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Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”


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6 minutes ago, Anderledes said:

Great voice, and I love it because so many people get provoked by it... Have we really not gotten further than people still get pissed, rude and bullying because someone does not conform to their beauty standards and way of living... respect to Sam Smith because they are doing what they want  and that without hurting anyone...

Sorry, I just don’t like his voice.

I could care less if he flops his teets around. That’s his business.

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Love how he's not ashamed and going for it.  We need more people like him to push the boundaries of what sexy is to a lot of people.  Most average people aren't dating/married to super models and/or  people with perfect bodies.  Also, I give kudos to anyone in the younger generations giving props to Madonna. 

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3 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

I love it!

They are a true role model to the queer community and I have massive respect for them lately. It’s so great to see them showing their body and not giving a fuck about the standards of body shape that gets forced on us day in day out all over social media etc.

It is true, especially in an era where many have found in filters the perfect means to alter their true appearance, thus betraying their own identity and their own reality that for some reason they are not comfortable with and at the same time looking to fit in that ideal imposed by society, an ideal that apparently will never die because they themselves are in charge of feeding it with their actions and do not let it die once and for all. The sad thing about this is when they fall into exaggeration and excess, because in their desire to continue looking more and more perfect, they end up becoming a caricature that instead of admiration, what they ultimately produce is ridicule.

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