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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by PlayPause

  1. 1006459645_Sanstitre.thumb.jpg.01c50d4d6d90dd30ee70833ada47ea71.jpg1990 t-shirt

    Does anyone know if it's official?

  2. Apple says that my password got hacked, what is?

  3. Medellin is such a random song. God Control should have been the first single 


    1. chaosmen1984mk


      I can't believe that since Hard Candy the choice of the first single has been something so misguided and without market vision on the part of Madonna's team or Madonna herself. The story would have been different if Candy Shop was finally the first single from Hard Candy, Love Spent in the case of Mdna and Ghosttown in REbel Heart. 

      Will the same happen with Madonna's new album in 2024? I want to believe that Madonna has learned from her past mistakes and that this time she will surprise us with a powerful first single that will help the following singles to be a success as well.

  4. What is this ?




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlayPause


      Come on, you know what I mean. It's a post from 2014, I'm just wondering if they've leaked and all. 

    3. Adonna


      The twitter account you posted, spells it out for you. Obviously, this isn't something easily accessible at the moment.

    4. PlayPause


      The post is from 2014. A lot of time has happened since so I'm wondering.

      Are you sure you wanna play this?

  5. Just wanted to reshare this because I was 69% right screenshot-madonna-infinity.net-2024_03.08-23_03_30.png.3a0d0c5cc3ab88513b50df1c96883e96.png

  6. Come on motherfuckers, unblock me now.

    I'm talking.

  7. 400013253_887437455743975_1573344410765675654_n.thumb.jpg.727ddf91f64158fdb7874f963dba7bfb.jpg

    Tick tock tick tock tick tock #soon

  8. Is there a thread about members meetup on the shows?

  9. "Time, New York City, Fragments, and the story of her"

  10. ROFL about the members here who said they wouldn't go to the show if Hung Up on Tokischa was on the setlist. Now waiting for all those tickets to come back on the market.

  11. There's a song in my heart
    No one can hear but you
    Why would I want them to
    There's a strange melody I play without regret
    I never will forget

  12. This forum has to be a safe space.

    1. MDRA


      For nasty bitches who feel criticised in every other space or...?

  13. I love (NOT) coming here to discover more conservative views and professional M haters like I'm on Twitter.

  14. Who is the coward who reported my last status? Come out homophobes.

    1. RUADJAI


      No one reported it, I hid it because we don't need people calling other people "fucking bigots" on the main page. It's not the vibe. 

  15. Just rewatched Madame X tour, I looooooove it as it's the Blond Ambition Tour and the Girlie Show for grown-up grown-ups....



  16. You know what, I'm happy 😃 with all the new music 🪩 coming out though it's ironic at the same time 🤨 because it reminds me of last year when this forum was full of people whining 🤡 about her doing nothing except remixes yet we knew she was cooking some things 👅 and instead of hoping for the better they were all 😡 blablabla 💤 but then I'm happy again 😁 because I wasn't mad back then at the remixes anyway and I'm happier 🥰 because I'm amazed by the timing they pulled : 3️⃣ collabs coming within a week to launch the new Celebration era 💃🏽  Make your amends and celebrate 👯‍♂️

  17. "Popular", "Vulgar"... these all sound like show segments to me.

    You read it first.

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