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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by madgefan

  1. I've always preferred the 13-track edition of Erotica. That Did You Do It turd should have never been considered to be part of the final tracklist. What was she thinking???

    1. MPowered


      She was thinking: "How can I pretend Goodbye To Innocence never existed?"

    2. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      "this will get it one of those stickers"

  2. Happy 2024 everybody! Let's hope the new year brings us peace, love, and wisdom. I pray Madonna is able to finish the tour well and if she decides to extend the Latinamerican leg after April the I'm up for it!  :heart:

  3. CT always standed for Confessions Tour, so TCT should stand for The Celebration Tour.

  4. I think so many featured topics and popular ones on the main page make the board look pretty busy :lord:

    1. MCL_1993


      A lot of wasted space on the front page but don't say anything because some offended snowflake might ban you for having an opinion! Also, it's not only the featured topics but also the posts are such a waste of space and time lately and the status section is filled with so much unnecessary information. People seem to forget that this is a Madonna-forum!

    2. MartineX


      snowflakes have opinion too and you seem pretty "snowflaked" byt theirs @MCL_1993... (such bitter words) so, I wonder who the snowflake is? Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

    3. MCL_1993


      Oh you really don't get it but for all the things you don't know, I forgive you. Now get yourself a cookie!

  5. Does anybody know when exactly did Madonna record the 4 songs for the WTG soundtrack?

    1. DoneGone


      According to Wiki, she started working on the soundtrack in December 1986:


  6. Does anyone know the original YCD Single Edits release date in 1987?

    1. Curtains


      The picture disc was released in Germany on November 17th 1987, the same day as the album itself. :)

  7. When is the motherfucking contract with Paramount+ coming to an end? I need the Madame X Tour bluray now!

    1. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      1975 from 2022 is ?
      I've been watching Americans count on Facebook.
      This still isn't released.

      "There's a fly in my milk !"

    2. Celebration



      Here in Sweden they have removed Paramount+ completely and replaced it with a new thing called SkyShowtime, and said that we could watch our favorites there instead.

      Well, guess who's missing?

    3. MartineX


      You mean Re-Invention Tour Part 2? Never baby, never. 

  8. Maybe it's about time we get a new Finally Enough Love-related theme for the board :)

  9. What really matters at the end of the day is that you are still able to enjoy Madonna's music :heart:

  10. Guys, I won't be reuploading stuff I shared a looong time ago. I don't have the energy nor the enthusiasm to continue updating old threads since I no longer visit this board as I used to. Thank you for your understanding.

  11. Hi, how are you? I wonder if you were able to rip the HD version of Cherish and edit it with the Celebration audio track? I'd love to have it but I'm an ass at editing myself:lol:


    1. Aiwa08


      Don't worry. I'll do it tomorrow. Today I can't do it. :cute:

  12. Is Dua Lipa overrated?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. frozen78


      There is Madonna and we love her because... she's Madonna, the Queen of Pop. There is Kylie, there is Britney, Dua Lipa, P!nk, etc. Some people praise Miley, others Mariah. We all have one thing in common - we love Madonna (although she's f*cked up some things in her career) and can't imagine what our life would be if she wasn't there...
      No one should compare other artists to Madonna. But other artists deserve to be treated like Madonna - there's a lot of space in our hearts for others. It's all a matter of taste... And as you all may know, there's no accounting for taste.

      Love :-)

    3. MCL_1993


      I was kinda confused that she was so overrated when her career took off but now I have great respect for her as a singer. Not necessarily as an artist but she's a good musician and she (or her mgmnt) make good decisions.

    4. RUADJAI


      I'll elaborate. She makes great music. Really great music. But she cannot dance, and someone out there is making her dance and it screams inauthentic. She also seems to not be extremely sexual, but it feels like people behind the scenes are making her appear more sexual than what she actually is and it comes across as super cringe. Just look at the end of her Brits performance... they obviously choreographed some sort of blowing a kiss and biting of her lip and it just.... eeeeeeek. It looks like one of those 5 year old beauty pageants where they are made to do adult things. 


  13. Why is Madonna currently silent about the attacks between Israel and Palestine?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. madgefan
    3. Angelo


      @madgefanI was not talking about you ;) :heart:

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      U honestly think your going to solve something at least a 100 years old bitching away on a Madonna site ?

  14. Guys, I've taken down most of the links I've shared lately because of lack of space in the cloud. Hope someone else who downloaded the files feels free to repost them. I'm not gonna do it.

    1. RUADJAI


      Which ones? 

    2. madgefan


      Some audience recordings in the Lossless section, a full DVD with Madonna's second show in Santiago 2008, and other small files shared here and there.

  15. So the audio file that's floating around with 2012 Olympia Rehearsal is fake along with 2005 G-A-Y and Koko's!

    1. Angelo
    2. Kosmmik


      Leak all these fakes at once. 

      people are being fooled trading true rarities for such fake stuff

    3. Angelo


      We should “leak” them.

  16. I'm looking for the artworks posted by William Orbit on his Soundcloud page years ago. The same ones he added to his exclusive mixes of Sinner, Love Spent, Some Girls, and Falling Free. Please!

    1. wonderboy
    2. madgefan


      No, those aren't the ones I'm looking for :(

    3. wonderboy
  17. Does anybody know when the Girlie Show rehearsals started?

    1. DanK


      Rehearsals started on July 8, 1993

  18. I just updated my signature! :lord:

  19. Hi, I swear I log on the site almost everyday to see if you have posted the new Frozen and NRM HD videos with better audio, with no success. Are you going to share them like you did with the previous remasters? :(

    1. Aiwa08


      I'm sorry. I've been out of my house. I'll post the videos today.


  20. Merry Christmas motherfuckers!

  21. When exactly was the Blond Date on MTV in 1990 and which specials did they show?

    1. club78boy


      Sneak Peek was March 27th 1990 and the Blond Date was May 5, 1990 from Houston

  22. The best and the worst of having a threesome is...

    1. Angelo


      The best: A threesome is like the Heaven.

      the worst: if you don’t have the right feeling with the other ones

    2. Andymad


      Oooooffff. I’ve steered away from joining couples back in the day. Had way too many awkward experiences of only being into one of them lmao

  23. Anyone who hints Madonna's not the same she used to be and that she's just mediocre NEEDS TO GO ASAP.

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