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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by PlayPause

  1. Who's giving me their ticket to see Beyoncé tonight in Paris?

  2. Cute


    Madonna with her maternal grandmother Elsie (left) and step mother Joan's mother Rose backstage at The Virgin Tour at Cobo Arena in Detroit, Michigan, May 25, 1985.


  3. He's so hot. So straight 💔




    1. RUADJAI


      yeah I wanna blow him. 

    2. Scottyx


      our tastes sure do vary lol

  4. Nobody dies in the end 


  5. This is my favourite M release in a long time. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlayPause


      @RUADJAI Because I ruined it with Photoshop 😆

    3. RUADJAI


      I thought it was a pillow. I went to Madonna.com to look for it. 😂

    4. PlayPause


      I always thought album art make nice pillow cases 😴

  6. More BDSM references in Alex Anwandter's new video... #erotica #romance #idliketopuyouinatrance 


  7. Love the poster and the design, she's sending a big fuck you to the world with these deformed silhouettes from when she was the fittest gal in the world.

    Not only she can do whatever she wants with her body now, but also with what she looked like in the past.

  8. I'll be drinking Krug Rosé and sometimes Lemon Drops

    1. theglamorous


      And with the grillz in...

      I'll be drinking Krug Rothé and thometimeth Lemon Dropthhhhhhhhh

    2. A. A. Aardvark
  9. M & Tony Ward (Herb Ritts) 


  10. Why's it so hard to love one another
    Why's it so hard to love

    What do I have to do to be accepted
    What do I have to say
    What do I have to do to be respected
    How do I have to play

  11. My fave on the maxi-single 


  12. tumblr_o2cgg2WUV41rzgx44o1_500.jpg.90ab22d052d6997c96de20224319c844.jpg

    1. theglamorous


      Yasssss Queeeeeeen

    2. Roy


      The reissue cover art for True Blue.

      Honestly? A serve.

  13. I already had doubts about Maluma being someone interesting at all, now I believe he's a moron and a coward 


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PlayPause


      Litterally : “Es algo que no puedo resolver. Solo vine aquí para disfrutar de la vida, el fútbol y la fiesta del fútbol. No es algo en lo que realmente tenga que involucrarme. Estoy aquí disfrutando de mi música y de la hermosa vida, jugando fútbol también”

      He only cares about himself.

    3. RUADJAI


      Please use the English language only

    4. Roland Barthes

      Roland Barthes

      Sorry (Playpause and i know each other from another place, we realized it was us just a few weeks ago) we were joking about the fact Maluma reminds me of a french singer, MPokora, as they are handsome guys but their very bad taste ruins everything and since both used to be professional football players before being injured, maybe this explained their awful & similar bad taste in clothes and hairdos. 

  14. MARICOTECA is my jam today 🪩🏳️‍🌈💃🏽 I see some JML & Erotica video references here, but who knows. If you don't know Alex Anwandter, check them out


  15. Hope our fellow US members are voting out all these red bastards today.

  16. Evan Rachel Wood as Madonna in "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story"


    1. ma(x)


      From the Movie ..



    2. Roland Barthes

      Roland Barthes

      I watched it, it is not very good. She plays more Susan from Desperately Seeking Susan than Madonna, but really well, sometimes it's uncanny. On the other hand she's depicted as a bad person, a narcisstis only interested in power and business...when the whole project is a self celebratory thing produced by Yancovic. 

    3. proxy


      @Roland Barthes Exactly when I wrote here some time a go, that M is show here as a bad person I was being attacked. Dude said he dosen't know her but show her like that, pure hate towards her and misogyny, how many people will not understand that this never happen, it's really insulting towards Madonna. This is another example why she need to tell her story by herself. 

  17. Ahahah, everyone hates everyone on this forum so they're all ignoring each other's profile and in the end the same Spotify link is posted 3 times in a row. And I gave the explanation to the question everybody is asking but it doesn't show up. Check the Back That Up thread 🤣

  18. The background image of the FEL theme is WAY too heavy, the pages take ages to load. Can it be fixed please ?

  19. Made this edit a while ago, in case you missed it

    Erotica (Ralphi Rosario private mix - Playpause You Thrill Me video edit)


    1. wyrweo


      Great Edit thank you :)

  20. Lula: ‘O povo deseja mais, e não menos democracia’  💚💛💙🤍

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