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Madame X Tour | Lisbon


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Guest Nobody Knows Me
12 minutes ago, societysboy said:

Cancel the tour, draw a line under the Madame X era, disappear for a year, come back with a Greatest Hits arena tour. 

Damage control.

Honestly, I agree. She’s due another Greatest Hits compilation anyway. Get her knee looked at first and foremost, then perhaps a big Greatest Hits box set in 2021 and then an arena tour in 2022 to celebrate her fortieth anniversary in music. 

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I've said this before but I do agree she has issue with knee, but every tour there has always been some issue. Remember the bandage on her arm during DWT etc. She has or Jamie King have tried to make an arena show (where she has stages with hydraulic lifts) into a theatre where she is climbing up ladders. WTF.

I still stick by that this theatre tour has not been what she though it would be. Even that first instagram post inspecting Lisbon theatre. It's there to see, she has no passion or interest. It's depressing to see her like that. And I assume Guy O is being the greatest useless manager as per usual and making no comment.

This reminds me of the "damage control" ReInvention tour she had to do after American Life album.

I think it's very sad and that a lot of blame lies with her team (Guy O, Arthur Live Nation etc.)

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5 minutes ago, Alan Leggate said:

I've said this before but I do agree she has issue with knee, but every tour there has always been some issue. Remember the bandage on her arm during DWT etc. She has or Jamie King have tried to make an arena show (where she has stages with hydraulic lifts) into a theatre where she is climbing up ladders. WTF.

I still stick by that this theatre tour has not been what she though it would be. Even that first instagram post inspecting Lisbon theatre. It's there to see, she has no passion or interest. It's depressing to see her like that. And I assume Guy O is being the greatest useless manager as per usual and making no comment.

This reminds me of the "damage control" ReInvention tour she had to do after American Life album.

I think it's very sad and that a lot of blame lies with her team (Guy O, Arthur Live Nation etc.)

Yes, but having said that, she has the final sign off. While everything you have said could be true, she agreed to it and clearly thought it fine. Unfortunately, during rehearsals she injured her knee. She pushed on (and good on her) but it's clear she can't continue to push on. 


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Why cancelling when you can be just NOT MOVING?¿? i mean.. really really really it's that difficoult to her?¿? really it's better cancelling a tour and dissapoint 70K people than just stand or sit? we know it's not typical from her but this is an emergency situation... PLEASE DON'T MOVE

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13 minutes ago, roberMDNA said:

Why cancelling when you can be just NOT MOVING?¿? i mean.. really really really it's that difficoult to her?¿? really it's better cancelling a tour and dissapoint 70K people than just stand or sit? we know it's not typical from her but this is an emergency situation... PLEASE DON'T MOVE

Why do people think it's easy as just that?  The knee will still be a problem whether she sits or not. Yes, less mobility will probably keep it from getting far worse, but it won't heal it. It won't fix it.  Also, she has a personal life.  It's not like she performs and then goes home and sits around. She's a very active woman.  If she's at the stage where she can't move, then it's probably safe to say she shouldn't be on stage at all.  As you said, it's an "emergency situation".  What she really needs to do is just get her knee fixed. If that means she has to cancel the rest of the tour, then so be it. 

It's so weird to read how people are making out like she's putting everyone out when she's been spending the last several months in pain, while performing still.  I find it extremely insensitive how people are wanting her just to perform, and never mind that her knee needs medical attention. Are you that hard up to see her perform life, you prefer her to be reduced to just sitting, rather just have the knee be healed?  If you think people are hard on her because of her age now, wait til you hear all the granny jokes when she is roll up in a wheel chair to sit the whole show.  She'd never hear the end of it. 


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14 minutes ago, Bat-Fan said:

I said it from the start of this theater tour, it won't work and it is a huge mistake. From that insulting lottery nonsense to high ticket prices to last SECOND cancellation, this tour is a total disaster and Madonna is clearly unhappy. Does anyone actually think otherwise?

You're confusing the issue here.  What hasn't really worked out?  Everyone that has attended has walked away happy and felt that it was a fantastic show.  High ticket prices and her lateness hasn't stopped people from going and ENJOYING THE SHOW. Look at the amount of fans who are worried that their future shows are going to be cancelled. 

