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I find her Kanye obsession kind of disturbing. She stated very clearly in a recent interview he's the only current artist she respects and that we should just look past the fact that he invited Marilyn Mason (who had been accused of rape, abuse and sexual sadism) and Da Baby (who expressed some disgusting homophobia, which she rightfully rebuked) to an album release stunt that I suppose was a critique of "cancel culture."  I also can't forget, Kanye's own publicist also threatened election officials in a attempt to overturn the election in favor of Trump and that he himself suggested running for president, mostly to pull a handful of Black votes from Biden to give the Whitehouse back to Trump. This isn't even close to OK and it's hardly differing political opinions when our Democracy is at stake here. 

And don't get me started on Mayweather, who has a long history of disgusting homophobia and extreme bigotry (even just a couple of months ago he is on camera saying he wouldn't take a photograph with a male fan with painted nails). This isn't someone you pose with in an instagram photo when he embodies so many of the hateful things many of her fans have struggled with over the years.

Madonna always took her narcissism and used it as fuel for extraordinary endurance and, usually, for the right political causes. Without infallible confidence, she probably would've had a breakdown ages ago.  I think she recognizes a fellow narcissist in Kanye and it draws her to him. However, his Personality Disorder and co-morbid Bipolar diagnosis are weapons of chaos when he's in crisis. His money and fame allow him to do whatever he wants whenever he wants no matter how destructive and without consequence. Her recent "Artists are here to disturb the peace," mantra, which she repeats ad-nauseam, seems a manifestation of that particular ethos and less an embrace of non-conformity and "good trouble." It's about giving herself permission to let her ego run amok, to exist in a world of her own making and privilege where there are no rules and no consequences, much like Kanye. That said, her current "peace disturbing" seems limited to mildly annoying her fans by wearing grills, using weird filters, and violently humping various inanimate objects. 

The pandemic was likely the first time in her adult life where Madonna was controlled by outside forces and I wonder how much that has affected her current mindset. She's always rebelled at the word, "No." Right or wrong, she really couldn't psychologically handle the restrictions placed on her, which is likely why she flew her family and sycophants from around the globe to party maskless while the pandemic raged. Tested or no, it wasn't really a justifiable trip.

Long winded rant that I needed to get off my chest. Something odd is going on here, and I'm legitimately concerned about her well-being and safety, especially after saying in that final interview that she wants to work herself to death and Lourdes saying he never sleeps. The surgeries, the falls, the dozens of empty pill bottles... I don't want to look back in a couple of years and wonder why no one stepped in when all the "disturbing the peace" was in actuality a cry for help.


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21 minutes ago, likeamasochist said:

I find her Kanye obsession kind of disturbing. She stated very clearly in a recent interview he's the only current artist she respects and that we should just look past the fact that he invited Marilyn Mason (who had been accused of rape, abuse and sexual sadism) and Da Baby (who expressed some disgusting homophobia, which she rightfully rebuked) to an album release stunt that I suppose was a critique of "cancel culture."  I also can't forget, Kanye's own publicist also threatened election officials in a attempt to overturn the election in favor of Trump and that he himself suggested running for president, mostly to pull a handful of Black votes from Biden to give the Whitehouse back to Trump. This isn't even close to OK and it's hardly differing political opinions when our Democracy is at stake here. 

And don't get me started on Mayweather, who has a long history of disgusting homophobia and extreme bigotry (even just a couple of months ago he is on camera saying he wouldn't take a photograph with a male fan with painted nails). This isn't someone you pose with in an instagram photo when he embodies so many of the hateful things many of her fans have struggled with over the years.

Madonna always took her narcissism and used it as fuel for extraordinary endurance and, usually, for the right political causes. Without infallible confidence, she probably would've had a breakdown ages ago.  I think she recognizes a fellow narcissist in Kanye and it draws her to him. However, his Personality Disorder and co-morbid Bipolar diagnosis are weapons of chaos when he's in crisis. His money and fame allow him to do whatever he wants whenever he wants no matter how destructive and without consequence. Her recent "Artists are here to disturb the peace," mantra, which she repeats ad-nauseam, seems a manifestation of that particular ethos and less an embrace of non-conformity and "good trouble." It's about giving herself permission to let her ego run amok, to exist in a world of her own making and privilege where there are no rules and no consequences, much like Kanye. That said, her current "peace disturbing" seems limited to mildly annoying her fans by wearing grills, using weird filters, and violently humping various inanimate objects. 

The pandemic was likely the first time in her adult life where Madonna was controlled by outside forces and I wonder how much that has affected her current mindset. She's always rebelled at the word, "No." Right or wrong, she really couldn't psychologically handle the restrictions placed on her, which is likely why she flew her family and sycophants from around the globe to party maskless while the pandemic raged. Tested or no, it wasn't really a justifiable trip.

