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Apparently everything is going well: Madonna's friends have declared through social networks to calm fans that we truly care about Madonna and that we cannot deal with the anxiety that causes us to know how she is.

On the other hand I have a feeling that soon we will have more information on the subject. Personally, I would like Madonna to make a video thanking all her fans for the sincere concern and telling some details of this painful incident that has kept almost all of us in suspense in recent days and has given rise to various speculations on the part of the fans: totally understandable in the absence of official information.

Something that certainly surprises me are the comments of certain fans trying to repress my desire to know the circumstances of this unfortunate event with statements such as "you are not part of her family" or "she does not owe explanations to anyone about her private life." And I wonder: Since when did the rules of the game change in this world of entertainment where everyone who wants to immerse themselves in this environment knows that one of the prices of enjoying fame and money is losing your privacy, even more so when this fame is world level. Madonna is obviously not part of my family but fanaticism makes me feel as if she were and that is why my natural concern and desire to know all the details of this sad event.

Celebrities know that they could not be what they are thanks to us fans who symbolically are the base or raw material thanks to which they will achieve their dreams of fame, greatness and recognition. That is why I will patiently wait for Madonna to tell all the details of the incident in a video or in a statement. It IS the least we deserve from Madonna by dedicating a large part of our lives to venerating and idolizing her.


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Some realy disgsitng comments. She doesn't owe us NOTHING, especially if it's health releated. Should she say "yes dear fans, I'm vomiting all day" maybe with a video since most of the people in here believe everything TMZ says? She will make a video or comment for sure, but again she's not going to talks about the most intimate details. 

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27 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

Some realy disgsitng comments. She doesn't owe us NOTHING, especially if it's health releated. Should she say "yes dear fans, I'm vomiting all day" maybe with a video since most of the people in here believe everything TMZ says? She will make a video or comment for sure, but again she's not going to talks about the most intimate details. 

Exactly - we didn't even know or hear about her hip replacement and I don't think she's actually ever said it - just posted a photo/s indicating a scar - if she hadn't done that - we wouldn't even be aware she had an operation.

I doubt they would have said anything this time either - except they had to a) because of the tour and b) to get ahead of the media report.

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4 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

Everyone needs to chill. If you wanna see disgusting comments you should go on Twitter. 
Most people here are fans that love her and we all have different opinions that we might disagree on. 

I don't go on Twitter, and I really don't want to read things like this in here. This has nothing to do with different opinions. We are talking about a person, reading that she owe us an explantion becuase she's famous and we mde her famous is disgustin. At least this is my opnion. 

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Im happy she’s better and recovering, and i really hope she gets all the time she needs. 
People like the owner of this “fan page” (which now only posts to promote his parties and make such demands make me sick. Madonna doesn’t own us any explanations, neither Guy Oseary, who certainly wont say a word without her approval. All we can do now is wait. We’ll have some official statement anytime now.


Edited by phantomoftheopera (see edit history)
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I can understand why fans are feeling very anxious - but we need to acknowledge what we know - she's home and recovering - Rossie confirmed, others also. There isn't anything else to be said.

I am 100 per cent sure when she's feeling better we'll get a selfie of her getting ready for rehearsal with a hashtag #feeling better and that's it lol 

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Yeah, I don't need a video from Madonna giving me an update or any details about her illness.  If she decides to do so, that is completely up to her, but it's not my business to know the intimate details.  And I'm pretty sure when she's feeling up to it, she will eventually post something about her recovery, if at most thank people for the outpouring support.  Besides, how many celebrities do you know who go on social media/make videos, detailing their health crisis?  If asked when being interviewed, is one thing. (I'm sure the press/media will get their chance!)  Issuing a press statement when it affects their commitments, it's expected to make some sort of statement.  But again, she nor anyone owes their fan base or the public details of their recovery and/or illness or even daily to weekly updates.  What we know now is enough. She's home recovering. That's all that matters!  :)

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1 minute ago, Blue Jean said:

Madonna fans claim to know the music industry in and out as if they work in it and yet they expect her manager to give them hourly updates. He’s clearly a little bit busy right now.