I understand you do not like the format of this tour being it's a Theater show.  I understand you don't like how the ticket sales went.  However, that has nothing to do with why she's cancelling the shows. It's her health.  It's not a "total disaster" either.  Again, other than the cancellations, the shows have been getting rave reviews.  People come away enjoying themselves. It's unfortunate she's been plagued with the knee issue, but that's hardly a reason to say it's been a "disaster" or assumes she's "unhappy".   I'm sure being in pain isn't making her life easy, but I do believe the actual show she's happy with.  If not, she would have made more changes by now.

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I was yesterday in the show and it was amazing.

But to be honest I dont like how she has managed the cancellation. I understand if you are not feeling good you have to cancel. We are all humans. But her apology in IG is a total mess. Fingers crossed? The joke with wine?


People has spent a lot of money to travel from far away to receive that apology.


Fingers crossed? Really?

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6 minutes ago, o_g_c_x said:

I was yesterday in the show and it was amazing.

But to be honest I dont like how she has managed the cancellation. I understand if you are not feeling good you have to cancel. We are all humans. But her apology in IG is a total mess. Fingers crossed? The joke with wine?


People has spent a lot of money to travel from far away to receive that apology.


Fingers crossed? Really?

I'm curious?  How would you want her to "apologize"?  I try to think of all the artists I know who I enjoy that end up cancelling and they do not go out of their way to make a huge apology. Why isn't it enough just to accept a personal message on her choice of social media which ends up being placed on all.  She apologized. She said nothing out of sort that seems to be offensive?  Before social media, we wouldn't have gotten nothing personal from Madonna. Just a general press statement.   I'm not sure what people expect here? 

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32 minutes ago, MarXus said:

Why do people think it's easy as just that?  The knee will still be a problem whether she sits or not. Yes, less mobility will probably keep it from getting far worse, but it won't heal it. It won't fix it.  Also, she has a personal life.  It's not like she performs and then goes home and sits around. She's a very active woman.  If she's at the stage where she can't move, then it's probably safe to say she shouldn't be on stage at all.  As you said, it's an "emergency situation".  What she really needs to do is just get her knee fixed. If that means she has to cancel the rest of the tour, then so be it. 

It's so weird to read how people are making out like she's putting everyone out when she's been spending the last several months in pain, while performing still.  I find it extremely insensitive how people are wanting her just to perform, and never mind that her knee needs medical attention. Are you that hard up to see her perform life, you prefer her to be reduced to just sitting, rather just have the knee be healed?  If you think people are hard on her because of her age now, wait til you hear all the granny jokes when she is roll up in a wheel chair to sit the whole show.  She'd never hear the end of it. 


I am more than happy to just listen to a singer sing rather than cancel a show, l know Madonna is a dancer and a performance artist as well but she can just sing her songs and ditch the choreography and the crazy heals. Madonna is mesmerizing live and like TOAC could just sing songs

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Just now, cyberrage said:

I am more than happy to just listen to a singer sing rather than cancel a show, l know Madonna is a dancer and a performance artist as well but she can just sing her songs and ditch the choreography and the crazy heals. Madonna is mesmerizing live and like TOAC could just sing songs

Yes, but she just didn't sing at TOAC.  She made a huge spectacle of herself. I mean that with respect even though some would think otherwise.  Madonna isn't just someone who stands or sits there singing. She dressed up.  She danced around the stage even then.  She even rode a tri-cycle.  Let's not forget she even stood on a table and sang.  She puts on a lively show, no matter how mobile she is.  The reason she is so mesmerizing is because she never relied on just sitting or standing on stage singing.  I'm not sure she would have ever become as popular as she has, if she did that. She's been a visual artist.  And while there are times, she can sit and perform, it's not who Madonna is. 

However, my point is that her knee is still a problem. Just thinking that sitting on a chair performing is going to solve the problem isn't solving the problem.  She has a very active life.  We even saw when she was on vacation that she seemed to be very active.  There is no way her persona Madame X or Madonna herself would reduce herself to sitting in performing.  The show wouldn't work as is even though some fans would be happy if she did sit and sang.  But again, that isn't who Madonna is.

