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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. Yeah it's Fridays here in Canada, no mention of the TOAC addition so I call it fake to spare my feelings.
  2. Best: 01 Bad Girl 02 Bitch I'm Madonna 03 Vogue 04 What It Feels Like for a Girl 05 Deeper and Deeper Honourable Mentions Open Your Heart Celebration Borderline Worst: 01 Cherish 02 Sorry 03 Miles Away 04 Love Profusion 05 American Life flag edit (it was hard to pick worst cause not many)
  3. Same sis right now looking all DVD on the black market street.
  4. Was scrolling a Madonna facebook group and saw this article https://madonnahistory.wordpress.com/2016/12/14/the-rebel-heart-tour-dvd-will-be-in-store-on-14-february-2017/
  5. I will add also bias since it was my first tour, camera broke and got two almost identical pics recovered of the stage pre-show and don't care but this lovely!
  6. People act like there was nothing to complain about in any of her show releases, she lipped synced Vogue ever chance she got til Sticky, the Virgin tour is basically one segment (although killer debut! lol), Erotica she had scary boy hair! and Sticky she thought Spanish Lesson was a good idea and Drowned World had these weird shaped furniture to dance around and none of this with interesting editing. When I buy the release from Madonna I don't want the show as it was performed that is nuts to want that, sure some times it's appropriate and certain acts but Madonna it's a narrative and visuals; if you going for just music wrong artist. Adele performs shows and try and make a interesting edit to her what standing? (although not a fan she was slayed Glastonbury) come on guys it's eye candy and it's so pretty! And I am officially bowing out. Also the editing is soooo minor I am just so confused now, like wow Virgin black and the next flannel it's agony? Also Madonna with every release, song or movie is a mixed bag of what people get out of it and that's awesome. But anyone who thinks The Next Best Thing was competition for Julia Roberts like i thought going into that and still feel that way...smiles.
  7. Hulu for the win and Netflix for the Fuller House I guess.
  8. Ok done making justice it's going crazypants now lol. The only editing is clothes that is barely a thing to even see, I didn't notice it at all! People are picky let's seriously go back to LAV and have nothing happen at all except MJ dancebreak.
  9. What is with people seeing claustrophobic stuff out of such subtle use of mutiple dates, it's wasn't even a thought since seeing the first footage of RH. The song is the same night throughout each of these, its a costume and the overlays used it's like people see it non stop and barraged. It's used to nicely highlighighting things, when Music kicks back in goosebumps, the end of LAV. Haters to the right! Let's go back to no production value cause that is exciting! Curlers and robes although cute!
  10. I meant this not Holiday, that version of Music is EPIC!
  11. The question I ask myself whenever I see this picture, "who wore it" and the answer is always dirty.
  12. Yeah I just went over to wiki to look myself but that says nothing, I wanted more detail, more scandal, more intrigue lol.
  13. So been doing more video editing than photo and having a blast. The first one took me all night and then the 2nd took me like 5 mins after doing that one and I love how they turned out. And upload this kind of file so here's the links:
  14. Nobody? why did we not get the Re-Invention release...I never actually dug up myself.
  15. I don't think MDNA is bad at all, way ahead of Sticky and the visuals and even audio is dirty and gritty and I like that. Sidenote, people said that the director of IGTTYAS filmed the entire show. Two i've watched that were supposed releases I think? release that! Also what is the story with that? why nothing?
  16. Beautiful Stranger comes to mind the most because for the release it looks neat but for the live show, she goes further back into the stage, than up on this platform with funky lights you need to see from above; probably just had her on the big screens like that. It deserved better lol.
  17. I miss it!! i've been with Tidal for 5 months and so frustrating with taking stuff off and on, not taking requests I mean i've requested Hard Candy maybe 15 times. But then one day they add something that gets me so excited and can't be mad anymore (sorry guys I told my friend the day they had HC is the day I will stop bitching at Bey and Jay). Once you go flac you never go back.
  18. Shhhhhh! ROL came out in 1998 and my dumb brain was like "sure why not". Also i think having the bigger runways and stages make it for better experience, like the RHT had the biggest stage and she was so close to everyone and room for camera tricks. DWT had no runway and it was like a theater play with what they had to work with, you know?
  19. Now I haven't seen any of them as side from MDNA in the past two years but going with what I remember, and not thinking any specific song or segment but favorite moment (only one per show I know so hard guys) The Virgin Tour - Playing the tambourine along to Over and Over. Who's That Girl World Tour - Opening the show reenacting the best single off TB. Blonde Ambition World Tour - That rendition of LAP! every version since has been boring or tacky. The Girlie Show World Tour - Erotica being my fav album, I wish this tour was a better vision but Why's It So Hard is the highlight. Drowned World Tour - That is the best Music ever but going Sky Fits Heaven. (kinda cheated by saying that) Re-Invention World Tour - Susan Macleod running into Into the Groove. Confessions Tour - The electronic male backing vocals in La Isla Bonita. Sticky & Sweet Tour - The 4 Mins/Vogue mashup duh. The MDNA Tour - Girl Gone Wild to I Don't Give A makes me wish I had attended as my first tour, it was epic stuff. Rebel Heart Tour - Like a Virgin, it's just the fucking best! every part.
  20. It also my favorite tour but video quality and even interesting use of editing for live shows didn't start til maybe 2000, so missed that mark by two years lol. I mean imagine stuff like Impressive Instant or Beautiful Stranger just being able to pop a bit more. Sky Fit Heaven popped all on it's own though!
  21. This it the best a recorded tour has looked since Confessions if not better. People are too into the costume changes like it's causing them seizures. Sure she threw some dates together but the audio would be clearly still from one date - it's synced up so nicely it's barely a thing. Also I find the S&S even with many highlights to be super tacky, then she digitized her vocals to robot pitches. This is the most raw her vocals have been (not including Blonde Ambition) since Who's That Girl. I remember someone saying oh her voice sounds more studio on this song and that song - I didn't hear it once and it's so refreshing. All of this proves she not as anal about things and still pulls of a beautiful recording, because it truly is!
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