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What happen to fb Madonna Australia group ?


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The Madonna Australia page that I ran with my friend Nicole since 2012 with 37.7K followers and 2 million post reach was shut down by Meta's techology - we appealed and it was rejected by Meta AI in less than 60 seconds - all pages are at risk - Madonna Revolution, News of Madonna, Madonna 80s Archive and Madonna Universe all suffered the same fate - was annoying to lose 12 years work 

We are still on insta luckily 


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17 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

The Madonna Australia page that I ran with my friend Nicole since 2012 with 37.7K followers and 2 million post reach was shut down by Meta's techology - we appealed and it was rejected by Meta AI in less than 60 seconds - all pages are at risk - Madonna Revolution, News of Madonna, Madonna 80s Archive and Madonna Universe all suffered the same fate - was annoying to lose 12 years work 

We are still on insta luckily 


It's appalling that FB is allowing this to happen - or not providing an option to allow these pages to exist.

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17 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

The Madonna Australia page that I ran with my friend Nicole since 2012 with 37.7K followers and 2 million post reach was shut down by Meta's techology - we appealed and it was rejected by Meta AI in less than 60 seconds - all pages are at risk - Madonna Revolution, News of Madonna, Madonna 80s Archive and Madonna Universe all suffered the same fate - was annoying to lose 12 years work 

We are still on insta luckily 


the same happened a few months ago with MadonnaTribe, the appeal was rejected in 30 seconds. Honestly they don't deserve to be feeded with the populaty of the biggest fansites so we didn't try to re-open the page. Their loss.

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That said, people who are using Bluesky - is this really good? I am tempted to give them a chance after they labelled local Felipe Neto as an extremist, I guess a social network who does this gets all my respect.

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1 hour ago, alessan_dro99 said:

the same happened a few months ago with MadonnaTribe, the appeal was rejected in 30 seconds. Honestly they don't deserve to be feeded with the populaty of the biggest fansites so we didn't try to re-open the page. Their loss.

That's terrible - yes it will get the point all fan pages will be shut down there -happening to other artists too. 

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So what's next? Instagram? Horrible feeling... I had the same experience but with Twitter / X back in 2019... they suspended my M account with over 100k of followers without even sending me any warnings. Since then I stopped using all these shitty platforms except IG. Waste of time and effort for nothing.

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Honestly I believe Facebook's doing these AI tactics to only allow official news to be reported on there - as fansites usually inform much more than the artists usually want to get known. Very clever of them because they would only permit the actual artists giving their reports about themselves plus the official media outlets where the news are ALWAYS controlled by the people they talk about.

In one word: CENSORSHIP.

Congrats, Mark. The Big Brother's much very proud of you. You can keep your millions to you. And the sympathy of the governments who have the last word about allowing your shit to be in their countries.

Of course this isn't illuminati stuff but rather the old good HUMAN NATURE.m4a what makes us feel sorry and say "oops I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind."

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22 hours ago, GregVsMatt said:

The Madonna Australia page that I ran with my friend Nicole since 2012 with 37.7K followers and 2 million post reach was shut down by Meta's techology - we appealed and it was rejected by Meta AI in less than 60 seconds - all pages are at risk - Madonna Revolution, News of Madonna, Madonna 80s Archive and Madonna Universe all suffered the same fate - was annoying to lose 12 years work 

We are still on insta luckily 


that's preposterous.... so no more fan pages!!!!??? who's idea was that? the fb idiot who came up with that should be fired

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3 hours ago, Anapausis said:

Honestly I believe Facebook's doing these AI tactics to only allow official news to be reported on there - as fansites usually inform much more than the artists usually want to get known. Very clever of them because they would only permit the actual artists giving their reports about themselves plus the official media outlets where the news are ALWAYS controlled by the people they talk about.

In one word: CENSORSHIP.

Congrats, Mark. The Big Brother's much very proud of you. You can keep your millions to you. And the sympathy of the governments who have the last word about allowing your shit to be in their countries.

Of course this isn't illuminati stuff but rather the old good HUMAN NATURE.m4a what makes us feel sorry and say "oops I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind."

This new Facebook thing is so annoying 

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3 hours ago, Anapausis said:

Honestly I believe Facebook's doing these AI tactics to only allow official news to be reported on there - as fansites usually inform much more than the artists usually want to get known. Very clever of them because they would only permit the actual artists giving their reports about themselves plus the official media outlets where the news are ALWAYS controlled by the people they talk about.

In one word: CENSORSHIP.

Congrats, Mark. The Big Brother's much very proud of you. You can keep your millions to you. And the sympathy of the governments who have the last word about allowing your shit to be in their countries.

Of course this isn't illuminati stuff but rather the old good HUMAN NATURE.m4a what makes us feel sorry and say "oops I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind."

You got exactly what they intent to do with these accounts..!

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4 hours ago, Anapausis said:

Honestly I believe Facebook's doing these AI tactics to only allow official news to be reported on there - as fansites usually inform much more than the artists usually want to get known. Very clever of them because they would only permit the actual artists giving their reports about themselves plus the official media outlets where the news are ALWAYS controlled by the people they talk about.

In one word: CENSORSHIP.

Congrats, Mark. The Big Brother's much very proud of you. You can keep your millions to you. And the sympathy of the governments who have the last word about allowing your shit to be in their countries.

Of course this isn't illuminati stuff but rather the old good HUMAN NATURE.m4a what makes us feel sorry and say "oops I didn't know I couldn't speak my mind."

Madonna Australia was one of the exceptions re content - we have / had the support of M's team and held a standard on when and what we posted 

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Special Provisions Applicable to Pages

Pages are special profiles that may only be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities).

You may only administer a Facebook Page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the Page.

Pages can only post content and information under the “everyone” setting.

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5 hours ago, gst6662000 said:

Special Provisions Applicable to Pages

Pages are special profiles that may only be used to promote a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor (including non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities).

You may only administer a Facebook Page if you are an authorized representative of the subject of the Page.

Pages can only post content and information under the “everyone” setting.

When you publish content or information to your Page we have no obligation to distribute your content or information to users.

If you use a Fan Box widget off of our site to promote your Page, others will be able to copy and place the widget elsewhere.

You may not place a Fan Box widget in an advertisement.

If you collect user information on your Page, Section 9 of this Statement also applies to you.

If you display advertising on your Page, Section 11 of this Statement also applies to you.

You may not establish terms beyond those set forth in this Statement to govern the posting of content by users on a Page you administer, except you may disclose they types of content you will remove from your Page and grounds for which you may ban a user from accessing the Page.

You will restrict access to your Page in order to comply with all applicable laws.  For example, if your Page includes content not suitable for minors, you will use your Page to block minors from accessing your Page.

Yes that is the updated terms they are using to close down fan run pages of music artists 

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