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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by Aiwa08

  1. 24 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    No worries! It's all about music culture and tradition in the end. Japan is the second music market in the world and it's a "small" country as well. Historically the UK has always been one of the biggest and the place for trends and discoveries in music.

    Germany was and is quite a big music market still. Italy and Spain were, when CD sales were at their highest (late 90s), nowadays not anymore.

    I would argue that it's not just about the size of the market, but the trends that those markets set. The US and UK have historically been the ones driving global trends, whereas Japan, despite having a large market, has had very little influence in the West (and I say this as someone who loves Japan).

  2. 13 minutes ago, Adonna said:

    Unfortunately, you're most likely right here.  So it's just further proof we should just concentrate on what we enjoy and let the chips fall where they may.  At least, we know in our life time she's made a huge impact on culture and many people's lives. 


    I often think about donating my collection to a place that preserves historical items like records, videos, and so on, before I pass away. I want to make sure it is preserved for future generations. However, where I live, I’m not sure where to do that—there’s only a small library. 


  3. 37 minutes ago, Adonna said:

    LOL!  Seriously though, I do think sometimes how much Madonna will be remember even 50 to 100 years from now?  We may have a good 15 or so years still with her being quite active, which will help introduce her to a couple more generations, but after that, I'm just curious how much she will be remembered after she passes... especially 50 years or so on from it. We live in a age where things are tossed aside so quickly anymore.  It's possible the 80's, might not be as impressive to people by then. Too much would have happened since then.  

    Sadly, Madonna will eventually become just a name in music history. Her work will be archived, and at most, only those studying music history will listen to her. The general public, even the more educated, might know who she was, but they won't really know her music. This is how it has always been with other great figures in history.

    On a positive note, some might one day find their gay great-grandfather’s Madonna records stored away, play them, and maybe become fans 100 or 200 years from now. But it will just be a handful of people among billions...

  4. 1 hour ago, Harrdust said:

    Usually the video versions were done by the director in post-production, in fact I prefer the video versions to be on the video itself and not released as a single audio, even the soundtracks are not exactly what they sound like on screen for various reasons. However, if there is enough of a difference, why not release it.

    I thought they got the OYH audio from a video source, I read that here on the forum. And to be honest, I don't even remember what the difference is in the versions. XD

    Edit: Is the production different or the structure?

    We have two or three video versions included on CD singles, and their sound quality is identical to the other versions/remixes. For OYH, the video version is exactly the same as the album version, but it features a very cool 10-second intro.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Roy said:

    Mike Dean was on the pipe too hard, he forgot to boost the mids.

    Rather than forgetting to boost the mids, he actually diminished them. 

    I still can’t understand how no one noticed the mess of OYH in FEL. I want to believe it was a mistake during the remastering process that somehow ended up in the final master of FEL. If Mike Dean really did that remastering of OYH and thought it was 'acceptable,' then he should be fired and never allowed to work with audio files again.

  6. 3 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

    What’s left to be dumped on streaming ? You guys still obsessed with causing a commotion and the pointless edit and fades …..

    That’s no different from being obsessed with unfinished songs or demos with different fades where the vocals might sound a little louder or quieter than in the album version. At least we’re discussing something realistic that Madonna is releasing, rather than just fans' dreams.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Prayer said:

    All the "MDNA" bashing... some of you have never been divorced, angry, upset, hot, wanting to f**k and fool around, you don't give A, teenage rebelling, die for me baby, baby Jesus on the stairs, no time for a manicure - and it shows.

    There's more truth on that album than in many others from her. But maybe's not the truth you want to see from her, that's a whole other story.

    I love my Kabbalahdonna 1998-2006 with all my heart but you realize MDNAdonna and after is more who she probably really is underneath it all, right?

    You can say it louder, but not clearer. If someone claims there's no cohesion in the album, especially when it reflects her feelings after freeing herself through the divorce, they clearly haven't listened to it.

  8. Do you know the real issue with MDNA @Adonna? Because I’m tired of ignoring the elephant in the room. The album came out during a fierce rivalry with another singer who was being called the "new Madonna" (I refuse to say her name). Many fans were expecting MDNA to be the album that would kick that singer’s ass, allowing Madonna to reclaim her original throne. When the album couldn't do it (with no clear hits and dropping like a rock on the sales charts), that's when they started to tear MDNA apart (not to mention there was already a group ready to tear the album apart in defense of this "new Madonna").

    To ignore this is to miss the real reason behind some fans' hatred toward MDNA. Madonna didn’t care about that rivalry and made the album she wanted to make.

  9. 1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

    Im Always baffled fans slam MDNA and not Hard Candy or AL which I think are much worse albums imo 🤔

    At first, I struggled to accept Hard Candy, but I have to admit that over time, I’ve come to appreciate it. It’s not her best album, but it’s not the worst either. American Life has some good songs, but like Music, it’s too noisy for my taste (they’re not bad albums, and I like them; they’re just different......)

  10. 2 hours ago, Prayer said:

    While the gossip was interesting for us as fans, I found the whole thing a little bit depressing, to be honest. And I felt sad for him, thinking "if this is the worst stuff you can share about your sister..." 

    I mean, that she's sweaty and mean. And that she married an asshole.

    Tell us something we don't know already!

    But from what I remember, he doesn’t try to make Madonna look bad. Instead, he describes her as a professional who was a perfectionist and a bit of a bitch about it. The rest of the book is about how amazing Madonna is. He mainly uses the book to tear apart everything and everyone that distanced him from her (Sean, Guy, etc , etc). You can sense his sadness as he finds himself becoming more and more distant from her.

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