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3 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

Ok as long as tiktok is so wonderful then I will wait another 10 years then for an announcement - I don’t recall the announcement last year mentioning tiktok or tweens - just fans that have been waiting a long time ? Surely that’s whom these are aimed at ? As I said many times before why would tiktok generation fickle cell phone morons be interested in music from 30 years ago ?? The demographic is just not for them sorry if that’s hard for people to swallow on here ?



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1 minute ago, Shoful said:

It’s definitely weird that Warner hasn’t announced ANYTHING else around the reissue project. They said we would hear from them “soon”. Obviously that word is not used correctly in either Madonna’s or Warner’s case.
Maybe we start a petition or all start emailing the crap out of them:Madonna009:

I would find it weird if we've had total silence since August, but it's not the case:

- "Madame X Tour" Live Album digital release in October

- "Frozen" remix release in December

- A remix album/compilation in the works

- More digital singles and HD upscaled videos

It's not like they don't care about her, they're working. Also, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe the first reissue has been changed to "Ray Of Light" lately, due to the sudden success of "Frozen" and they're preparing everything for it. Or maybe is another one but Madonna herself wants to have the remix album released first. Or maybe the vinyl pressing factories don't have free slots to manufacture the vinyls yet. It can be so many things.

So enjoy what's out and just wait for the rest. The reissues are coming, sooner or later!

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TikTok made Fleetwood Mac cool again. It's not about the app, it's about people appropriating her catalogue by sharing it. It's a spontaneous thing and not something a PR firm did that's why i think it's nice. I'd rather have them sharing her back catalogue on TikTok than mocking her on Instagram. Now her PR firm needs to have her songs on various series and to work they should use album tracks rather than singles. Tracks like Paradise or Sanctuary for instance becausethey are cinematographic and show a different side than the hits.

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9 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

was this Frozen remix thing really a thing :-

- "Frozen" remix release in December

I thought of it more of a joke,  i listened to it once..  LOL

I don't feel blessed by that.. :(





It's her most streamed track at the moment on the main streaming platform in the world, Spotify. So yes, it's a thing and people like it, whether you enjoy the remix or not.

You don't have to like certain things (streaming, the "Frozen" remix, the TikTok trends, etc.) to acknowledge that they're important for her and that they're doing a good job capitalizing on them.

Some of you are totally underestimating the importance of these achievements in the current commercial music world. The fact that out of the blue and thanks to a lucky accident, a 1998 song like "Frozen" is relevant again and getting new fans from a generation that didn't even know who Madonna was... I mean. What's not to like about it? It can only lead to great things in the future.

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There's a lot of things her team miss,  I'm in the UK and i'm not joking when i say that other artists 'Queen come to mind' have specials on the tv all the time.  Other artists allow their material to be constantly broadcast on channels..   Obviously there's some reluctance when it comes to Madonna even the recently broadcast BBC Special has gone off the BBC 'IPlayers' streaming site when other artists are on there for months.   Why don't they want her to be constantly broadcast like other artists are..    Why aren't they allowing the Virgin Tour.  Ciao Italia etc to be constantly rebroadcast throughout the world on tv..   That would be a massive way to reach audiences..

I was in the local supermarket recently and you can buy T-Shirts with so many artists on them..  Rolling Stones,  Prince etc...   but never Madonna..   Why not..  Is it because they think having exclusivity is the best way..

The recent Madame X show is completely a no show in the UK..  it was only ever on MTV 'Full of Adverts' i might add.   this show has only been made available in selected 'Paramount' countries..

It's crazy to think that the UK, France and Portugal countries where the tour went,   the actual film is unobtainable officially.   

The whole marketing strategy and her overall exposure to the public seems to be a complete mess in my opinion  :(

Sorry for the rant but it gets to me when other artists get so much better exposure.. 



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14 minutes ago, The Ghost said:

There's a lot of things her team miss,  I'm in the UK and i'm not joking when i say that other artists 'Queen come to mind' have specials on the tv all the time.  Other artists allow their material to be constantly broadcast on channels..   Obviously there's some reluctance when it comes to Madonna even the recently broadcast BBC Special has gone of the BBC 'IPlayers' streaming site when other artists are on there for months.   Why don't they want her to be constantly broadcast like other artists are..    Why aren't they allowing the Virgin Tour.  Ciao Italia etc to be constantly rebroadcast throughout the world on tv..   That would be a massive way to reach audiences..