Long winded rant that I needed to get off my chest. Something odd is going on here, and I'm legitimately concerned about her well-being and safety, especially after saying in that final interview that she wants to work herself to death and Lourdes saying he never sleeps. The surgeries, the falls, the dozens of empty pill bottles... I don't want to look back in a couple of years and wonder why no one stepped in when all the "disturbing the peace" was in actuality a cry for help.


I know for a fact she is using painkillers right now after suffering that horrible leg injury and she has repeatedly talked about needing a hit and liking opioids. If she is addicted nobody in her circle of handlers will do a danmm thing about it. Some people will say she is just still recovering and trying to manage pain but bragging about drugs and liking the feeling of getting high sounds like something very different and worrying to me, that boyfriend seems to be a very bad influence. In regards to Kanye, I dont really know the man and so I can only speculate on that.

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4 minutes ago, Andreo said:

What the?! Is she teasing a compilation with her dance songs or what?! I NEED THEORIES, SMART ONES WHERE ARE YOU AT

I said in the other thread, she has 50 #1 dance hits. Sounds likely that is what we are getting. All her 12" remixes

ETA: All her #1 12" remixes

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3 minutes ago, Prince of Darkness said:

I know for a fact she is using painkillers right now after suffering that horrible leg injury and she has repeatedly talked about needing a hit and liking opioids. You know for a fact that if she is addicted nobody in her circle of handlers will do a danmm thing about it. Some people will say she is just still recovering and trying to manage pain but bragging about drugs and liking the feeling of getting high sounds like something very different and worrying to me.

Agreed. I think there are several people around her (apropos of nothing - Klein) who probably are no strangers to drugs. If she wants something. She'll can get it. Most opioids that aren't prescribed through pain management are laced with Fentanyl now. All she has to do is ask the wrong person for a pain-killer and if it's cut with fent it's Prince all over again. 

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5 hours ago, likeamasochist said:

Agreed. I think there are several people around her (apropos of nothing - Klein) who probably are no strangers to drugs. If she wants something. She'll can get it. Most opioids that aren't prescribed through pain management are laced with Fentanyl now. All she has to do is ask the wrong person for a pain-killer and if it's cut with fent it's Prince all over again. 

I totally understand why some people take painkillers to manage levels of pain that they just cant deal with, its just unfortunate and worrying when I see someone showing signs of a dependency. Prince was not someone who liked getting high, he was just trying to use painkillers so he could function, manage that terrible hip pain he was in and still perform which I totally understand. I worry that Madonna might be in the same boat, or even worse because she openly talks about liking opioids. I seriously injured myself once in a biking accident and took very strong painkillers for a longtime while I was recovering and it was a battle to get off the pills. I can only imagine it would be much worse for a super busy like person like Madonna, the woman never sleeps anymore either, which is another sign of dependency. It crushed me losing Prince and Bowie in the same year, I dont want to lose the last surviving member of the 80s royal trinity.

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10 minutes ago, Prince of Darkness said:

I totally understand why some people take painkillers to manage levels of pain that they just cant deal with, its just unfortunate and worrying when I see someone showing signs of a dependency on dangerous drugs. Prince was not someone who liked getting high, he was just trying to use painkillers so he could function, manage that terrible hip pain he was in and still perform which I totally understand. I worry that Madonna might be in the same boat, or even worse because she openly talks about liking opioids. I seriously injured myself once in a biking accident and took very strong painkillers for a longtime while I was recovering and it was a battle to get off the pills. I can only imagine it would be much worse for an active performer like Madonna. 

One time I wrenched my neck so bad I could barely move. The doctor prescribed a painkiller. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever had, and I have tried most every drug out there. I threw them away after one and then smoked a few J's until I was better. I don't trust the majority of prescription drugs and especially legal painkillers. 

I am shocked if she is on opiods and weed. She must be in an enormous amount of pain or as is being implied maybe developing an addiction. I seriously hope not. 

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1 minute ago, me1981 said:

One time I wrenched my neck so bad I could barely move. The doctor prescribed a painkiller. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever had, and I have tried most every drug out there. I threw them away after one and then smoked a few J's until I was better. I don't trust the majority of prescription drugs and especially legal painkillers. 

I am shocked if she is on opiods and weed. She must be in an enormous amount of pain or as is being implied maybe developing an addiction. I seriously hope not. 

I have been worried about her for sometime now, that injury was really serious and to suffer it at her age is even more worrying. I have sympathy for people trying to battle severe pain because I was in that boat. I dont think Madonna has ever been one to use drugs recreationally but if she is still in pain we should all be concerned. I remember she was in so much pain at the premiere  of her Madame X concert film that she was hanging onto the wall and limping.

