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Discuss-New Contract News vs. New Album News


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I think some of you may be misinterpreting what I was saying. To clarify, I wouldn't be at all interested in hearing her work with anyone who was attempting to recreate something from her past, and I would hope that she wouldn't be interested in that either. But I also wouldn't assume that an album would be some sort of nostalgia project simply because she chose to work with a collaborator that she has worked with successfully before. To make that assumption would be no different than labeling Madonna herself a nostalgia act simply because she's been in the business for 35 years. The music she wrote with Pat Leonard in 1997 does not bring to mind the music she made with him in 1985. The common denominator is a high standard of songwriting that always allowed them to create songs with a strong musical foundation, memorable hooks and lyrics that were inspired. I certainly wouldn't consider it to be yearning for the past to want those three key elements to remain consistently strong in her work regardless of which direction she chooses to go stylistically. Madonna and Leonard have each evolved personally and professionally in the years since their last collaboration, one can only assume, so it would be interesting to hear what they would come up with now. I'm not saying she should use Leonard as a producer, I'm only thinking in terms of songwriting here. For a songwriting partnership to really work it requires a certain chemistry and while it's great that she likes to test the waters with new collaborators, we also need to be realistic about the fact that not every partnership is going to be a winning combination. And by the same token, it is senseless to imply that she should simply discard past collaborators just because she's worked with them before. Sure, some songwriters (or more frequently – producers) may be one-trick ponies, but the great ones are far from it. Few would dispute the fact that Paul McCartney and John Lennon's songwriting partnership only grew in terms in terms of depth and scope with each subsequent Beatles album, and although their personal relationship may have soured, their songwriting partnership yielded an immensely varied body of work that consistently resonated (or, I should say – resonates) with people – and yet they weren't always able to create that magic on their own or with other collaborators. I think one of the reasons Ray Of Light was such a successful project artistically was because she started off by collaborating with excellent songwriters she gelled with and then brought in William & Marius to help shape the sound of the album. I think that was a very smart approach because even the outtakes from that album are very good songs. When the chemistry exists and the key songwriting basics are there, it's pretty hard to go wrong with the final product.


The irony of it all is that the more she chooses to restrict herself to working with only very young, trendy producers/songwriters, the closer she ends up getting to being perceived as a nostalgia act. And I think the reason why is at least partly because that is how she is viewed by the people she's choosing to work with. And you can't blame these collaborators either...they're working with someone who was already a legend before they were even born, so naturally it will be an uphill battle for them to strip away their illusions enough to be able to fully relate to her as a collaborating partner, regardless of whatever lip-service they might offer to paint a different picture to the press. So instead there's a tendency for her work with these collaborators to paint her into a box and to mirror her legendary status back out through the songs, which only serves to make her feel less accessible, less relatable and less human, essentially. Considering that the primary appeal of her songs has always been her ability to relate universal truths, she'd do better by broadening her palette to include collaborators who are worldly enough to be able to see beyond the artifice of celebrity and can inspire her to do the same.

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Yes,Madonna needs to go to another company other than

Interscope. I noticed that there was only two official singles no Official Picture discs like Warners, LN only released 3 singles with the third not even being released as an Official single, very poor promotion on Live Nation's part, also the label she is with now is letting MDNA & Rebel Heart LP vinyls go out of print. Poor Management. Madonna deserves more respect than she is getting.

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I hope she leaves Interscope, They did not promote MDNA

very well and the singles/ Maxi Singles while she gas been with them have been minimal, and only 3 music videos from

MDNA and Rebel Heart. Regardless of her age she still has

A fanbase, but does the fanbase care to support her by

going out and purchasing the physical copy and digital

Formats or her music? I like hard copies call me old fashioned, lol 😂 back to the point she needs better promotion and The hardcore fanbase us "Rebel Hearts" need to support her all the way.

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She has plenty of promotion with Rebel Heart. I am not sure what more she could do.



She had TV promo which was awesome, but the rest was very messy. Most of the time we had no idea what was going on, what was coming out and when, almost no promo materials online, etc... it was frustrating lol

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She has plenty of promotion with Rebel Heart. I am not sure what more she could do.

Radio deals? More streams? Lyrics videos? A proper online channell? Promoting her singles with correct timing (like singing Ghosttown on Fallon instead Bitch I'm Madonna)? Firing Guy Oseary??

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I was not complaining about her own heavy promotion of the Rebel Heart album via Television, let me set it straight.I am talking about Interscope not releasing maxi-singles I collect physical media sure she could do without it and go strictly digital but I do not like that, physical media should always be an option, for I am a collector, I can't collect non-tangible media,you could but it is not the same as hard copies, call me old school, but those are my feelings and thoughts about that. I guess if you are a casual fan that does not collect then digital media is bright in your future but not everyone in on that bandwagon yet,Yes it serves a useful purpose of not having to carry around CDS, I like to keep mine in mint condition by not dragging them into the car, that is why I do appreciate digital format but there should always be multiple options physical & digital.


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Radio deals? More streams? Lyrics videos? A proper online channell? Promoting her singles with correct timing (like singing Ghosttown on Fallon instead Bitch I'm Madonna)? Firing Guy Oseary??