I was in the local supermarket recently and you can buy T-Shirts with so many artists on them..  Rolling Stones,  Prince etc...   but never Madonna..   Why not..  Is it because they think having exclusivity is the best way..

The recent Madame X show is completely a no show in the UK..  it was only ever on MTV 'Full of Adverts' i might add.   this show has only been made available in selected 'Paramount' countries..

It's crazy to think that the UK, France and Portugal countries where the tour went,   the actual film is unobtainable officially.   

The whole marketing strategy and her overall exposure to the public seems to be a complete mess in my opinion  :(

Sorry for the rant but it gets to me when other artists get so much better exposure.. 



Very good points she doesn’t exist in the uk tbh which is sad because she dominated it at one point 

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1 hour ago, Prayer said:

I would find it weird if we've had total silence since August, but it's not the case:

- "Madame X Tour" Live Album digital release in October

- "Frozen" remix release in December

- A remix album/compilation in the works

- More digital singles and HD upscaled videos

It's not like they don't care about her, they're working. Also, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes. Maybe the first reissue has been changed to "Ray Of Light" lately, due to the sudden success of "Frozen" and they're preparing everything for it. Or maybe is another one but Madonna herself wants to have the remix album released first. Or maybe the vinyl pressing factories don't have free slots to manufacture the vinyls yet. It can be so many things.

So enjoy what's out and just wait for the rest. The reissues are coming, sooner or later!

But none of that pertains to the reissues they announced. You shouldn’t toss out the word “soon” when 8 months passes and there’s been dead silence on the matter from a major company. If plans have changed it would be the professional and appropriate thing to announce an expected delay. 
I’m enjoying what’s out and am in no rush to get these reissues if they need more time to get them done properly. My post was only to state that it is a very bizarre thing as a major record label to announce something then be dead silent for 8 months without any update. 
As an example, video games get announced and delayed all the time but usually there is more transparent communication after a delay obviously happened. That’s all I’m saying??‍♂️

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They way it was originally written was it formed part of the contract with her and warners that she would release retrospective deluxes etc..  I think the issue has now got to the stage where it's completely unprofessional to make such an announcement and then not mention it again to tell the fans waiting for them what's happening..   :(

“2022 will mark the  40th anniversary of Madonna’s recording debut. This new deal heralds the launch next year of an extensive, multi-year series of catalog releases that will revisit the groundbreaking music that made her an international icon. For the first time, Madonna will personally curate expansive deluxe editions for many of her landmark albums, as well as introduce unique releases for special events, and much more. The series of releases will be overseen by Warner Music’s catalog team, led by Kevin Gore, President of Global Catalog, Recorded Music, with the first release to be announced soon.“

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21 minutes ago, Shoful said:

If plans have changed it would be the professional and appropriate thing to announce an expected delay.

But they can't announce a delay or a change of plan on something that never had a settled title and a date to begin with. Nobody said: first reissue is going to be this one and it will be out in Q1 2022. It's February, not December.

I understand we all want things as soon as possible but it doesn't work like that. Plus, don't underestimate the fact that she's personally curating them. That adds to it all.

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41 minutes ago, Matty said:

Very good points she doesn’t exist in the uk tbh which is sad because she dominated it at one point 

I’m in the U.K. too and I can say that she has never been more irrelevant in the public consciousness- a tiktok remix is not doing to change that . I can’t speak for the rest of the world of course but I doubt it’s much different. Fans on here who think an app is going to rejuvenate interest in here are very deluded . I’ve not heard one person in my daily life mention this frozen or material girl tiktok nonsense and we all know how fickle younger music fans are now …

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2 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

At least someone agrees with me then so thank you ... cant help it if i crave unreleased madonna songs in nice box sets - shoot me then !  

Girl come on. It's all love here from me...just get on board a bit it's so much more fun.

We as a fan base finally get to celebrate our love for this incredible woman and her music together with her on board for the first time ...well ever really..at least while shes completely in it.

