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9 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

She must like it otherwise she would have stopped the first time it happened. We're at the umpteenth time she's posting a ridiculous video or photo of herself on social media and backlash that comes with it. I'm not even defending her anymore. I don't know what she's thinking and why she's doing this. It's super sad. I just pretend it does not exist. I don't follow her on social media to avoid this feeling of sadness she triggers in me. Social media really is what is destroying her, well she's doing it herself, it's just a mean she's using. Since she's stubborn she probably thinks she's right and she porbably is, she's allowed to ruin her image and career, they are hers after all but for the people who've been championing her for years it stings. Again and again. She's not winning anynew fans. She's losing the ones she had. Even the most hardcore have let it go. Look at the various forums dedicated to her. I love her but she used to make me feel empowered now she makes me feel bad for her and since she gave me so much i refrain from attacking her. I have compassion for her. Sympathy. But she became the antithesis of what she used to preach. It's not like she became a Trump fanatic, not at all, it's not that bad. It's not a Morrissey situation. It's just that i used to feel her strenght and now she projects insecurities, so much that it makes me unconfortable watching her videos sometimes. Talking about it is not being against her, denying it, sweeping it under the floor is not helping either. Michael Jackson's fans used to defend his behaviour, saying everything was ok, it was just people being mean (and racist) until it killed him. Because, without sounding dramatic, this kind of videos make me think about her death being close. Because it reminds me too much of Michael and Whitney. Remember how much she was mocked during her last years because of her public behaviour, disastrous appearances on tv and on stage. I'm not turning a blind eye, especially after one of her french dancer said, but i feel bad saying all this too and i can't help feeling what i feel about her. 

Come on, are you all really thinking everything's ok with her ? Are you really enjoying all this ? Without being mean or sarcastic or dividing us between sheep fans and ones who know better. I know we have a thousand threads about it and they all end up into fights. But we should really discuss this without animosity, since the covid bath video ( and the personal revelation that came after it from her inner circle trying to defend her) i'm worried and i feel bad we can't have that discussion without fans being agressive wether it is to defend her or trolls only here to trash her. Don't you love or have loved the woman enough to not see something's not right ?

It's like the Britney army not wanting to see that she's indeed not well in her head. But at least she gets sympathy, now. Until Mriah revealed she had a condition she was mocked to no end. She's a shadow of her former self and it's so sad to witness. Not that i want her to be a warrior but i wish she wouldn't hide her insecurities so badly, she looks like she's only nails now.

thank you. you said what EVERYONE think but not everyone want to admit.  i agree ?

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

You should probably focus on getting help for yourself. 

Life is a constant journey of self improvement. I have never felt better, hopefully Madonna gets there at some point. No better feeling than removing the weight of an opioid addiction off your shoulders and being reborn stronger and wiser.

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8 minutes ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

I would definitely follow your advice if I was overweight, thankfully that has not happened yet. Seriously though, Madonna needs a tour and a new album to get her motivated again.

Bro, if you think that photo shows someone who's overweight then you have issues. 

Here she is one month before your photo... She's half naked.... where is the overweight?? Underneath that little apron? WAKE UP PEARL!!!


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16 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

Bro, if you think that photo shows someone who's overweight then you have issues. 

Here she is one month before your photo... She's half naked.... where is the overweight?? Underneath that little apron? WAKE UP PEARL!!!


Remind me again when I said that Madonna was overweight? as I recall you and I were discussing WEIGHT GAIN in recent years, not that she is grossly overweight. I never even mentioned the pudge she had at Harlem so you must have noticed that yourself?

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28 minutes ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

I never even mentioned the pudge she had at Harlem so you must have noticed that yourself?

I don't know if you know how a forum works, but you can scroll up and see everything you already posted if you need to refresh your memory. 

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She looks like what she looks like. I don't know why everyone gasps and acts surprised anew when people have been making comments about her face since at least 2008.  She's either gonna look surgeried or older. That's how you look in your 60s. She looks like an older woman who's had surgery and fillers. Is there a point when we can stop gasping over it?

