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Madonna shares Covid-19 conspiracy theory on IG, backlash ensues, then deletes


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9 minutes ago, momosfantasy said:

Yes!!  My God, she said something dumb, quick, let's cancel her!!  Eradicate everything she's ever done!!  Hurry up, we mustn't stand for this!!  In fact, let's execute her on a Facebook live stream!  No more Madonna!!


JFC dude, get a grip.  

OP said nothing like that, they said nothing of the sort.



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It's absurd how upset people are getting over this. I don't always agree with her, but I also know we all tend to react to situations or say things without being fully informed. That is the case here with Madonna.  If she was doubling down on her post, I'd understand the outrage more, but she removed it.  That should be the end of it, but to spend more than a post outraged over this, thinking her career is now over or the next collaboration project with Dua Lipa is cancelled seems silly.

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I didn't see anyone trying to cancel Madonna on this forum, people are just pointing out her mistake. I think that if this fake news had been published by Gaga, Britney, Janet, Mariah or any other pop star, many of you who are defending Madonna would be pointing out their mistake.

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1 hour ago, madonafrk said:

OMG who cares what she posted or what she "believes"!! I dont understand why people have to freak out over it or attack her.....People have every right to express their views or opinions about things. 

God, I am so sick of judgmental people! Nobody is perfect!! Nobody is better than she is!! I do not agree with what she said but it doesn't matter to me because she is a human being like all of us. We all have crazy beliefs and views on things in this world. 

Those that are judging her and criticizing her for what she said, you are no better either. You are expressing your views and beliefs by saying you do not agree with her and calling her crazy and mental when she would turn around and probably say the same thing about you!! 

It is the same theory about cancer, AIDS, etc,,,,that has been out there since day one,,,,"there is a cure but being held for financial gain or control" (whether or not I believe that, remains unsaid)

She is just speaking her mind and what she believes (if this is truly what she believes)! At least let the woman respond first before everyone wants to go off the deep end on her!! 


She has built her entire persona on enlightenment and philanthropy, so she does expect people to CARE about what she thinks/believe. We love her but she’s not getting a free pass for posting unverified, negligent stuff, specially not in these life/death circumstances we’re living. 



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Of course people will be upset about this, what do you expect. She is a person with influence and she is spreading false information. She could easily check this things with whoever she wants because she has the money and everything but no, she choose to act like far way stupid. She should be aware about the hard times we are living in and be careful about what she says.
I hope she apologizes about posting such an idiot thing.

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There are a couple of points I'd like to reiterate. Firstly, I was shocked that Madonna posted this, but later realized my shock was formed by my submission to the propagandist news feed that corporate media overlords have been feeding the masses. Who is right, and who is wrong are questions that none of us can answer at present. It is the massive danger of this time. Misinformation has been coming from everywhere, and the media is absolutely toxic. Anyone who feels that outlets from Fox to CNN and the NY Times are not seriously compromised by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups needs their head checked. Something to consider before claiming that Madonna is a lunatic. 

Secondly, I'd like to point out that Madonna has actually had covid-19, and she is a powerful and wealthy person who has access to the type of privileged treatment and information that only the elites are able to access. I've looked up to her for thirty-something years, and I find it hard to believe that she would choose to disseminate information that she had any doubt about. 

Thirdly, the doctor who gave this impassioned plea is not a quack. She is a practicing medical professional at a respectable institution. What her culture has taught her regarding sexuality is not a reflection of her ability to practice medicine. Do you know what your doctors and nurses believe about everything in life? If they had a fundamental difference of opinion about something, or perhaps a belief in a different God, but they were the top brain surgeon and the only one who could operate on your life-threatening tumor, would you refuse their services? 

The fundamental problem with this situation is that people have come to expect simple, digestible answers to everything in order to make room for convenience. "Shut up Madonna because this might hinder your chances of getting a single you are featured on to the mainstream in order for me to feel like my devotion to you is validated" is more offensive and stupid in my opinion than someone believing in demon sperm or that homosexuality is wrong in their personal belief system. You know why? Because this doctor stood passionately imploring the information to be scrutinized, putting her livelihood and life on the line, and doing so in order to save American lives. Whether or not you think the information is true or false should come from a place of broadly informed personal investigative work, and not based on Donald Trump's endorsement of the treatment, the doctor's personal belief system, or Madonna's choice to go public with her own personal views. 

IF...and I'll capitalize that twice...IF it is indeed true that big pharma and corporate greed lobbyists in government have been circumventing the obvious inexpensive treatment of this illness for the sake of pushing a giant money grab of opportunities to exploit unnecessary vaccination policies that allow a technocratic agenda to further take hold of the reigns of global power, we should be thankful that anyone is willing to speak up. There is a great danger to dismissing anything due to coexisting conflicts of belief that override the commonalities. I hope this helps to drive that point home for those of you who can think no further than getting a pop confection to add to your collection. 

