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10 minutes ago, Shoful said:

Girl WE ALL KNOW! People keep fucking posting that same damn quote when we ALL remember what it said. 
Nobody should announce something TWO YEARS before they expect to release it. It’s a mess. I can’t believe people are defending it. Truly sheeps for anything she spits out

Is it that hard to understand that we're probably getting lots of little goodies but only one big release each year/every couple of years and that "Finally Enough Love" was the first big release, last year, and a year after the announcement was made?

Just because you're not getting what you want at the moment you want it it doesn't mean the campaign isn't been going on for two years already.

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3 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Is it that hard to understand that we're probably getting lots of little goodies but only one big release each year/every couple of years and that "Finally Enough Love" was the first big release, last year, and a year after the announcement was made?

Just because you're not getting what you want at the moment you want it it doesn't mean the campaign isn't been going on for two years already.

He was the one that posted the original press release but he didn’t say it was a mess and that it didn’t make sense back then  😅

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1 hour ago, Roland Barthes said:

Since that insta reel she did with Candy Shop as background music, writing the titles of her most famous songs and asking which one we would like to hear, i'm 100% sure she's perfectly aware of our Candy Shop fatigue and she'll probably troll us with it in one way or another. think bout those "3 notes" Tony talked about...definitely the 3 repetitive ones from the intro (the signature of Pharrell on all his songs). I can hear the screams, the meltdowns, i picture that scene from "Death Becomes Her" when Goldie Hawn in group therapy wants to talk about Madeline Ahston again.

Fucking love Death Becomes Her.

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16 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

He was the one that posted the original press release but he didn’t say it was a mess and that it didn’t make sense back then  😅

Did you even read my post that you quoted? It’s only a mess cause we’re two years out and they haven’t said anything about the most anticipated thing

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20 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Is it that hard to understand that we're probably getting lots of little goodies but only one big release each year/every couple of years and that "Finally Enough Love" was the first big release, last year, and a year after the announcement was made?

Just because you're not getting what you want at the moment you want it it doesn't mean the campaign isn't been going on for two years already.

One big release a year? Girl half of her fanbase will be dead by the time they’re done then :Madonna009:

It’s obvious fans in here are fine with the fucking bottom of the barrel bare minimum and that’s why we haven’t gotten a single thing from the vaults. Buy absolute cash grabs from a multimillionaire and corporation and parading it around as “goodies” when it’s the same shit they already sold you years ago

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4 minutes ago, Shoful said:

Unwealthy people defending the rich and their predatory tactics. Love to see it :Madonna006:

She's a commercial pop artist and Warner are a record company. If you thought the campaign wasn't about making money, sorry to burst your bubble, love, cause yes, it's about that.

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3 minutes ago, Shoful said:

One big release a year? Girl half of her fanbase will be dead by the time they’re done then :Madonna009:

It’s obvious fans in here are fine with the fucking bottom of the barrel bare minimum and that’s why we haven’t gotten a single thing from the vaults. Buy absolute cash grabs from a multimillionaire and corporation and parading it around as “goodies” when it’s the same shit they already sold you years ago

These are the same fans that are going to be yelling at us for not being happy when the "deluxe rerelease" of the first album is the original tracks "remastered by Mike Dean" and with the Everybody Instrumental as a bonus. 

"It's NOT LIKE she Owes yoU gUYS anYTHING!!" "She could be doing nothign!" "She'S REleASed mORE verSIONs OF the FIRST ALBum this yeAR thaAN sHE DId in 2019 aND 2020!!!1" "Calm down, thiS IS JuSt theE BegINniNG of the CaMPAigN -- Wait for RayY oF LIgHT before YoU GeT MaDD!" "Why DiD FANs eVer ThINK she was GoinG to ReleaSe thE deMOs aNYways?!"

Totally agreed with some fans being fine with the bare minimum these days.