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34 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

I don't know if you know how a forum works, but you can scroll up and see everything you already posted if you need to refresh your memory. 

I just scrolled back up and looked at everything I said. Not one time did I mention that she was overweight, I said she has gained some weight (which is not the same as overweight) and drinking might have something to do with that:confused:

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1 hour ago, adirondak said:

She looks like what she looks like. I don't know why everyone gasps and acts surprised anew when people have been making comments about her face since at least 2008.  She's either gonna look surgeried or older. That's how you look in your 60s. She looks like an older woman who's had surgery and fillers. Is there a point when we can stop gasping over it?

Actually she can still look very pretty when she chooses to, Frozen remix video is a perfect example. I just wish she would stop it with the insanity that serves no purpose on her social media. 

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14 minutes ago, Skyline Pigeon said:

Actually she can still look very pretty when she chooses to, Frozen remix video is a perfect example. I just wish she would stop it with the insanity that serves no purpose on her social media. 

I never said she doesn’t ever look pretty. I’m just saying she doesn’t look 30 or 40 anymore and that’s ok. Let’s move on. 

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14 hours ago, Roland Barthes said:

She must like it otherwise she would have stopped the first time it happened. We're at the umpteenth time she's posting a ridiculous video or photo of herself on social media and backlash that comes with it. I'm not even defending her anymore. I don't know what she's thinking and why she's doing this. It's super sad. I just pretend it does not exist. I don't follow her on social media to avoid this feeling of sadness she triggers in me. Social media really is what is destroying her, well she's doing it herself, it's just a mean she's using. Since she's stubborn she probably thinks she's right and she porbably is, she's allowed to ruin her image and career, they are hers after all but for the people who've been championing her for years it stings. Again and again. She's not winning anynew fans. She's losing the ones she had. Even the most hardcore have let it go. Look at the various forums dedicated to her. I love her but she used to make me feel empowered now she makes me feel bad for her and since she gave me so much i refrain from attacking her. I have compassion for her. Sympathy. But she became the antithesis of what she used to preach. It's not like she became a Trump fanatic, not at all, it's not that bad. It's not a Morrissey situation. It's just that i used to feel her strenght and now she projects insecurities, so much that it makes me unconfortable watching her videos sometimes. Talking about it is not being against her, denying it, sweeping it under the floor is not helping either. Michael Jackson's fans used to defend his behaviour, saying everything was ok, it was just people being mean (and racist) until it killed him. Because, without sounding dramatic, this kind of videos make me think about her death being close. Because it reminds me too much of Michael and Whitney. Remember how much she was mocked during her last years because of her public behaviour, disastrous appearances on tv and on stage. I'm not turning a blind eye, especially after one of her french dancer said, but i feel bad saying all this too and i can't help feeling what i feel about her. 

Come on, are you all really thinking everything's ok with her ? Are you really enjoying all this ? Without being mean or sarcastic or dividing us between sheep fans and ones who know better. I know we have a thousand threads about it and they all end up into fights. But we should really discuss this without animosity, since the covid bath video ( and the personal revelation that came after it from her inner circle trying to defend her) i'm worried and i feel bad we can't have that discussion without fans being agressive wether it is to defend her or trolls only here to trash her. Don't you love or have loved the woman enough to not see something's not right ?

It's like the Britney army not wanting to see that she's indeed not well in her head. But at least she gets sympathy, now. Until Mriah revealed she had a condition she was mocked to no end. She's a shadow of her former self and it's so sad to witness. Not that i want her to be a warrior but i wish she wouldn't hide her insecurities so badly, she looks like she's only nails now.

Very well said.

Sadly, everything you say is true and fact. 

There are only wise fans who acknowledge what you say is true, and fans who are still in the denial stage.

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I could see how people might be concerned from the Tik Tok video, but in the last Instagram post she looks normal  and fine reading to her kids. 
I think it’s hard to make judgements from social media posts because that’s only a small portion of someone’s life. You really have to be with them almost every day in real life to make a judgement like that. 