P.S. From everything I have read, Madonna did not erase the post. Instagram first flagged it with the fact-checking procedure (a form of censorship that is becoming uncomfortably normalized without a doubt), and then hours later they deleted it. 

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7 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

There are a couple of points I'd like to reiterate. Firstly, I was shocked that Madonna posted this, but later realized my shock was formed by my submission to the propagandist news feed that corporate media overlords have been feeding the masses. Who is right, and who is wrong are questions that none of us can answer at present. It is the massive danger of this time. Misinformation has been coming from everywhere, and the media is absolutely toxic. Anyone who feels that outlets from Fox to CNN and the NY Times are not seriously compromised by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups needs their head checked. Something to consider before claiming that Madonna is a lunatic. 

Secondly, I'd like to point out that Madonna has actually had covid-19, and she is a powerful and wealthy person who has access to the type of privileged treatment and information that only the elites are able to access. I've looked up to her for thirty-something years, and I find it hard to believe that she would choose to disseminate information that she had any doubt about. 

Thirdly, the doctor who gave this impassioned plea is not a quack. She is a practicing medical professional at a respectable institution. What her culture has taught her regarding sexuality is not a reflection of her ability to practice medicine. Do you know what your doctors and nurses believe about everything in life? If they had a fundamental difference of opinion about something, or perhaps a belief in a different God, but they were the top brain surgeon and the only one who could operate on your life-threatening tumor, would you refuse their services? 

The fundamental problem with this situation is that people have come to expect simple, digestible answers to everything in order to make room for convenience. "Shut up Madonna because this might hinder your chances of getting a single you are featured on to the mainstream in order for me to feel like my devotion to you is validated" is more offensive and stupid in my opinion than someone believing in demon sperm or that homosexuality is wrong in their personal belief system. You know why? Because this doctor stood passionately imploring the information to be scrutinized, putting her livelihood and life on the line, and doing so in order to save American lives. Whether or not you think the information is true or false should come from a place of broadly informed personal investigative work, and not based on Donald Trump's endorsement of the treatment, the doctor's personal belief system, or Madonna's choice to go public with her own personal views. 

IF...and I'll capitalize that twice...IF it is indeed true that big pharma and corporate greed lobbyists in government have ben circumventing the obvious inexpensive treatment of this illness for the sake of pushing a giant money grab of opportunities to exploit unnecessary vaccination policies that allow a technocratic agenda to further take hold of the reigns of global power, we should be thankful that anyone is willing to speak up. There is a great danger to dismissing anything due to coexisting conflicts of belief that override the commonalities. I hope this helps to drive that point home for those of you who can think no further than getting a pop confection to add to your collection. 

Brilliant. From beginning to end. 

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6 minutes ago, Alibaba said:

There are a couple of points I'd like to reiterate. Firstly, I was shocked that Madonna posted this, but later realized my shock was formed by my submission to the propagandist news feed that corporate media overlords have been feeding the masses. Who is right, and who is wrong are questions that none of us can answer at present. It is the massive danger of this time. Misinformation has been coming from everywhere, and the media is absolutely toxic. Anyone who feels that outlets from Fox to CNN and the NY Times are not seriously compromised by corporate lobbyists and special interest groups needs their head checked. Something to consider before claiming that Madonna is a lunatic. 

Secondly, I'd like to point out that Madonna has actually had covid-19, and she is a powerful and wealthy person who has access to the type of privileged treatment and information that only the elites are able to access. I've looked up to her for thirty-something years, and I find it hard to believe that she would choose to disseminate information that she had any doubt about. 

Thirdly, the doctor who gave this impassioned plea is not a quack. She is a practicing medical professional at a respectable institution. What her culture has taught her regarding sexuality is not a reflection of her ability to practice medicine. Do you know what your doctors and nurses believe about everything in life? If they had a fundamental difference of opinion about something, or perhaps a belief in a different God, but they were the top brain surgeon and the only one who could operate on your life-threatening tumor, would you refuse their services? 

The fundamental problem with this situation is that people have come to expect simple, digestible answers to everything in order to make room for convenience. "Shut up Madonna because this might hinder your chances of getting a single you are featured on to the mainstream in order for me to feel like my devotion to you is validated" is more offensive and stupid in my opinion than someone believing in demon sperm or that homosexuality is wrong in their personal belief system. You know why? Because this doctor stood passionately imploring the information to be scrutinized, putting her livelihood and life on the line, and doing so in order to save American lives. Whether or not you think the information is true or false should come from a place of broadly informed personal investigative work, and not based on Donald Trump's endorsement of the treatment, the doctor's personal belief system, or Madonna's choice to go public with her own personal views. 