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23 hours ago, Shoful said:

Girl WE ALL KNOW! People keep fucking posting that same damn quote when we ALL remember what it said. 
Nobody should announce something TWO YEARS before they expect to release it. It’s a mess. I can’t believe people are defending it. Truly sheeps for anything she spits out

I know I am wasting my time here based on your other replies, but I wanted to point out that the most likely reason we found out about  this deal in 2021 IS because the MADAME X TOUR LIVE digital and streaming release was through Warner.  So if you do the math, people would have questioned why Warner was involved if they didn't mentioned why they all of sudden were backing her MXT Live release.  Be logical about this.  If they didn't mention the deal and just released the tour digitally the fan base would have gone nuts with a lot of speculation in why they were involved, so why not just spill the whole tea?  Not only that, this deal has been said in the press statement that it was a "Multi-year deal" and it included other curated releases.  It just wasn't ONLY about the expanded re-issues.  Of course, some fans focused only on the expanded re-issues and dismissed anything else said.  But let's remember that this deal is centered around the idea of celebrating Madonna's 40 years in the business.  If you do the math, her 40 year annivesary started back last October with the anniversary of Everybody.  In July, her debut album will reach that 40th landmark.  Now ask yourself, why would they release a re-issue expanded album before that landmark moment?  You can bet, in the next month or two, the debut album will be the prime focus from the team, but it doesn't mean they won't release or mark anniversaries other releases in some way.  I mean; do you really expect HARD CANDY as the first expanded re-issue?  Especially when we've seen Erotica and ROL glossed over?  No, this is about the debut album, the first album to reach the 40th Anniversary landmark.  You may doubt it, but I promise you, you will eat your words if you doubt they won't make a huge deal with the debut album in the next few months. And I'm quite certain that there will be a huge re-release based on the debut album in the coming months. 

You might want to chill, be patient and stop being so dramatic that not every anniversary isn't being celebrated the way you wish it to be.  I understand we are anxious, but some are acting like nothing is happening when a lot has happened since the release of your favorite album's (MADAME X) tour got a digital and streaming release TWO YEARS AGO!!  A lot has been release especially digitally since then. FEL was the first NEW curated special release and now they are embarking on the first anniversary during PRIDE month with a RAINBOW Album release.  Again, do the math!  :)

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Not once did I say I wouldn’t eat up whenever they finally release this reissue. In fact, I’ve been quite prominent on how enthusiastic I am about the release. My comments are only about how I’m sick of the same 5-10 people acting like we’re getting fed ANYTIME one person complains that the wait has been agonizing. 
Literally anytime one person says, “omg I can’t believe the reissue hasn’t been announced yet”, the same 5 people jump into this thread quoting that same damn line from the press release and saying we’ve been served so many releases since the deal. What a colored variant of a 30 year old remix….

It’s literally the definition of insanity in this thread and I finally needed to clap back :Madonna003:

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While we don't need to repost the August (yes August, it has not been 2 years yet) 2021 press release again, we all know what is in it. A schedule was not published and yes, it's a multi-year deal.

We saw the first release in April 2022 with the Who's That Girl RSD release and that was followed  by the extensive FEL releases and a number of special event releases. And we are getting a greatest hits tour over and above the deal. 

We will be getting expanded editions of albums and the deal is underway and delivering physical and digital releases. There really is no need for theatrics, presenting feelings as facts and exaggeration.

If something is released and it's not something you are interested in, remember you're are under no obligation to buy it or even waste so much time complaining about it. Buy what you love and hopefully for those that aren't interested in the special event releases, something you're interested in will come your way. It's a big year. 

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8 minutes ago, Shoful said:

Not once did I say I wouldn’t eat up whenever they finally release this reissue. In fact, I’ve been quite prominent on how enthusiastic I am about the release. My comments are only about how I’m sick of the same 5-10 people acting like we’re getting fed ANYTIME one person complains that the wait has been agonizing. 
Literally anytime one person says, “omg I can’t believe the reissue hasn’t been announced yet”, the same 5 people jump into this thread quoting that same damn line from the press release and saying we’ve been served so many releases since the deal. What a colored variant of a 30 year old remix….

It’s literally the definition of insanity in this thread and I finally needed to clap back :Madonna003:

Yet, you mock and call people "sheeps" because they logicially explain what has been going on.  The fact is; the roll out of certain things aren't going your way so you have to insult and make fun of others who have respectably explained to you in a non-insulting or mocking way what is going on.  Yet you keep calling people "insane", "sheeps", etc., because you're not getting things the way you want it. It ain't Burger King Buddy, where you get it YOUR WAY.

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10 minutes ago, GregVsMatt said:

While we don't need to repost the August (yes August, it has not been 2 years yet) 2021 press release again, we all know what is in it. A schedule was not published and yes, it's a multi-year deal.

We saw the first release in April 2022 with the Who's That Girl RSD release and that was followed  by the extensive FEL releases and a number of special event releases. And we are getting a greatest hits tour over and above the deal. 

We will be getting expanded editions of albums and the deal is underway and delivering physical and digital releases. There really is no need for theatrics, presenting feelings as facts and exaggeration.