I love standing in the fire exit dragging on a snub end of a fag as much as the next bitch but i'll still get on the dancefloor with the rest of em even its a lil two step "Aunty Jean" shuffle at times.

Come join the party..it's a celebration. Were waiting. x






I'm the same too actually I want all it all!!!!!

Patience my friend it will be ours!!!




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1 hour ago, Matty said:

Perhaps they’re having issues getting her to review theM and decide what’s to go on them, she’s busy with the film at the moment which is going to dominate her time, we all know how in control she is with her music, I wouldn’t be surprise if she’s digging her heals in with things.

This deal with Warner probably took months to thrash out before it was announced August 2021 - of course we were at the tail end of COVID so surely during all that time she must have thought about what releases would come out and even listened to some of her archive files , we know she was reviewing all those tapes from before her first album during lockdown for the biopic - I find it hate to believe that sue would only be looking at this stuff in the last 6 months ? Can’t she scrap the biopic ? Lol ? 

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1 hour ago, wtg1987 said:

I’m in the U.K. too and I can say that she has never been more irrelevant in the public consciousness- a tiktok remix is not doing to change that . I can’t speak for the rest of the world of course but I doubt it’s much different. Fans on here who think an app is going to rejuvenate interest in here are very deluded . I’ve not heard one person in my daily life mention this frozen or material girl tiktok nonsense and we all know how fickle younger music fans are now …

So true, her profile in the UK is non existent.  She lost all respect from the general public, and her music is barely played, other than occasionally on radio 2. 
she doesn’t have the legend status like queen or Elvis when it comes to merchandise anyway, I can’t see anyone other than hardcore fans buying a Madonna T-shirt or framed image etc. It’s really sad that she was once considered an icon. I guess if she had died young it would be a different story!!!! But she aged and rubbed people up the wrong way, not a good combination for the fickle public! 

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10 hours ago, VeronicaElectronica said:

So true, her profile in the UK is non existent.  She lost all respect from the general public, and her music is barely played, other than occasionally on radio 2. 
she doesn’t have the legend status like queen or Elvis when it comes to merchandise anyway, I can’t see anyone other than hardcore fans buying a Madonna T-shirt or framed image etc. It’s really sad that she was once considered an icon. I guess if she had died young it would be a different story!!!! But she aged and rubbed people up the wrong way, not a good combination for the fickle public! 

Elvis and Queen are rock acts and rock acts are usually much more highly regarded than anything in pop music. We true Madonna fans know she grew into something so much more than a basic pop star but today she is known as the aging diva who comes after other artists by young people and has been abandoned by old school fans for refusing to become a legacy act.

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Her profile in the UK is indeed at an all time low. But the British general public are so led by the tabloids which she indignantly defies (especially since her divorce and leaving the country) by continuing to be herself, coupled with Universal's abysmal promotion of her music for the last decade, it's hardly a surprise. I just don't really think she has cared that much what people thought of her, safe in the knowledge that at least people were still talking, even if it's to trash her. But she will turn it around once again, we just need to zoom out from the micro hoo-haas for a bit longer....

And at the end of the day, who really gives a shit about the circus merry-go-round... it's the work that matters and whether it makes you feel something. People will find it in due course. I'm still discovering music from decades ago that wows me (no hysteria involved).

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Actually the tabloids hold waaaay less power than they used to in the uk. I’d argue the tabloid press only ever really aided Madonna’s career here.

Perfect tabloid fodder specifically with the Guy O years. 
Her popularity here being at an all time low is largely to do with her late show times, dodgy tour set lists for most of her shows since S&S, her socials and the Eurovision and Brits debacles and some odd talk show promos in the last decade and a less than rave review for her Prince tribute. The small bits the public have seen of her have been awkward car crashes. 
If anything the Brits are more Mehdonna in truth. She just got kinda tired here. 

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Im not gonna say that Madonna has been treated fairly in recent years but lets not try and paint her as a helpless victim either, she brings a lot of the backlash upon herself. She is generally perceived as an unpleasant egomaniac and the average person watching one of her more recent interviews can't be blamed for thinking that. Lately she has been in constant warrior bitch mode and it gets tiring after awhile. She went off the deep end after her divorce and her touring credibility is at an all time low after Madame X and the fucking nightmare that was Eurovision.

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