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On 4/3/2022 at 1:22 PM, Skyline Pigeon said:

I dont really see how her throwing parties or filming videos is proof she does not have insecurities, Elton John performed his greatest ever concert at Dodger Stadium 1975 the day after he had attempted suicide, does his work have anything to do with his state of mind at the time? 

Have you watched her Instagram lives? she acts like an egomaniac, nobody dares to have any form of genuine discussion with her about the biopic, its always her way or the highway in everything. A celebrity ringed by a group of useless handlers is nothing new, does Elvis's Memphis Mafia sound familiar?


There have been various leeks from inside her inner circle that there are those who are concerned about her drinking habits. She is constantly seen drinking and no its not just a social media tool. She was drinking like a fish on both of her Instagram lives and even in a car. I cant say anything for certain about drugs, but her constant glorification of them is something that makes you wonder. I suppose the slurred speech and weight gain is just a social media gimmick also? I have been hearing talk about her drinking for years.


I agree with you that music charts are irrelevant but Madonna obviously does not think they are. If she thought they were irrelevant we would not be seeing constant updates about how many streams Frozen has gotten or what position it is on Spotify or Itunes.


If fans like me are going to be criticized for having baseless assumptions then I think that should apply to those who think everything is Hunky Dory also.


The implication that’s problematic here is that you think that her drinking is your business. We have no idea what her life is like,  but there are many people in this world who drink every day and don’t consider it self-destructive. It depends upon the culture. I grew up in France with Anglo-Irish parents…alcohol was omnipresent. I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago for the sake of my mental and physical well-being, but that’s because I am easily overwhelmed by depression and anxiety, and alcohol is a depressant. I don’t frown upon everyone else who still drinks, smokes, overeats. They are on their own journey. 

Most importantly, I wonder where everyone’s empathy has gone. She had terrible injuries and perhaps other health problems that remain unexposed. It’s obvious that alcohol and weed have helped her pain management in the short term. Would you prefer she be secretly popping opioids and benzos? 

Madonna may not be playing to you or I - and yes, I also ask the question regularly as to who she is actually trying to engage as an audience with her most contemporary choices - but I don’t question her well-being. She knows what she’s doing, and she seems to like it. 

P.S. the strategy behind the frozen remixes is to boost her streaming presence. It seems to be working. She also has the most used 80s song on tik tok with material girl..that actually means something in this modern cultural hell. At the very least it is as valid or invalid as having a meltdown over the anonymous comments section on social media, which is truly the graveyard for the forgotten, the insecure, the angry and the broken.

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17 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

The implication that’s problematic here is that you think that her drinking is your business. We have no idea what her life is like,  but there are many people in this world who drink every day and don’t consider it self-destructive. It depends upon the culture. I grew up in France with Anglo-Irish parents…alcohol was omnipresent. I stopped drinking alcohol a few years ago for the sake of my mental and physical well-being, but that’s because I am easily overwhelmed by depression and anxiety, and alcohol is a depressant. I don’t frown upon everyone else who still drinks, smokes, overeats. They are in their own journey. 

Most importantly, I wonder where everyone’s empathy has gone. She had terrible injuries and perhaps other health problems that remain unexposed. It’s obvious that alcohol and weed have helped her pain management in the short term. Would you prefer she be secretly popping opioids and benzos? 

Madonna may not be playing to you or I - and yes, I also ask the question regularly as to who she is actually trying to engage as an audience with her most contemporary choices - but I don’t question her well-being. She knows what she’s doing, and she seems to like it. 

I dont frown upon anyone for choices they make in their own lives so long as it is not hurting other people, that does not mean I cant have opinions and worries. I am genuinely concerned for Madonna, she has not been acting like herself for some time now and I am talking about so much more than weird trolling she does on social media. I also understand why she started taking opioids for her pain, that tour put her body through hell. The sad thing is that she is most likely dependent upon painkillers now even if they are no longer required and that is concerning as is her obvious alcoholism displayed upon her Instagram lives for everyone to see.

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