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Anyone have anything positive to say about Camille Barbone?

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I'm aware a little of their history.  It just seems Madonna is always made to be a very vapid cunning person in that relationship if you will.

I don't recall a thread being devoted to this on this site.  Just bits about Camille which weren't positive..   and I can't blame M fans.


I mean as I see it as someone trying to be neutral if one doesn't like the direction their managers or company is going in they'll just leave.  It's just business kind of thing and way of the world.  But maybe back in the early 80's this wasn't viewed as socially acceptable?   

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There's always something very bitter about her, we could say she was very hurt of course, but she's not that likeable really? In interviews, who knows in real life of course xd

She reached an agreement with Madonna in 1984 and got paid some money, so Camille using Madonna's name years after that is questionable at least. She could have turned the whole thing into being "the manager who discovered Madonna" with a positive angle but instead did the easy way and the easy pity story.

I remember something similar happened to the Spice Girls' first management team (got abandoned by them as soon as they felt things were not moving forward quickly enough) but instead they went on to use that positively and doing other successful pop projects in the UK and Europe later (the boyband 5ive for instance).

Things to like about Camille: she obviously helped Madonna and saw something in her. But it's not like she had a clue on what to do with all that, really.

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Let's face it, Madonna is a force of nature.  From a very early age, she figured out how to push people's buttons to benefit her.  After all, in the early 80's, for a young woman, she had to be strong and not take shit from anyone.  Unfortunately, I'm sure that led her to do some things she might not be too proud of today, but I suspect her and Camille had a similar attitude and ambition in succeeding in this world. Once Madonna realized Camille was no longer an asset to where she needs to go next, she moved on.  Madonna isn't the sort of person who waits around for anyone to make things work for her.  She went out and hustled herself.  I'm sure the anger and bitterness Camille may harbor, only came when Madonna became hugely famous.  After all, she did help open some doors for Madonna, but again Madonna isn't one to sit around and wait for things to happen. She made things happen.

I don't know Camille (nor Madonna) personally.  It's possible they had clashing personalities, but I would say, if we're looking for things positive about Camille is that she spotted something in Madonna that others passed on before her and after Madonna moved on from her.  Unfortunately, she wasn't moving fast enough for Madonna, and Madonna move on. 

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I can see why she moved on from Camille. I mean, we will never know; pure speculation, but, M was probably so artistically motivated. She wanted to be the biggest, as big as Michael at that time. Camille wouldn’t take her there, and she simply moved on and got lucky. 

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I think Camille helped Madonna a lot on a personal level, Madonna went behind her back and she was very bitter that she never really benefited from everything she she did for her. I can understand her perspective.

The truth is after Madonna was signed she offered her the opportunity to be involved in her career and she declined. The same thing happened with Steve Bray , he was bitter for awhile but in the end he was smart enough to take the offer and work with her. Madonna took a lot of people with her as she moved forward… Maripol , Steve Bray, Martin and others… So I don’t think the picture Camille paints is completely true. Camille just couldn’t take Madonna where she wanted to go. Her vision for Madonna sucked. And Madonna knew it, hence why she moved forward without her. She says Madonna left her in financial ruin so once again, I understand her perspective however they did pay her out of the contract. At the end of the day it’s business and Madonna had a one tracked mind toward success. She wouldn’t be where she is now if she’d carried on under Camille’s guidance.

Since then Camille has never had any success in the music industry other than babbling about Madonna for money and her ongoing bitterness leaves a lot to be desired. Who would want to “develop a career” with somebody who trashes their only success story? She dug her own grave there going on trashy shows like Madonna Exposed for a quick buck. Maybe she did have something to offer but she blew her chances with her bad attitude .

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Camille and Patrick Hernandez didn't get Madonna, they didn't get the 'street influence she had at that time. Madonna was funky, wanted to make the kind of funky music the kids she was hanging on with were listening in their Boomboxes, and Camille or Patrick wanted her to be a disco or pop-rock singer, totally erasing her heavy street influence. Madonna already had that black music/urban sensibility she still has today. No wonder when she released her first album she made it funky. And that groovy way she had to move and dance on tracks like Holiday or Lucky star is pure funky street cool... She had that in her blood and dna, since she was a kid hanging with all the black kids from her neighborhood. She sure tried different kind of music on her early days (Rock etc...) But she naturally turned to funk when she made her own debut album.

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21 minutes ago, Redha DBL said:

Camille and Patrick Hernandez didn't get Madonna, they didn't get the 'street influence she had at that time. Madonna was funky, wanted to make the kind of funky music the kids she was hanging on with were listening in their Boomboxes, and Camille or Patrick wanted her to be a disco or pop-rock singer, totally erasing her heavy street influence. Madonna already had that black music/urban sensibility she still has today. No wonder when she released her first album she made it funky. And that groovy way she had to move and dance on tracks like Holiday or Lucky star is pure funky street cool... She had that in her blood and dna, since she was a kid hanging with all the black kids from her neighborhood. She sure tried different kind of music on her early days (Rock etc...) But she naturally turned to funk when she made her own debut album.

This is true but I think also, Madonna hadn’t found her own voice/style as an artist when working with Patrick or Camille. Recording demos and doing photo shoots was so expensive in those days. Camille probably invested so much in the rock/pretenders direction that it was impossible for her to go with Madonna’s next movement by the time it eventuated. This is why Madonna did it behind her back. The demos she did with Steve Bray were a result of secret recording sessions late at night in a studio he was able to negotiate access to or something along those lines. Camille could have been behind all that if she heard it/saw it for herself but Madonna wasn’t upfront about it so she never had the opportunity . Once again, this is why she’s still bitter :laughing:

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2 hours ago, Robertthenurse said:

I can see why she moved on from Camille. I mean, we will never know; pure speculation, but, M was probably so artistically motivated. She wanted to be the biggest, as big as Michael at that time. Camille wouldn’t take her there, and she simply moved on and got lucky. 

She used, abused, hit it then quit it. It's not bad when it's due to ambition, right?

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44 minutes ago, Starchild said:

She used, abused, hit it then quit it. It's not bad when it's due to ambition, right?

Doesn’t it remind you of those court documents from Rene that leaked detailing who Janet Jackson really is behind the fake giggles and whispers?

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Pure speculation of course, but Camille always seemed to be hurt with her on a personal level, not just the business side. So maybe there were feelings involved in all that drama, like she fell in love with Madonna or something. In some interviews Camille said Madonna was always flirty with her (wasn't she with everyone though?).

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54 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Pure speculation of course, but Camille always seemed to be hurt with her on a personal level, not just the business side. So maybe there were feelings involved in all that drama, like she fell in love with Madonna or something. In some interviews Camille said Madonna was always flirty with her (wasn't she with everyone though?).

Didn’t that Chris Anderson biography claim they had a lesbian affair? Am I remembering that correctly? 

Perhaps that’s far fetched but she may have had feelings for her. Assuming she’s a lesbian? (I honestly don’t know if she is or isn’t.)

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She pushed Madonna to get harder to be a singer and a FAMOUS SINGER, just like Dan Gilroy did. And she learnt M about the "lemon and honey" stuff.

And she made M play to her zealot fans (aside from Camille's own dogs) by inspiring her to include Did You Do It? in Erotica.

And she was right about comparing Gaultier cone bras to farts and burps. Cause there's nothing wrong with both!

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And btw @Chris, how's Kesha's thread on Flop of the Pops??? Kudos for making both thread and forum surviving to this day!!!

EDIT: and don't take my laughs seriously, right? And tell Princess Aurora she doesn't need to play the LuranusLur role on ATRL!!! (Know how much I know FOTP? XOXO)

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