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The Grammy’s 2023


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9 minutes ago, Prayer said:




I still love the look. Fierce as only she can be. I love seeing Madonna still being Madonna, older but her, not Madonna turning into your lovely nice grandma. She was never that, I don't expect her to be that now.

She's a living inspiration.

I still see Madonna and without being rude I see plump face not all from surgery but from age or weight gain? Her skin is flawless and so what if she's had surgery/procedures I think the hashness of the general public is either jealousy because if we could all afford to change something about ourselves that we didn't like we would do it, also the fact that Madonna refuses to go away and it terrifies them.  In many years to come and possibly when she's not around anymore she will be applauded for pushing the boundaries and defying what is expecting of 60+  female artist in the public eye and this will be the complete norm 

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6 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

I think the hashness of the general public is either jealousy because if we could all afford to change something about ourselves that we didn't like we would do it

I respectfully disagree that the reaction is due to jealousy in being able to afford plastic surgery. The top two photo angles are not flattering, without wanting to draw myself further into this conversation.

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8 hours ago, Vas said:

Michael Jackson was found to be an innocent man, as per the lengthy criminal trial held in a Californian Superior Court.

So, please do your research.

He was also a dysmorphic, abused, bread-winning child star who was scrutinised by the public ever since he was a kid.

So, please check your compassion.

He was not found to be an innocent man. The prosecution was found not to have proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt. MJ is innocent the way OJ is innocent. He was a monster. Great talent, evil person. 

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3 hours ago, Edward I Longshanks said:

Paul Mccartney, Cher, Dolly Parton, Bruce Springsteen, 90 plus year old Tony Bennett with dementia, need I go on😂🤣 One does not need to try and dance like they are 25 in order to be a great performer, something Madonna should learn from, less dancing that nobody cares about which ruins vocals and wears her out and more emphasis on singing that does not sound like it came from a program. PS, imagine talking about lip syncing of other artists while being a Madonna fan🙄

Madonna was always more of a showgirl than a great singer. That’s where the difference comes in between Madonna and the people you mentioned. Those people can easily stand there and sing because they’re known first and foremost as vocalists. When Madonna sits to sing we get the horrible guitar medley. :rip:

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3 hours ago, MattyMads said:

I still see Madonna and without being rude I see plump face not all from surgery but from age or weight gain? Her skin is flawless and so what if she's had surgery/procedures I think the hashness of the general public is either jealousy because if we could all afford to change something about ourselves that we didn't like we would do it, also the fact that Madonna refuses to go away and it terrifies them.  In many years to come and possibly when she's not around anymore she will be applauded for pushing the boundaries and defying what is expecting of 60+  female artist in the public eye and this will be the complete norm 

This really shows how extent of her messing with her face. 


Edited by RUADJAI
Removed doctored image (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, drivebitch said:

This really shows how extent of her messing with her face. 


The one on the right is retouched to make her look worse. This is the original:


The one on the left is from 1989. The one on the right is 2023.

I wish everyone making this comparisons would show their own ones between then and now.

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1 hour ago, xavier said:





If we’re going to do side by side comparison pics like these, please at least use the candids, because at this point, it is painfully obvious she does not look like her Instagram in real life whatsoever. 

Agreed with all the comments feeling sad for her. It’s out of a place of compassion that a lot of us are concerned for her and her well being. She doesn’t seem happy and this behavior comes off as extremely insecure, which is antithetical to what Madonna has stood for over many decades. She is absolutely a human being and I think these last few years have shown a different side to her monolithic brand that is hard for us fans to accept. 

We try to rationalize her behavior as being rebellious and as “not giving a fuck” but to anyone not seeing her through that lens, it seems she is consumed by what people think about her and how she’s coming off to the public. From my personal perspective, it feels she has absolutely succumbed to all public pressure and is destroying her spirit in the process of it, which is sad to see.

Something is very different about her post-Madame X era, and I think a lot of us can see that. It’s not just her getting older. Something is going on with her behind the scenes. I have no idea what it is, and I adore her and only want the absolute best for her, but I’m a little worried about her, if I’m being honest. 

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29 minutes ago, Prayer said:




I still love the look. Fierce as only she can be. I love seeing Madonna still being Madonna, older but her, not Madonna turning into your lovely nice grandma. She was never that, I don't expect her to be that now.

She's a living inspiration.

OMG. Guys the first photo. The side pose. When I first saw it I forgot for a moment that I am looking at Madonna's photo. My mom's side profile is exactly like hers. I thought it was my mom . Kristen Bell Awww GIF

She looks gorgeous 

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1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

My problem isnt that she’s 64.

What I find weird  is how she looks.

She can do what she wants.

But I also thinks she plays into victimhood.

If you can handle the criticism people make about your “procedures”, you can handle the criticism made about wrinkles and older facial features.

She doesnt look  young


You don't look young either and given your age, maybe you should be wiser. She doesn't NEED  to have to handle anything, and she deserves none of this. Society needs to do better and stop tearing down women for their looks. It's one thing to show concern about someone and another to just be fucking cruel and a bully.

