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2 hours ago, deathproof said:

Very much a real person.

Nobody says he's unreal. I said he has a "fake" account to lure crazy fans to it while using another one daily unbothered by anybody. Why I think so? Well, I just happen to see that profile is not rich in content. But I can be always wrong. 

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14 minutes ago, Cyberraga said:

Nobody says he's unreal. I said he has a "fake" account to lure crazy fans to it while using another one daily unbothered by anybody. Why I think so? Well, I just happen to see that profile is not rich in content. But I can be always wrong. 

Not everyone who has an Instagram posts every single day.

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2 hours ago, deathproof said:

Johann has been working with M for decades. He was in charge of ICON since the 2000's, and has since become her webmaster and social media manager. Very much a real person.

That guy seems to have some attitude to him considering he leaves people on read or Ignores them instead of just saying that he can't reveal that info

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14 hours ago, Cyberraga said:

Nobody says he's unreal. I said he has a "fake" account to lure crazy fans to it while using another one daily unbothered by anybody. Why I think so? Well, I just happen to see that profile is not rich in content. But I can be always wrong. 

Or perhaps he's doing his best to go unoticed by fans but why would he put a Madonna profile pic if that was true?

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3 minutes ago, Would You Like To Try said:

Or perhaps he's doing his best to go unoticed by fans but why would he put a Madonna profile pic if that was true?

I dunno, and I don't care. I don't care who is Emily, what that person's role is in all of this, why that person uploads things or not in that way not another. Whatever Madonna's team is doing, they're busy cuz she's not paying them for nothing.

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14 minutes ago, dave2290 said:

the only thing we can do it is wait and see.

Well, much this. In response to @Cyberraga, ofc Delebarre could have a Finsta to talk to M and co., but once he replied @Roytelling him things would be out days in advance and in fact they were, we could expect he would keep such courtesy but guess things change unpredictably. Maybe M gave him a lecture and French mec got silent since then. And, as @deathproofsaid, not every single Instagrammer's profilicly active, i.e. me when I was a true poor of spirit, spent months there but I could count in my fingers the number of posts I did. My main goal in that sort of Hades was not to promote myself, but to comment on other IG posts plus to talk to people through DM's, until the time I concluded that not even that could keep me there.

Btw Emilie is in X too but la fille has not posted a single thing there yet.



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1 hour ago, Cyberraga said:

I dunno, and I don't care. I don't care who is Emily, what that person's role is in all of this, why that person uploads things or not in that way not another. Whatever Madonna's team is doing, they're busy cuz she's not paying them for nothing.

Exactly.  "Emily" is a made up name some fans started using.  Also, the fretting over all what's being uploaded, what's not and what should be seems exhausting and useless. We'll get whatever they decide to upload.  More than not, I enjoy it.  I have most everything digitally if not physically anyway.

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8 minutes ago, dave2290 said:

for you all how better anniversary than 40 years in music to put out something amazing? i was sure this yea,r her team and M , they will put out jewels after jewels.... nothing.... honestly what they wating for? when i see singer with less the half of M years in music and they put out GH non stop..... 

Like who? What artist are you referring to that is putting out Greatest Hits "non-stop"?   And ask yourself, if that is true, how many copies are they selling?  Because to me, Greatest Hits are hardly profitable anymore when anyone can make a playlist of their favorite songs by any artist these days.  To me, the tour is the way to go, because no one can create a playlist of a non-existing tour.  Releasing numerous "Greatest hits" is not a very wise and profitable move for any artist these days.

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