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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by stefo

  1. :jumpy:

     A 3D upgrade of my Erotica  box set is under way. Check out the original while it's still online: Erotica - Expanded Box Set


  2. :jumpy:

     A 3D upgrade of my Erotica  box set is under way. Check out the original while it's still online: Erotica - Expanded Box Set


    1. stefo


      I got back to appreciate your work man, it's AMAZING! I love the full picture of her close up with the golden tooth from the Newsweek magazine cover, can you share just the pic please? :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anna Wintour GIF


    Happy Christmas..... not everyone but only a few..... i hope the best for you and your families..... for the others... i hope karma remember your names.....

    1. stefo


      Grazie mille Dave, un Natale ricco di calore umano per te :heart:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)


    1. stefo


      Still crying for the Goodtime BS demo :heart:

  5. Wish someday she even performs Love Tried to Welcome Me live at least only once. @Incoyou agree to me right?

  6. Watching The Girlie Show for the second time and I can't believe there aren't many think pieces about it! The imagery of the pierrot/clown is so wonderful and so loaded with meaning. I could write a whole essay on this show

  7. PLEASE GUYS, WHOEVER IS GOING TO BE AT THE DEBUT NIGHT, this show seems to be a historical moment for many reasons, her health issue, her first time looking back at her personal and musical story authentically (I don't give details to respect people who does not want spoliers): RECORD AT LEAST THE AUDIO, LET'S KEEP A TRACE OF THAT NIGHT! 

    1. stefo


      Eh non so se stai seguendo le prime indiscrezioni ma direi che c'è davvero da fare il countdown, io erano tipo quindici, vent'anni che non mi sentivo così gasato per un suo debutto :lol: credo l'ultimo che ho atteso così sia stato ReInvention, già Confessions, non essendo un gran fan della disco, mi trovava un po' più freddino. Qui il bello è la possibilità di recuperare il cuore della storia.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Have you guys seen this?

    Real fun clips and outtakes from 1987. :)


    1. stefo


      Wow, thank you for sharing this! It's full of unreleased outtakes from the last show. How intense and funny the Florence show must be guys, it's years we're begging for it and it's evident at this point someone has it. I will never understand why people like to keep things for their own and don't share them with others who could be happy to enjoy it. I mean the pleasure of owning it and watching it doesn't decrease by sharing :Madonna056:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Il 27 settembre 1994, Secret  fu pubblicato come primo singolo di Bedtime Stories. Inizialmente accreditato a Madonna & Dallas Austin al momento della sua uscita, a Shep Pettibone è stato successivamente assegnato un credito di co-sceneggiatura a causa del suo coinvolgimento nella creazione di una prima versione demo del brano intitolata Something Coming Over Me . La demo – che è stata descritta dai pochi che l'hanno ascoltata come dotata di un'atmosfera da inno da club senza le sfumature R&B della versione di Austin – è stata inviata da Pettibone alla Biblioteca del Congresso per la registrazione del copyright ma non è ancora trapelata. La versione rilasciata è stata prodotta da Madonna e Dallas Austin ed è l'unica canzone dell'album a presentare il lavoro di produzione intatto di Austin. Gli altri contributi di Austin all'album furono rielaborati con una nuova produzione (Survival ) o remixato ( Sanctuary ) da Nellee Hooper o Daniel Abraham ( Don't Stop ).

    Per promuovere l'uscita di Secret , Madonna ha fatto il suo vergine tentativo di raggiungere i fan e i potenziali ascoltatori attraverso il fiorente world wide web con un giocoso teaser audio:

    “Ciao a tutti voi cyberhead! Benvenuto nella versione dell'intimità degli anni '90... puoi sentirmi, puoi anche vedermi, ma non puoi toccarmi! Riconosci la mia voce? È Madonna. Spesso imitato ma mai duplicato. O dovrei dire – spesso irritato? Se ne hai voglia, puoi scaricare il file audio del mio nuovo singolo Secret  dal mio nuovo album Bedtime Stories che uscirà il mese prossimo. Ho appena girato il video a New York e ne presenterò in anteprima online un campione esclusivo, quindi torna presto a trovarci. Nel frattempo, perché non mi pubblichi un messaggio e mi fai sapere cosa ne pensi della mia nuova canzone. E comunque, non credere che nessuno di quegli impostori online che fingono di essere me... non assomiglia per niente alla realtà! Pace fuori.