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9 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

There is no denying she has had work done but comparing a photo of a 30 year old against a 60 year old Madonna is a little unfair, everyone's appearance and skin changes with age. Her weight as well is completely different,  no one is saying she hasn't had work done but to say a 60 year Madonna looks nothing like a 30 year is just absurd and very unfair 

It is also a very unflattering capture to use against a 30 year photo. Like cmon. 

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2 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

It is also a very unflattering capture to use against a 30 year photo. Like cmon. 

I've just seen a new article on front page Daily Fail  comparing her face now to 1987 Madonna, I refuse to read it and give them the click bait but comparing someone's looks against a 30 year former self is just plain stupid and idiotic  

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21 minutes ago, MattyMads said:

but comparing someone's looks against a 30 year former self is just plain stupid and idiotic

Granted it's a garbage tabloid newspaper, I think the main purpose of that before and after photo is to highlight the extent of the plastic surgery -  which let's be frank, they could have used about any recent untouched photo to make that point as it's pretty obvious. 


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1 hour ago, lalalagirl said:

I care because I think she cares.. she probably feels very insecure and is hurting from this. she's human. she probably feels weird about it.. all this talk about mental health and being more sensitive toward each other, yet at the same time many of these people bully her. maybe it would do her good to openly talk about her insecurities too. 

if i knew she genuinely didnt give a fuck, I wouldnt care about the nasty comments.

You can't assume what another human being "thinks" and "feels" like cmon 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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1 minute ago, Roland Barthes said:

But maybe she does not want to look pretty, maybe she wants to look weird. She could well suffer from body dysmorphia too. But there's one thing that is true for sure is that there is a plastic surgery phobia. The reactions are over the top, like she killed their children or something. You take a glimpse at people commenting, they don't even hide, and what do you see ? Roadkill that no plastic surgery or even miracle can salvage. It's interesting to know why people have this extreme reaction to it, it does not come from concern for her, that's why i think there is a phobia linked to plastic surgery. Nicole Kidman and many others have been the target of online hate for it. Why ? Why people react so viciously  like it's their own face ? That should be studied. 

The drag queen Alexis Stone had a GREAT stunt about this. She put on prosthetic makeup for I think about 6 months to a year in what looked like insane plastics surgery only to reveal it was never real at all and all makeup. A gag!!!!! Stunt!!! Loved it!!! 

And she called out everyone for the awful judgmental comments they made about what she decided to do with her body should’ve it been real.

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This discussion happens ad nauseam on here. Literally every time a public appearance is made. How tired are we. Like at this point just keep your opinions to yourself cause nothing is changing and it will likely continue to be this way. 

I love the consistency here we have the 3 main groups always in these threads:

1. The Daydreamers - These are the ride or die fans. They randomly interject to say random stuff about her beauty. And how the pictures are the best she’s ever looked. They have dreams of frolicking around on clouds with Madonna. She could prob spit on them and they’d lap it up. 
2. The Sensible Ones - Whether they sway in opinion they convey them with rational (usually long) thought. They are fans of Madonna, but base their opinion through a realistic lens and with average to above-avg intelligence. 
3. The Haters - They come in usually with like 2 posts and say nasty things about someone they supposedly don’t care about, even though they spend hours having argumentative debates in all of these threads. Maybe they’re fans but harsh critiques, who’s to know?

Eu sei o que sou e o que não sou. 
Do you know who you are?

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29 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

It is also a very unflattering capture to use against a 30 year photo. Like cmon. 

true and then there's also that crass photoshop 101 they did on the photos to make one look way better than the other , see how they played with the brightness, contrast , saturation, vibrance and sharpness tools just to start

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53 minutes ago, Prayer said:

The one on the right is retouched to make her look worse. This is the original:


The one on the left is from 1989. The one on the right is 2023.

I wish everyone making this comparisons would show their own ones between then and now.

Exactly. We all know she’s had her face done. It looks plump cause my guess it was newly filled. But what doesn’t help is I think she’s had s bad lift. If looks like who ever did it pulled from her chin to above her ear which is why I think she should wear her hair down. But what do I know? Also I don’t think the grillz do her any favours by pushing her lips out. Having said what I just said I still think she doesn’t look half as bad as people are saying….which sadly is mostly her fans. 

Edited by MartinX (see edit history)
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15 hours ago, diegolcl said:

NOT this DRAMA(!) just because Madonna at 64 does not look the way ya'll need her to look. 

Jesus Christ, it's unbelievable...

If this ends up being how you feel then you guys are not understanding the point at all. Madonna is alive, working, healthy... How about being grateful for that instead of feeling ashamed of her ass for a change?

Following a pop artist, musician or band has always been about YOU FEEL about them so this is a dumb retort. We are emotional beings and connections are important for artists to make. I can’t switch that off and on to suit your version of the narrative. The good comes with the bad. Stop telling me how to feel. How very 2023 of you. 

We must give space for discourse without the rants otherwise, robotic monolithic political takes with no grey area, no room for discussion and no tolerance become detrimentally polarising. 
MAGAdonna fans. 
Couldn't be me 

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