IF...and I'll capitalize that twice...IF it is indeed true that big pharma and corporate greed lobbyists in government have ben circumventing the obvious inexpensive treatment of this illness for the sake of pushing a giant money grab of opportunities to exploit unnecessary vaccination policies that allow a technocratic agenda to further take hold of the reigns of global power, we should be thankful that anyone is willing to speak up. There is a great danger to dismissing anything due to coexisting conflicts of belief that override the commonalities. I hope this helps to drive that point home for those of you who can think no further than getting a pop confection to add to your collection. 


This is Madonna’s new hero by the way. “Gays are the Devil’s agenda”


Funny, cause I still need to eat right and pay taxes. Haven’t got my satanic benefits yet I guess. 

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1 minute ago, madaboutM said:


This is Madonna’s new hero by the way. “Gays are the Devil’s agenda”


Funny, cause I still need to eat right and pay taxes. Haven’t got my satanic benefits yet I guess. 

You clearly didn’t read anything I wrote. 

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21 minutes ago, carlosR said:

I didn't see anyone trying to cancel Madonna on this forum, people are just pointing out her mistake. I think that if this fake news had been published by Gaga, Britney, Janet, Mariah or any other pop star, many of you who are defending Madonna would be pointing out their mistake.

Girl, that's where the hypocrites stay silent. Had it been anyone else they would be out with their pitchforks calling for cancellations but because it hits close to home, we should brush it aside, move on, people are overreacting, she's done worse "like okay?" We're not asking for cancellations or anything but you would think someone as integral and with such an influence like her would fact check and see where her stuff comes from rather than just uploading videos that could be false propaganda etc. I thought she was always looking into things and a stickler for details but she seemed to miss a very big one and then reposted it. 

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1 hour ago, RebelMe said:

1: Yes, people have their right to express their views and beliefs, but they need to see if what they believe have fundament and it is base on facts at all. Madonna is a public and very influential person, with 15.5 million followers on instagram, so what she says, wrong or right, always make the front page of social media and the worldwide news. This kind of influence needs precaution, especially when you spread disinformation about a disease that is making the whole world stop. Can't you see, now, what the problem is? 

2: Stop with this nonsense. You can't make assumptions on health issues spreading "theories". It's well known documented why it's so hard to find a cure for AIDS/HIV and Cancer, but it's well known documented too the incredible advancements on these subjects. 

3: Is it right, right now, spreading misinformation about a deadly disease? Trump was doing it not a while ago and she was was furious spamming all of ours timelines on instagram. 

So just stop.

Thank you! This is exactly what needed to be said. /thread.

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58 minutes ago, Fighter said:

OP said nothing like that, they said nothing of the sort.



The exact quote was "I hope Dua cancels the release of the single", which is about as over the top and overreactionary as I was trying to be in my post.  It was meant to be a bit sarcastic and absurd, which I realize doesn't always come across when it's written out as opposed to in person discussion.

I guess I'm just really tired of the extremist mob mentality of those who support things like cancel culture, because all too often with people like this there is zero room for nuanced discussion, difference of opinion, understanding of human foibles, or (gasp!) forgiveness of human error.  It's just: "This person said something wrong/thoughtless/different from my own opinion (which is often parroted from yet other sources).  Therefore, anything of any value or worth they've ever done is now null and void.  Delete.".  It's the worst kind of thought-fascism, and the absolute enemy of freedom of thought and expression, because all too often, people feel like they have to go with the crowd, lest they become an un-person.  It's what Orwell was warning us about in "1984", and it's gross.  I am NOT going to change my mind that cancelling a planned single release due to the ignorant re-post of an obvious conspiracy theory would be anything other than a ridiculously overblown consequence, and thus stand by my suggestion to "get a grip".

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2 minutes ago, Monsieur Hugo X said:

Madonna was cancelled since American Life for many people... so this is not relevant :Madonna020:

Not to be that person, but there's a huge difference between an album and sharing conspiracy theories and misinformation that is harmful to people that are gullible and liable to believe it prolonging this pandemic.

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1 hour ago, RebelMe said:

1: Yes, people have their right to express their views and beliefs, but they need to see if what they believe have fundament and it is base on facts at all. Madonna is a public and very influential person, with 15.5 million followers on instagram, so what she says, wrong or right, always make the front page of social media and the worldwide news. This kind of influence needs precaution, especially when you spread disinformation about a disease that is making the whole world stop. Can't you see, now, what the problem is? 

2: Stop with this nonsense. You can't make assumptions on health issues spreading "theories". It's well known documented why it's so hard to find a cure for AIDS/HIV and Cancer, but it's well known documented too the incredible advancements on these subjects. 

3: Is it right, right now, spreading misinformation about a deadly disease? Trump was doing it not a while ago and she was was furious spamming all of ours timelines on instagram. 

So just stop.

Agree 1000000000000000%

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