    1. stefo


      among my three favourites,

      I'll love this song for ever

  10. Sir Michael Parkinson: Chat show host dies aged 88


    1. stefo


      Oh sad to hear that. I just watched his interview with M and he seemed such a nice, ironic, elegant man, the perfect British host. And that interview is still one of her best ever :heart: rip

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. stefo


      We actually do and I can see nothing compromising in sharing them  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. It is today in 1987 when every fans favorite hilarious, slap-stick comedy film Who's That Girl was released to cinemas.





    1. stefo


      Yeah, I was 8 and it was the first time I said to myself: "Ok if you wanna do this, fine, but keep in mind that it's not gonna be all masterpieces here" :lol:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. questo scatto dove e stato fatto in che anno 


    1. stefo


      Oh scusa, ti ho risposto in inglese, è che sono andato in automatico :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. questo scatto dove e stato fatto in che anno 


  15. I wish we had gotten the "Re-Invention World Tour" on Blu-ray for the "American Life" anniversary. That would have been a fantastic gift for the fandom.


    1. stefo


      Yeah, I agree ... not a gift girl unfortunately, she never was

  16. It was June 22nd, 1996 when Billboard Magazine revealed Madonna's collaboration with her brother-in-law Joe Henry on the Sweet Relief II: Gravity Of The Situation – The Songs Of Vic Chesnutt.  "Guilty By Association", the first of many collaborations Madonna would do with Joe.  Probably her most rawest and best collab ever.  Madonna & Henry would later collaborate on her songs Don’t Tell Me, Jump, The Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You and Falling Free which all have been fan favorites.


    1. stefo


      @tscott absolutely agree about both tracks, even if the best, for what I heard, is still to come: the blues ReInvention early version of Devil is apparently the most interesting and powerful. Who knows if we'll ever get it. The HC version is too Timberlakish, very Cry me a river sound (but that's a problem of the whole album)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. It was June 22nd, 1996 when Billboard Magazine revealed Madonna's collaboration with her brother-in-law Joe Henry on the Sweet Relief II: Gravity Of The Situation – The Songs Of Vic Chesnutt.  "Guilty By Association", the first of many collaborations Madonna would do with Joe.  Probably her most rawest and best collab ever.  Madonna & Henry would later collaborate on her songs Don’t Tell Me, Jump, The Devil Wouldn’t Recognize You and Falling Free which all have been fan favorites.


    1. stefo


      Not a huge fan of the tracks they worked on for M's albums but I ADORE this track, this duet is amazing. Thanks for reminding me about it, it was years I was not coming back to it :heart:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. I'm already waiting for the dvd/bluray cause even if she come to Brazil, there's no way I can attend to a show


    1. stefo


      This video is cool, the most accurate portrait of M's fandom I've ever seen

  20. Ieri sera Madonna a Londra, indossa mantellina in cashmere di Burberry.


    1. stefo


      finalmente figa, questo è stile cazzo!

  21. Don't go to Madonna's insta right now... 


    1. stefo


      yeah, no hope in our horizon :lol:

  22. Be sure to tune into https://www.youtube.com/c/MadonnaTourArchives starting tomorrow for The Girlie Show mania! We have hundreds of news reports and many full-length concerts ready to go!!

  23. Madonna with Paul McCartney! I need answers! :hearteyes:FbrRVZHXwAMnJHH?format=png&name=large

    1. stefo


      Finally something really intersting to talk about!

      Another dream of my 20s was a collab between M and Sting :heart: they've been friends also

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. I never understood why Vogue is basically always in playback in her live shows

    1. stefo


      Oh thanx, I simply noticed it for MX honestly. I thought it was a studio version recording to fake a real live performing in SST, in RH is just the chorus.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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