Lyric videos? Lol


She promoted the shit out of the album. Let's be real. No amount of additional promo would have changed the outcome.

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  • 1 month later...

I think Madonna should have one clear sound for the next album. Great songwriting and maybe two producers, three at the most. In terms of sound, it's just gotta feel natural. I'd like a subtle pop disco sound or an authentic pop house album, she touched on 90s house but I think she could do it again with a more modern approach. The one thing Madonna used to do is work with an underground producer and she doesn't do that anymore. I appreciate the rise of the internet makes this more difficult but there is always a producer who only a few people have heard of. Failing that a double album pop dance with Stuart Price anyone and an urban album with Pharrell but the sound needs to be pushed forward so its not a repeat of the past with sacrificing songwriting.

Rebel Heart was great but it could have been presented better with less songs and a clear split across two discs.

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I think Madonna should have one clear sound for the next album. Great songwriting and maybe two producers, three at the most. In terms of sound, it's just gotta feel natural. I'd like a subtle pop disco sound or an authentic pop house album, she touched on 90s house but I think she could do it again with a more modern approach. The one thing Madonna used to do is work with an underground producer and she doesn't do that anymore. I appreciate the rise of the internet makes this more difficult but there is always a producer who only a few people have heard of. Failing that a double album pop dance with Stuart Price anyone and an urban album with Pharrell but the sound needs to be pushed forward so its not a repeat of the past with sacrificing songwriting.

Rebel Heart was great but it could have been presented better with less songs and a clear split across two discs.


100% agree with you.  I think its questionable that Hard Candy, MDNA & Rebel Heart were concept albums like Confessions or Ray Of Light.  I love Rebel Heart for what it is but I do miss Madonna picking a lane and staying in it like confessions and ROL.  I think those choices to be more laser focused resulted in longer lasting remembrance of those era's vs. non-traditional concept albums or more potpourri sound albums.

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I'm looking forward for her next album so hard. I miss a new record from Madonna that grab my bones and don't leave me for days, being on the repeat insanely. I didi this with Rebel Avicii, but, at the end... an unreleased version.  :rip:
I don't need a song like the COADF, or ROL era to truly appreciate it, but I need something fresh and new. New songs that no one explored properly, like synths or maybe the 20's vibe, like Music on RHT, not DJs with their computerized songs, and generic stuff that they put on the radio.  :bothered2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a another note I think Madonna can afford to take a risk. Musically she could go anywhere as she seems to sell out tours regardless of the popularity of the album.

Think of the genres she hasn't touched upon or the producers she hasn't worked with!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Jay-Z and Live Nation Sign 10-year, $200 Million Deal


I think this is interesting, and relevant to Madonna. She is/was under contract with Live Nation, and certainly proved her earning power touring with them--they even mention that deal in the article! Madonna was also a part of Jay-Z's Tidal music streaming service, so she has enough ties to him to possibly follow suit. 

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Jay-Z and Live Nation Sign 10-year, $200 Million Deal


I think this is interesting, and relevant to Madonna. She is/was under contract with Live Nation, and certainly proved her earning power touring with them--they even mention that deal in the article! Madonna was also a part of Jay-Z's Tidal music streaming service, so she has enough ties to him to possibly follow suit. 

Well, I don't see why another deal wouldn't work with Madonna. Rebel Heart came in with less this time around but still brought more than a lot of other artists by a long shot. The only thing I can think that stand in the way would be any concerns about her ability to perform with sane mind. Obviously to us she's fine, and right now she seems like she's chilling and relaxing, but to a company looking to make money and provide the best experience, all the late shows and emotional wreckage would be a concern on a professional level. Thats not knocking her. Again, we as fans understand. 

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On a another note I think Madonna can afford to take a risk. Musically she could go anywhere as she seems to sell out tours regardless of the popularity of the album.

Think of the genres she hasn't touched upon or the producers she hasn't worked with!!!


She needs another "American Life", but this time less superficial and more universally concerned. Not with the tired techno shit that has been done to death, but an edgier and progressive sound, making it her rockiest and most protest album. As the world becomes a worse place day by day, that's what we all need right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't want Madonna to repeat herself unless its with modern production


I don't think we have any reason to fear Madonna will repeat herself.  She's pretty consistent about evolving.  Certain themes will always be on repeat, but sound, look, concept will always be dynamic.  So much in the world is wrong.  Similar to Kathy Griffin, Madonna has been at the forefront of the hate in this world.  I have no doubt that the theme of Revolution of Love will continue on into the next studio album. Hell, she could call the next album Revolution of Love and we'd all love it (before its released) and buy it.  


My opinion:

I think the demo leak and overall good feedback from Rebel Heart and the easiness of her demeanor throughout the Rebel Heart Tour has been a really positive thing for her.    I think the next album even if very politically charged, can be beautiful and impactful **depending** on the way the its designed.  Ray Of Light was filled with tons of positive messaging but packaged in a way that was not threatening.  Similar to Confessions immediately after American Life... Confessions had a lot of messaging but was packaged as to not focus on it.... but its there.

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