Well, and what's the update gonna be  right - she's just had a glass of water - she's just taken a shit - I mean, you know right.  lol

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48 minutes ago, phantomoftheopera said:

Im happy she’s better and recovering, and i really hope she gets all the time she needs. 
People like the owner of this “fan page” (which now only posts to promote his parties and make such demands make me sick. Madonna doesn’t own us any explanations, neither Guy Oseary, who certainly wont say a word without her approval. All we can do now is wait. We’ll have some official statement anytime now.


The audacity

Guy won't even read that rubbish 

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58 minutes ago, cosmic_system said:

I don't go on Twitter, and I really don't want to read things like this in here. This has nothing to do with different opinions. We are talking about a person, reading that she owe us an explantion becuase she's famous and we mde her famous is disgustin. At least this is my opnion. 

And I do agree with that as well and stated that opinion before here. 
But on the flipside she is a public figure and fans have invested a lot of themselves in her and I can see how they’d want to know more. 
At the end of the day it’s all out of concern and love

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There is a very important human quality in the human being and that is the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others. And it translates into not detracting from or minimizing the sincere concern of many fans when they want to know more details about Madonna's painful incident. It also translates into not being outraged or offending those who present theories or speculations that can hurt our susceptibility and understanding that these are born by associating what happened Madonna with the tragic deaths of several music legends who left unexpectedly and from which all we have witnessed in recent decades.

At the end of the day, everything depends on Madonna: if she understands and appreciates the concern of her fans, she will make a video or a statement that is informative enough to clear up our doubts, even if it means breaking that particular secrecy that has always surrounded her and that is like a barrier that has always kept us fans from knowing more details about her personal life. If this is not the case, she will simply post a selfie, an ironic photo or simply nothing and we will have to settle for the explanations given by third parties, in this case, her lifelong friends.

Surely someone will say: "why don't you put yourself in Madonna's shoes and understand her position" thus trying to reverse the meaning of my message. In these cases, what should be weighed is to identify what is worth more: the permanent desire to maintain privacy at all costs or the concern of millions of fans who to this day await more information on the state of health of their favorite star.

A video of Madonna dedicated to her fans explaining what happened could become one of the most intimate and certainly unique moments that we could share with her in almost 40 years of career. If this finally becomes possible, only time will tell.

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For the people wishing she would post a video or make some kind of appearance, or for Guy to provide an update- they may have been advised NOT to give any more updates until more details are worked out. There’s a lot of money at stake so I’d imagine lawyers, various management folks involved, insurance reps, etc have told them to keep quiet until given the ok.

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I'd be lying if I said I don't want an "update" simply to know MORE. I want MOOOOOOOORE. Or does that sound to greedy? That's not greed, no indeedie...

HOWEVER, I love her and must respect her privacy. I've never been that type of fan that waits outside just to get a glimpse of that SUPERSTAR. Stalker-ish...I didn't even wait for her at the end of the MXT. Her job was done when the curtain went down. 

So. Again, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to know "to be a fly on the wall" but that's my ego. And mom taught me good. 

Thanks Mutha xo

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I have no doubt most fans as myself wouldn't mind to know more about her condition, but only on her terms. It's not our business to know anymore than what they have told us.  From this point on, she and her team only owe us what is to come regarding the tour rescheduling.  She has no obligation to clear anything else up regarding her personal health issues. That's her business and to think she owes her fans anything more, to prove that she appreciates us, is quite absurd to suggest. Guy told us what was wrong.  He told us she's home and now she's recovering.  There's noting more to know.  Just because some prefer to dream up conspiracies or buy into the tabloid nonsense, doesn't mean it's her responsibility to sort that out for you. 

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