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People let's not split hairs about both sides of the issues. People affected are going to be disappointed about their show being cancelled given the money, hotels and everything else taken into account so it's not a bad thing if they are angry, sad or disappointed. It's become a gamble this tour the risk of cancellations due to her health problems. However, let's not also blame Madonna for something beyond her control. Rest and laying off the knee are what's best and she seems to have made accommodations to the show already but given the reduced choreography and change in shoes, it's still bothering her. We can't predict if future shows will be a go or get the cut but I would say look into the refund policy or a secondary way of getting money back before a deadline or enjoying the city you'll be seeing her in as a backup. However, I am sorry for the members who didn't see her tonight and run the risk of a future show being cancelled. As fans we all want a chance to see her on stage but we also want the best for her and her health, so let's see what happens and hopefully it doesn't cost someone to be out of their money or future damage to Madonna's knee etc.

I must be in the minority but I don't want a greatest hits tour from her. If she does indeed go and cancel the tour, I'd rather a new album where she feels creative and inspired like Madame X (if you liked it or not) and a mixture of hits, album tracks, a rarity or two and see how she'll continue evolving as an artist on stage. 


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32 minutes ago, cyberrage said:

I am more than happy to just listen to a singer sing rather than cancel a show, l know Madonna is a dancer and a performance artist as well but she can just sing her songs and ditch the choreography and the crazy heals. Madonna is mesmerizing live and like TOAC could just sing songs

She's putting people out by cancelling last minute.  Either cancel or just sit and sing the songs on the nights that she's too much in pain to dance.  Cancelling last minute while stubbornly refusing to follow medical advice is the worst of all worlds for everyone and completely disrespectful of fans' time and money who sacrificed a lot to support her.

People will understand a last minute cancellation due to injury once.  It's unforgivable and irresponsible to keep doing it over and over.  She's destroying her own touring legacy even more, more and more by refusing to cancel upfront or appropriately plan a backup plan (sitting and singing) if she refuses to follow medical advice and insists on continuing the tour and risking fans' time and money.  At this point, everyone knows she's injured and has been for a long time.  I'll totally understand if people who are affected by these last minute cancellations this time decide never to see her again even if she apologizes or whatever because I've felt the same way about other artists I love who did this.  Madonna isn't exempt from fan goodwill.

Of course we care about her health but at this point she isn't respecting her fans more by doing things this way than to either follow her doctors' advice or have a backup non-dancing plan for the tour she insists on continuing to handle this way.  She's neither doing what is best for her own health (so fans can't possibly care more for her than she does for her own wellbeing) nor for her fans on this most stressful of tours and eras.  The entire touring situation has been needlessly stressful and ridiculous because of the terrible planning and communication, from the ticket lottery to the late start times and now endless last minute cancellations.

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12 minutes ago, stfan97 said:

She's putting people out by cancelling last minute.  Either cancel or just sit and sing the songs on the nights that she's too much in pain to dance.  Cancelling last minute while stubbornly refusing to follow medical advice is the worst of all worlds for everyone and completely disrespectful of fans' time and money who sacrificed a lot to support her.

People will understand a last minute cancellation due to injury once.  It's unforgivable and irresponsible to keep doing it over and over.  She's destroying her own touring legacy even more, more and more by refusing to cancel upfront or appropriately plan a backup plan (sitting and singing) if she refuses to follow medical advice and insists on continuing the tour and risking fans' time and money.  At this point, everyone knows she's injured and has been for a long time.  I'll totally understand if people who are affected by these last minute cancellations this time decide never to see her again even if she apologizes or whatever because I've felt the same way about other artists I love who did this.  Madonna isn't exempt from fan goodwill.

Of course we care about her health but at this point she isn't respecting her fans more by doing things this way than to either follow her doctors' advice or have a backup non-dancing plan for the tour she insists on continuing to handle this way.  She's neither doing what is best for her own health (so fans can't possibly care more for her than she does for her own wellbeing) nor for her fans on this most stressful of tours and eras.  The entire touring situation has been needlessly stressful and ridiculous because of the terrible planning and communication, from the ticket lottery to the late start times and now endless last minute cancellations.

Well said

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