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7 minutes ago, Prince of Darkness said:

I have been worried about her for sometime now, that injury was really serious and to suffer it at her age is even more worrying. I have sympathy for people trying to battle severe pain because I was in that boat. I dont think Madonna has ever been one to use drugs recreationally but if she is still in pain we should all be concerned. I remember she was in so much pain at the premiere  of her Madame X concert film that she was hanging onto the wall and limping.

Damn. I didn't know that about the premiere. That is worrying. I think it is so easy to get hooked, no matter who you are. I knew my neck pain was temporary, but if it had been ongoing, I don't know what I would have done. It is such an easy and slippery slope. I am sad that she is in pain and now worried what that might or has led to. Chronic pain is definitely a gateway to this kind of addiction. 

You're right, at 60+ broken bones/fractures etc... are harder to recover from, and she was performing injured for a period of time which would have made it worse. 

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9 hours ago, Prince of Darkness said:

Yeah, if you watch her Instagram stories they are clearly working on her classics in the studio, I heard Material Girl for example.


9 hours ago, me1981 said:

I said in the other thread, she has 50 #1 dance hits. Sounds likely that is what we are getting. All her 12" remixes

ETA: All her #1 12" remixes

Oh my God :drama:

Seems like she listened to us when we said we wanted a dance remix album last year :Madonna014:

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I don’t think she likes drugs or will fall to them. She has six kids she is not Prince. 
She’s smarter than all that’s been said. She knows what makes her look edgy and likely says it to “piss people off”.


it’s dumb PR but most of it has been since Liz left tbh. 

but she’ll be fine. Also can we stop laying this at her boyfriends door. He’s a hard working ambitious dancer with a mind for art and politics, that worked to the top of his game,  not some low life leacher. Sean allegedly  beat her up and Guy supposedly ignored her and was mentally cruel. I don’t remember anyone being Happy with anyone she’s been with tbh. She’s the one who’s hard work we know this. I’d need weed to be in a relationship with her. 

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1 hour ago, steady75 said:

I don’t think she likes drugs or will fall to them. She has six kids she is not Prince. 
She’s smarter than all that’s been said. She knows what makes her look edgy and likely says it to “piss people off”.


it’s dumb PR but most of it has been since Liz left tbh. 

but she’ll be fine. Also can we stop laying this at her boyfriends door. He’s a hard working ambitious dancer with a mind for art and politics, that worked to the top of his game,  not some low life leacher. Sean allegedly  beat her up and Guy supposedly ignored her and was mentally cruel. I don’t remember anyone being Happy with anyone she’s been with tbh. She’s the one who’s hard work we know this. I’d need weed to be in a relationship with her. 

Intelligence has nothing to do with developing a drug habit when it comes to chronic pain, something that injury on stage would definitely entail. She came right out on Jimmy Fallon interview and said she likes opioids and is always talking about needing a hit on her Instagram these days and like I said before, her sleep pattern is fucked up very badly, which is a clear sign of someone using. She looks high on her Instagram stories a lot. I dont care if she is on stuff for her pain from leg injury or just because she likes the feeling, my point is she is definitely showing all the signs of someone using opioids, which is sometimes understandable. Also, you are clearly ignorant if you believe the lie that Prince accidentally had an OD which is what the media and his associates wanted the public to believe. The truth is that his health was in rapid decline, he knew he did not have long and had been deeply upset since the death of Vanity, all you need to do is look at his words and actions in his last year to confirm it was a suicide. He waited until nobody was around at Paisley before deliberately overdosing on the same date he wrote Sometimes it Snows in April to go out with dignity because music was his life and he did not want to live if he could not perform anymore, a man does not end up with enough propofal in his body to kill someone 10,0000 times unless it was deliberate. His religious beliefs meant he was not afraid to die, Princes own sister had been informed of his health condition two years before his death and has all but admitted it was suicide and that she was not surprised to hear of his death because she had prepared herself because he did want to suffer a long and terrible illness that would destroy his body until he could not perform or make music like had happened to his father, the whole reason why he only used a piano and a mic on his last tour was because he had lost the ability in his hands to play guitar. Prince was in total control of every aspect of his career and his life, I respect the way he chose to go and I still miss him every day, he basically said goodbye to his fans on the Piano and Mic Tour, I attended one of those shows and he was clearly tired and ready to go but gave an incredible performance for the fans, listen to this song and you will understand why he chose to associate it with his own death.

 As for Madonna, I hope she gets well soon from her injury and goes on tour in the next few years.