If something is released and it's not something you are interested in, remember you're are under no obligation to buy it or even waste so much time complaining about it. Buy what you love and hopefully for those that aren't interested in the special event releases, something you're interested in will come your way. It's a big year. 

Hey @GregVsMatt wouldn't you agree that the reason they probably released  a press statement for the new deal at the time, was because Warner was behind the MXT streaming/digital release.  I know you mentioned FEL was the beginning, but wouldn't you agree that the digital and streaming release was somewhat really the first release behind the deal?  But I agree that  FEL really was the beginning of the curated new releases and Who's That Girl was probably the beginning of the back catalog re-issues. Though, you are able to explain it far better.....

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5 minutes ago, tscott said:

Yet, you mock and call people "sheeps" because they logicially explain what has been going on.  The fact is; the roll out of certain things aren't going your way so you have to insult and make fun of others who have respectably explained to you in a non-insulting or mocking way what is going on.  Yet you keep calling people "insane", "sheeps", etc., because you're not getting thing the way you want it. It ain't Burger King Buddy, where you get it YOUR WAY.

The logic was not lost on me nor did I fail to understand what has been released so far but thank you for that. You’re right I shouldn’t have tried to convince anyone to buy a money grab product. Don’t settle for second best.

It’s quite ironic really

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22 minutes ago, Shoful said:

Not once did I say I wouldn’t eat up whenever they finally release this reissue. In fact, I’ve been quite prominent on how enthusiastic I am about the release. My comments are only about how I’m sick of the same 5-10 people acting like we’re getting fed ANYTIME one person complains that the wait has been agonizing. 
Literally anytime one person says, “omg I can’t believe the reissue hasn’t been announced yet”, the same 5 people jump into this thread quoting that same damn line from the press release and saying we’ve been served so many releases since the deal. What a colored variant of a 30 year old remix….

It’s literally the definition of insanity in this thread and I finally needed to clap back :Madonna003:

Exactly. The same few that claim "she can do no wrong - you guys are just ungrateful" when we have been screwed over the years with promised projects and them being taken away. The little releases thus far have been nice but let's be honest - they're only releasing them to keep us afloat cause they're dragging their feet with the reissues. 

18 minutes ago, Jackie said:

Patience is a virtue - she's just edging us all - don't worry - the climax will be worth it when it finally releases ;)

Yeah well I'm ready to release :iw:

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14 minutes ago, Shoful said:

The logic was not lost on me nor did I fail to understand what has been released so far but thank you for that. You’re right I shouldn’t have tried to convince anyone to buy a money grab product. Don’t settle for second best.

It’s quite ironic really

But no one is asking you to "convince" them to  "buy a money grab product".  That's up to the individual.  I respect you don't care for the product, but there is no need to insult and mock others who are interested in the product.  And as for the FEL Rainbow edition, let's remember A LOT of fans were disappointed that the Vinyl edition originally sold out when it was first available.  So whether you are interested or not it isn't really your business who is interested nor is anyone asking for you to convince anyone to buy it.  I think the price alone will be a huge factor in whom buys it.  :)

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26 minutes ago, GregVsMatt said:

While we don't need to repost the August (yes August, it has not been 2 years yet) 2021 press release again, we all know what is in it. A schedule was not published and yes, it's a multi-year deal.

We saw the first release in April 2022 with the Who's That Girl RSD release and that was followed  by the extensive FEL releases and a number of special event releases. And we are getting a greatest hits tour over and above the deal. 


Just out of curiosity: the re-release of the SEX book (even if limited edition) was part of the special event release?

And also, was the greatest hits tour part of this deal as well?

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2 minutes ago, tscott said:

But no one is asking you to "convince" them to  "buy a money grab product".  That's up to the individual.  I respect you don't care for the product, but there is no need to insult and mock others who are interested in the product.  And as for the FEL Rainbow edition, let's remember A LOT of fans were disappointed that the Vinyl edition originally sold out when it was first available.  So whether you are interested or not isn't really your business nor is anyone asking for you to convince anyone to buy it.  I think the price alone will be a huge factor in whom buys it.  :)

The only reason I have made an issue of it, which I’ve stated several times, is if the fandom continues to eat this junk up… Warner and M will put even less energy into what we want meaning no demos, or deep in the vault tracks. Things don’t change unless people take a stand which from this thread is apparent will never happen. 

Let’s end this discussion tho. Everyone is tired of it. 

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