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Sam Smith covers “Human Nature”


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52 minutes ago, me1981 said:

For the record Sam prefers they/them pronouns, that's how they identify, though have said they won't get angry if you use he/him.

I think if you're going to address who Sam Smith is at least respect how they identify. 

He's not in the room. What does he care how he is referred to? Seems a bit narcissistic. "You will adress me as such..." Jesus.

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24 minutes ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

A lotta people in this thread may not have known about Sam's pronouns,

or they did and chose to ignore it and deliberately misgender them.

I'm saying nothing 

I knew about it but I forgot. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making which was in support of Sam. That person was just throwing that at me to be smart arse or discredit my point of view.

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16 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

sorry he has a penis - that makes him a he- you cant deny your biology imo ... this world is so messed up because of these dumb buzz words now - are we denying our genes now ???

The world is not “so messed up” because a small portion of the population identify as non-binary or see gender as a spectrum. Why do people exaggerate this as some global issue that’s ruining humanity? The world is messed up period. These people are just rejecting the stereotypes that language and labels place on them. They are not denying their anatomy.

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2 hours ago, thegoldencalf said:

Apparently these days it’s enough to say you’re something and people actually buy it. 
And if so, how come Madonna is not held up to the same low bar?

Because she’s judged against her own past performances, especially by her own fans.

I don’t get why you think Sam Smith is not a visual artist. Is Katy Perry, Rihanna or Taylor Swift a visual artist? Because I don’t see how his performances show any less skill as a performer than those people or a host of others out there? These people are all singers first and foremost, doesn’t mean the visuals cannot become part of their art.

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No one's said anything hateful.

It is the beauty of living in a democracy: we can exchange and tolerate other points of view.

Citing reality does not make you a bigot. No one here is against anyone, so lets refrain from making grandiose assumptions. Again.

And again, labeling others  or tying what they say to some doctrine, or trying to silence them is never the answer.  People are capable of individual thought. And we mustnt be afraid of what is foreign to us. 

It's ok to not share the same views.

Although reality and truth should never be up for debate.

How are we to move forward if there is no basis to agree on?

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Tbh this whole "visual artist" thing that was ushered in during the short era when MTV played music videos was always kinda stupid to me. Its why none of these modern bitches can really sing and have a shelf life of about ten years. 

I don't want to derail this thread but there is another, more "visually normal" gay guy artist called Years & Years that sure he may look like a sexy elf in all of his pictures and videos but he sounds like a dying cat choking on a hairball when he sings. At least Sam can wail when they want to. Sam also gave us Latch so they can do whatever moving forward IMO. 

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16 minutes ago, DickTracy said:

Tbh this whole "visual artist" thing that was ushered in during the short era when MTV played music videos was always kinda stupid to me. Its why none of these modern bitches can really sing and have a shelf life of about ten years. 

I don't want to derail this thread but there is another, more "visually normal" gay guy artist called Years & Years that sure he may look like a sexy elf in all of his pictures and videos but he sounds like a dying cat choking on a hairball when he sings. At least Sam can wail when they want to. Sam also gave us Latch so they can do whatever moving forward IMO. 

I love Olly from Years & Years. Especially his voice.

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9 hours ago, Blue Jean said:

This is bald faced lie. There are literally people using GIFS with vomiting and saying things like “oh dear,” drag queen GIFS pulling judgemental faces etc. No one has directly fat shamed him but read between the lines. They are not comfortable with what they saw.

And on Twitter I have seen truly vile comments about him from both gay and straight people.

Nobody is saying that in this thread. We’re not on Twitter you may have noticed.  You also made a big show about how you were putting me on mute. Guess you changed your mind. I see a very sloppy performance that is sung well with a cool rendition of Human Nature. If you want to read further between the lines be my guest. 

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2 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

sorry he has a penis - that makes him a he- you cant deny your biology imo ... this world is so messed up because of these dumb buzz words now - are we denying our genes now ???

You don't have ' a biology'  you might have sexual organs that don't need to align with gender or your identity.

Even your chromosomes might not give away or match what your sexual organs look like.

But you don't know that because you think this is  'bUzZ WoRdS nOw'. Bigots ignore science for all of these years until someone in Fox news decide to crap all over it.


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41 minutes ago, deathproof said:

Just lock this thread. The views and politics that some people have…, especially being an M fan. Wow. Disturbing. 

Once this trend is over with, which will happen when the next generation rebels against gen z, we’ll see if you go along with the crowd once again, or if you stand strong. 

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30 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

No one's said anything hateful.

It is the beauty of living in a democracy: we can exchange and tolerate other points of view.

Citing reality does not make you a bigot. No one here is against anyone, so lets refrain from making grandiose assumptions. Again.

And again, labeling others  or tying what they say to some doctrine, or trying to silence them is never the answer.  People are capable of individual thought. And we mustnt be afraid of what is foreign to us. 

It's ok to not share the same views.

Although reality and truth should never be up for debate.

How are we to move forward if there is no basis to agree on?

Nobody is debating reality. They are just saying gender is a spectrum. It is a different way of looking at gender that allows a lot of people to understand their own identity. For example, imagine if a bisexual person was forced to label themselves as either gay or straight and everyone told them no, you are either one or the other.

Mind you, that is exactly what a lot of gay men do lol.

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