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Is Everyone Gay On Here?


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 I am in the minority here as all my relationships have been with women. About your question, I think that gays love Madonna so much because she has always been a fierce advocate for gay rights and has made a lot of music that appeals to that demographic but obviously I am not claiming to speak for everyone.

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I think straight guys are uncomfortable with her strong persona and how she presents herself sexually. Men are used to being in control of women's sexuality, where a woman is only allowed to be sexual if requested by a man. If a woman is in control of her own sexuality, she's a slut. Straight man need control, and that's why they can't stand Madonna. Also, Madonna is very feminine so even if they like her, they would never admit it for fears of being called gay.

I don't mean to offend any straight guys, this is the Patriarchy 101. For most mean it's subconscious and they aren't even aware of it. If you are on this forum, chances are you're fine

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The vast majority of Madonna's fanbase in the glory years were not gay and fears of being labeled as gay did not prevent them flocking to her concerts and buying her albums. There was a bit of a shift, at least in America, after Erotica. A real shame that some people can't just enjoy good music for what it is.

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I'm a straight woman.

Anyway I don't understand the thought process of Madonna having a lot of gay fans just bc she's always been for gay rights. So you're telling me ppl will sit and listen to a song they don't like just bc the artist is an advocate of their lifestyle?? No, it's bc first and foremost they like her product. I don't care what she believes in or does, quite frankly, don't call me late to a new video or Open Your Heart Remix in 2022 (yes please).

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3 hours ago, baymad4her said:

Obviously, I'm not being a homophobe as I'm gay myself, but I have noticed that we seem to all be gay guys on here. So it gets me wondering, why do us gay guys love Madonna so much?

All the straight fans that I personally knew, started to dislike her after Express Yourself and Vogue. And with Sex they said "goodbye forever". And in the same period, many gay friends started to like her... Coincidence? I don't think so...

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I became a fan when I was 8 or younger.... So I really have no idea how the fuck she did it. I just liked the music. And every time I went to the record store I could find a different tape that offered a whole new world of music for me to explore. Except for You Can Dance. I was a little upset that they were mostly songs I had heard before and multiples of the same song. I didn't quite understand what the hell that was at the time. 

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34 minutes ago, Angelman60 said:

I can't really explain why but to me, a gay icon is not a gay icon because he/she defends gay rights. For me it's just about the music. 

It's like Kylie Minogue, lady gaga... I can't explain it but there is a kind of music liked mostly by gay people. 

For me Madonna is a gay icon because her music and lyrics gave me strength to be myself in front of the rest of the people. I can say the same for example of "Bronski Beat" (a band from the 80s with only a couple of albums,  you should listen "Why?" or "Smalltown boy").

However I can't feel that with Kylie (and I love her) or Lady Gaga (I love a couple of her songs). Yes, they fight for the gay rights but her music don't make me feel better or stronger as gay person. Don't ask me why, but I can't feel that connection.

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9 hours ago, Aiwa08 said:

All the straight fans that I personally knew, started to dislike her after Express Yourself and Vogue. And with Sex they said "goodbye forever". And in the same period, many gay friends started to like her... Coincidence? I don't think so...

As far as I remember, straight fans massively reappeared in the ROL-Music and COADF eras...

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I like boys and girls, but don't feel identified with the label of being gay or bi, or a certain flag, or community. I just want to live and try everything. (?)

And that's why I feel identified with Madonna: she embraces the freedom of being yourself and to live by your own rules.

In my case, I'm just into bands and rock/alternative artists… except for M. Idk how to explain it, but she's more than a pop singer to me: she's a rockstar, a political figure, a punk! That's something that I haven't found in any other popstar in my 29 yrs of life.

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