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27 minutes ago, Prince of Darkness said:

Intelligence has nothing to do with developing a drug habit when it comes to chronic pain, something that injury on stage would definitely entail. She came right out on Jimmy Fallon interview and said she likes opioids and is always talking about needing a hit on her Instagram these days and like I said before, her sleep pattern is fucked up very badly, which is a clear sign of someone using. She looks high on her Instagram stories a lot. I dont care if she is on stuff for her pain from leg injury or just because she likes the feeling, my point is she is definitely showing all the signs of someone using opioids, which is sometimes understandable. Also, you are clearly ignorant if you believe the lie that Prince accidentally had an OD which is what the media and his associates wanted the public to believe. The truth is that his health was in rapid decline, he knew he did not have long and had been deeply upset since the death of Vanity, all you need to do is look at his words and actions in his last year to confirm it was a suicide. He waited until nobody was around at Paisley before deliberately overdosing on the same date he wrote Sometimes it Snows in April to go out with dignity because music was his life and he did not want to live if he could not perform anymore, a man does not end up with enough propofal in his body to kill someone 10,0000 times unless it was deliberate. Princes own sister had been informed of his health condition two years before his death and has all but admitted it was suicide and that she was not surprised to hear of his death because she had prepared herself because he did want to suffer a long and terrible illness that would destroy his body until he could not perform or make music like had happened to his father, the whole reason why he only used a piano and a mic on his last tour was because he had lost the ability in his hands to play guitar. Prince was in total control of every aspect of his career and his life, I respect the way he chose to go and I still miss him every day, he basically said goodbye to his fans on the Piano and Mic Tour, I attended one of those shows and he was clearly tired and ready to go but gave an incredible performance for the fans, listen to this song and you will understand why he chose to associate it with his own death.

 As for Madonna, I hope she gets well soon from her injury and goes on tour in the next few years.

I don’t for one minute thinks she’s addicted to drugs, she’s saying it for attention in her head she’s being edgy and controversial, take it with a pinch of salt 

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1 hour ago, Prince of Darkness said:

Intelligence has nothing to do with developing a drug habit when it comes to chronic pain, something that injury on stage would definitely entail. She came right out on Jimmy Fallon interview and said she likes opioids and is always talking about needing a hit on her Instagram these days and like I said before, her sleep pattern is fucked up very badly, which is a clear sign of someone using. She looks high on her Instagram stories a lot. I dont care if she is on stuff for her pain from leg injury or just because she likes the feeling, my point is she is definitely showing all the signs of someone using opioids, which is sometimes understandable. Also, you are clearly ignorant if you believe the lie that Prince accidentally had an OD which is what the media and his associates wanted the public to believe. The truth is that his health was in rapid decline, he knew he did not have long and had been deeply upset since the death of Vanity, all you need to do is look at his words and actions in his last year to confirm it was a suicide. He waited until nobody was around at Paisley before deliberately overdosing on the same date he wrote Sometimes it Snows in April to go out with dignity because music was his life and he did not want to live if he could not perform anymore, a man does not end up with enough propofal in his body to kill someone 10,0000 times unless it was deliberate. His religious beliefs meant he was not afraid to die, Princes own sister had been informed of his health condition two years before his death and has all but admitted it was suicide and that she was not surprised to hear of his death because she had prepared herself because he did want to suffer a long and terrible illness that would destroy his body until he could not perform or make music like had happened to his father, the whole reason why he only used a piano and a mic on his last tour was because he had lost the ability in his hands to play guitar. Prince was in total control of every aspect of his career and his life, I respect the way he chose to go and I still miss him every day, he basically said goodbye to his fans on the Piano and Mic Tour, I attended one of those shows and he was clearly tired and ready to go but gave an incredible performance for the fans, listen to this song and you will understand why he chose to associate it with his own death.

 As for Madonna, I hope she gets well soon from her injury and goes on tour in the next few years.

I know I’m just saying she has six children. Prince sadly didn’t have that pillar of duty to balance his thoughts and actions. I concur with a lot of what you said re his passing and as such is just doesn’t correlate to Madonna’s experience with a painful hip.

I didn’t mean she was smarter than Prince I meant she’s smarter than letting herself develop a drug dependency at this stage in her career especially with 6 kids. Especially with the levels of substance abuse she has been surrounded with by her family and peers. Sorry for confusion. 


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4 hours ago, steady75 said:

I know I’m just saying she has six children. Prince sadly didn’t have that pillar of duty to balance his thoughts and actions. I concur with a lot of what you said re his passing and as such is just doesn’t correlate to Madonna’s experience with a painful hip.

I didn’t mean she was smarter than Prince I meant she’s smarter than letting herself develop a drug dependency at this stage in her career especially with 6 kids. Especially with the levels of substance abuse she has been surrounded with by her family and peers. Sorry for confusion. 


Sometimes its really hard to know the real Madonna I suppose. She really seems to play her characters well whenever she has a reinvention. I agree with you about her responsibility to her children, she adores them. Im just hoping for her to get totally healed up and go on tour at some point. I loved seeing her at Madame X, it was like a really  cool theater.

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