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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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1 minute ago, androiduser said:

Not sure if that makes much sense, as he was a new up-and-coming producer when she was already a major superstar, the power imbalance was not on his side, compared to him abusing young actresses starting their career.

You do realize that while Madonna was huge she had little weight in the film industry correct? Plus it's pretty stupid to base that on someone's career. There's lots of people who get sexually assaulted by someone where their job position is irrelevant right? Unless you think that's a defense. Oh its ok if i grabbed her, I'm the mail man and she's a business executive 🙄 unbelievable. Hope nobody in your family circle or friends have gotten assaulted because you seem like you'd blame them by that response.

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1 hour ago, Alpha said:

You do realize that while Madonna was huge she had little weight in the film industry correct? Plus it's pretty stupid to base that on someone's career. There's lots of people who get sexually assaulted by someone where their job position is irrelevant right? Unless you think that's a defense. Oh its ok if i grabbed her, I'm the mail man and she's a business executive 🙄 unbelievable. Hope nobody in your family circle or friends have gotten assaulted because you seem like you'd blame them by that response.

EDIT: never mind, whatever

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It's worth noting that there are levels to being a Trump Supporter. 

Some are nazis, yes. But some are just semi rich (reality stars, semi famous music artists) and want to not be taxed more by democratic leaders (Democrats tax the rich, Republicans tax the poor... but they lie and the poor don't realize it). Some are racist. But some are just enthralled with Trump the TV personality. and a lot of them are just regular people who are fed up with American leadership in general... which I'm sure a lot of Democrats can identify with because the working class is NOT thriving.  Nothing gets done in Washington because one branch always interferes with another branch. and so they heard Trump say.... "drain the swamp" and thought he really was gonna change Washington. When in reality he is a snake oil salesman like the fortune teller in the Wizard of Oz saying what they want to hear to better himself. There are also dumb poor people who think Trump is just gonna give them hand outs like he did during the pandemic. 

From spending literally 30 seconds on his page it seems he falls into the semi rich category who want to keep as much of their money as possible. Which I understand. The political idea that is always presented is either tax the rich more or tax the poor (this one is never said out loud, but done by Republicans while they lie to the poor peoples faces), but no one ever stands up and says "the government has enough no one needs to be taxed more".  The idea that the US government needs more money from any group is a false choice. 

We can't lump any Trump supporter into this homogenous group of racist, dumb, conspiracy theorist, anti LGBTQ, white nationalist  group because sometimes it's just one thing that hooks people in. and they don't necessarily agree with the anti LGBTQ stuff but they really don't want their hard earned money going to wars in other countries. 

It's so easy to just lump people together and banish them, but you then get mad when people turn around and do it to you. And they do. But then how are you any better than they are? You have to be able to have compassion for people who are mislead without feeling like you are above them. The world is complicated and it's extremely easy to be misguided... especially in this world of social media when any person has an audience and there are so many regurgitating whatever they see and there are adversary countries actively taking advantage of this by having "comment farms" where they just spam the comment sections of YouTube and Twitter to make Americans hate each other. 

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10 hours ago, Blue Skies said:

I always did find it hypocritical M fans that raged on Gaga for working with R Kelly.


I mean I find it hard to believe M didn't know Harvey's deal.  

Well for one, Madonna didn’t write a song whose title and lyrics alluded to his crimes and then invite him to sing on it, or go on an interview spree claiming they’ve both had untruths written about them. Oh, and she didn’t pretend to fellate him onstage, or make a music video where he played a doctor messing with her unconscious body. So, that’s the difference for me. :fantasy:


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2 hours ago, RUADJAI said:

It's worth noting that there are levels to being a Trump Supporter. 

Some are nazis, yes. But some are just semi rich (reality stars, semi famous music artists) and want to not be taxed more by democratic leaders (Democrats tax the rich, Republicans tax the poor... but they lie and the poor don't realize it). Some are racist. But some are just enthralled with Trump the TV personality. and a lot of them are just regular people who are fed up with American leadership in general... which I'm sure a lot of Democrats can identify with because the working class is NOT thriving.  Nothing gets done in Washington because one branch always interferes with another branch. and so they heard Trump say.... "drain the swamp" and thought he really was gonna change Washington. When in reality he is a snake oil salesman like the fortune teller in the Wizard of Oz saying what they want to hear to better himself. There are also dumb poor people who think Trump is just gonna give them hand outs like he did during the pandemic. 

