gain. She's been through hip replacement surgery and months of pain leading up to it. Combine pain killers with an obvious lack of exercise and it is what it is. I don't doubt for a second that she will or probably already has undergone extensive physiotherapy and training in preparation for the tour. I'd be surprised if she hadn't lost two stones by the time the tour starts.

I think this is a very interesting thing to point out, and I rarely see it being talked about enough. It's always beating the dead horse about all the usual things...but, just a possibility, what if it's just part of aging, particularly for a woman...and even more so, personal health issues that are her private business (and that we may never know about). It's so easy to judge because we're all on the outside looking in, but knowing plenty of folks in my own life whose appearance has changed as often come down to various health issues (that were ultimately out of their control) that they eventually disclosed in confidence. It was was so easy to judge or "be concerned" when I didn't know the whole story. There's just so many different things that can affect someone's overall appearance and body shape, even if they've had 'work' done. Anyway, just something to consider.

And I've had a parent recently have a hip replacement (like M's) and it's taken a LONG time to recover. It's been hard as hell on them. Let alone the pain they were experiencing for years on end leading up to it. And as someone who deals with several health issues, including pain management, it can be hell on earth. I wish there was far more empathy on that issue.


14 minutes ago, acolyte said:

Personally, I really don't think she's ever looked that different. Throughout it all, she always looked like herself, I think. 

Yep. Me too.

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2 minutes ago, VogueMusic said:

I think this is a very interesting thing to point out, and I rarely see it being talked about enough. It's always beating the dead horse about all the usual things...but, just a possibility, what if it's just part of aging, particularly for a woman...and even more so, personal health issues that are her private business (and that we may never know about). It's so easy to judge because we're all on the outside looking in, but knowing plenty of folks in my own life whose appearance has changed as often come down to various health issues (that were ultimately out of their control) that they eventually disclosed in confidence. It was was so easy to judge or "be concerned" when I didn't know the whole story. There's just so many different things that can affect someone's overall appearance and body shape, even if they've had 'work' done. Anyway, just something to consider.

And I've had a parent recently have a hip replacement (like M's) and it's taken a LONG time to recover. It's been hard as hell on them.


Yep. Me too.

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said! :heart:

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Ok, i've finally watched her grammy intro. All this fuss about that ? I'm pretty sure most of the room did not see her and had to watch her on screen because of where she was placed.

I've seen the same cold reaction from fans at her concerts during her banters. 

It was cute and really nice to support Kim Petras and especially Sam Smith at a moment they are trashed because they dare do something out of the box and i think it's very very fitting Madonna presented Smith because they are both attacked by the same body nazis within the gay community.

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2 minutes ago, N3onNostalgic said:

I know but my mental health hasn't been great recently all that negativity was really getting to my head.

Get off Twitter. Really. It's really bad for your mental health. I can't repeat enough how leaving it improved my health. It triggers the hate in all of us.

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8 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

Get off Twitter. Really. It's really bad for your mental health. I can't repeat enough how leaving it improved my health. It triggers the hate in all of us.

it's difficult, because I get what @N3onNostalgic is saying. I want to stay away from twitter too, but part of me thinks it's a win when I can inform the ignorant yet open minded few.

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35 minutes ago, lalalagirl said:

it's difficult, because I get what @N3onNostalgic is saying. I want to stay away from twitter too, but part of me thinks it's a win when I can inform the ignorant yet open minded few.

I've found that when you're expressing yourself on twitter and present facts that directly contradict someone's beliefs the person tends to double down and believe even harder despite facts easily debunking their beliefs, I mean look at all the conspiracy theories and general misniformation people believed during lockdowns that's still going on today

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41 minutes ago, lalalagirl said:

it's difficult, because I get what @N3onNostalgic is saying. I want to stay away from twitter too, but part of me thinks it's a win when I can inform the ignorant yet open minded few.

You are not informing anyone. People believe what they want to believe and social media validated this because they found other haters online and together they think they are onto something when it's just plain hatred and madness. This is how Capitol happened. You won't change anyone's mind because what they say and think is not based on facts and reason. you can't reason with someone who is resolute. You'll only end up angry and it's not a great feeling for your body and soul. When i was on Twitter 24/7 i felt the world was a darker place than it really is because it's all about expressing one's hate in a capacity you can't irl (even though thanks to social media, people have lost their superego and react the same way irl), the more your life frustrates you, the more you want to beat down people you think have it better than you or are different than you because most people think we all shoud think the same and some feel threatened to their core by people who think differently than they do. For most people now, Twitter is like screaming their frustration in a pillow. 

When i say to get off social media it's not even about Madonna, it's just me sharing my experience with it and telling people to save themself, it's self care, i'm not imposing or judging you, i'm just saying take care of yourself, what Twitter makes you feel (anger, hatred, frustration...) is not good for you and unnecessary because this hate they spread has no reason and you can't have a discussion without reason.

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To me, the hateful comments about her face aren't even the worse thing to read about her rn but the disgusting conspiracies about Child trafficking and satanism. What can she do to stop the lies? I feel like its getting worse everyday with the viral tweets & tik toks. 

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