From spending literally 30 seconds on his page it seems he falls into the semi rich category who want to keep as much of their money as possible. Which I understand. The political idea that is always presented is either tax the rich more or tax the poor (this one is never said out loud, but done by Republicans while they lie to the poor peoples faces), but no one ever stands up and says "the government has enough no one needs to be taxed more".  The idea that the US government needs more money from any group is a false choice. 

We can't lump any Trump supporter into this homogenous group of racist, dumb, conspiracy theorist, anti LGBTQ, white nationalist  group because sometimes it's just one thing that hooks people in. and they don't necessarily agree with the anti LGBTQ stuff but they really don't want their hard earned money going to wars in other countries. 

It's so easy to just lump people together and banish them, but you then get mad when people turn around and do it to you. And they do. But then how are you any better than they are? You have to be able to have compassion for people who are mislead without feeling like you are above them. The world is complicated and it's extremely easy to be misguided... especially in this world of social media when any person has an audience and there are so many regurgitating whatever they see and there are adversary countries actively taking advantage of this by having "comment farms" where they just spam the comment sections of YouTube and Twitter to make Americans hate each other. 

If people decide to turn a blind eye on all the nazi, misogynistic and racist propaganda Trump and his cult spew and support him just because they think it will benefit them personally / financially, they are a big part of the problem. Just as the racist antisemitic Germans who supported Hitler were a part of the problem. 

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12 hours ago, Shoful said:


Only posting this to show how ironic it is that Madonna collabed with him on an Anti Trump album. She should really do her research before collabing with the next big idiot especially on a political album  

Solo version when :drama:

I mean he has some scam crypto too and believes he is paying thousands of taxes that go abroad. Makes sense


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Her cravings get dangerous.

They worked together five years ago. A lot can happen in that time. And I guess she doesn't make them fill a personal questionary when working with them (except for the horoscope sign).

Song is still one of her finest from the 10s. Should have been a proper hit and would have been with a younger artist. I always thought it had a very Halsey vibe to it.

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I love the gaga duet, and most of all because of HIS performance, his vocals are gorgeous. Oks he is a criminal, but should we judge some artístic input by the real perdón behind? Should we see movies done by Pollanski? Not seeing blond ambition cause she was a narcisistic person at that time, judging from her truth or dare movie. In my opinión we should look at the artistic excellence of each input and then leave the law do its work. That s my controversial,  probably, opinion.

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That was 6 years ago. Let’s just say she still works with Oseary and that aside from the “stop killing children” vanilla posts she hasn’t said something deep about Palestine (but I was shocked she changed Istrael to Palestine on Killers on the Madame X Tour). 

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5 hours ago, Prayer said:

Her cravings get dangerous.

They worked together five years ago. A lot can happen in that time. And I guess she doesn't make them fill a personal questionary when working with them (except for the horoscope sign).

Song is still one of her finest from the 10s. Should have been a proper hit and would have been with a younger artist. I always thought it had a very Halsey vibe to it.

Exactly. The collab was 5 years ago. People change and sometimes the people around those people change and get them wound up about things they haven’t done their own research on. Whether it’s someone’s next door neighbor or Maybe Swae Lee got a new manager who’s a Trumper etc. Anyway, that was a good song but I doubt she’d collaborate w him if he was vocal about it back in 2019.

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can we stop attempting to cancel people who simply don't align with our own political beliefs? I see this shit everywhere on the liberal end. The left is supposed to be the more tolerant side but somehow lately it feels like liberals are becoming the Neo fascists. "Either you believe 100% what we do or you're a nazi, -phobe, bigot" and so on. It's gotten completely out of hands. People have valid reasons for being dissatisfied how the country has been run, same in Europe, It's their right to vote how they see fit. It's part of democracy.


This group think nonsense is not helping. 


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I have friends voting for Trump and they are gay, liberal, progressive, kind, compassionate and hard-working people.

Theyre not voting for the man, but for the policies which, if examined closely, just recenter alot of stuff.

Remember when we used to do that? Voting on policy vs identity.

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