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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. That 2nd last one; she could totally be a stand for Bette White during the run of the GG. But yeah I agree at times edgy and cute.
  2. I always figured a woman will sooner or later - back from the being dead or fried but it did not work for me. Plus it didn't suit the Erotica theme for me at all, took me out of it.
  3. Her average years between record is 2-3 and twice it was 5. I don't want any film work and make it 2 or just give us a fun EP, why don't more people?
  4. Also would not be the same movie and i love this one!
  5. For anyone who actually lived threw True Blue/Who's that Girl, was this a thing that people liked? There is times it looked amazing, the True Blue artwork.
  6. Ok yeah I was not paying attention but Feb 14th? this is a legit as a black market copy of Guardians of the Galaxy 2.
  7. I only remembered cause she had the the short bob of curls/Hard Candy hair lol.
  8. 10/10 I will get out the duct tape and repair on my fan card but also wasn't a challenge, hated orange? challenge accepted and lost.
  9. I was at this gay guys birthday party - I was on my phone and the rehearsal audio of Resue Me from "RHT" leaked. Naturally everyone freaked out and was jealous. That was not funny ppl.
  10. I wanted to make this hard - I first thought Top 10 but nope 5 it is, go! 1. Drowned World/Substitute for Love 2. Crazy for You 3. I Deserve It 4. Bad Girl 5. Borrowed Time
  11. Wow I didn't know it was about Carmen Miranda, now that instantly changes my perception of this song 100%.
  12. I want no more dabbling into film in front or behind unless behind for some who do. I want music and maybe a rarities box someone asked her about during the RH fan questions. How long do you figure we have for another album, looking and usually it's 2-3 years but twice she took 5 - I hope for the later lol.
  13. What do I like does Mary Poppins count? Grease is ok and the music of Rocky Horror is amazing song writing! and got an HD copy of La la Land because Ryan is a sex god and didn't get even 20 mins in but might try again.
  14. Well first to say I'm Going Banana wins cause that was a short and pointless spanish lesson, need to be at least a 12 min song to be considered awesome and who wants to do homework? Also why were both done live? WHY?
  15. Oh and actually the one release i literally never download, listen to but did back in the day Evita, although for a movie with like lines it was such a well done film. I've discovered I am not a big fan of the musical but there are exceptions but mostly everything since makes me ill - even Tim Burton did it so it happens. Don't get me started on Mamma Mia!
  16. When ranking albums in forums I never put this album in with them but also always considered it a proper album, unlike Who's That Girl (three songs all amazing) but the rest isn't her same with The Next Best Thing. I think Who's That Girl is her best soundtrack work along with Die Another Day. DAD - I feel bad for her because it was the worst bond movie and totally not logical but she didn't know at the time and when compared to most of her acting roles: wasn't half bad (went back to Dick Tracy with rose colored glasses because she was a wooden as pinocchio lol). But DAD was such a genius Bond song and I mean it! But back to the soundtrack it was actually my friends favorite album growing up; for the longest time didn't really do anything for me but aside from Banana it's pretty solid. Back in Business came on shuffle yesterday and was like this is a jam! along with More, He's a Man, Now I'm Following You Part 2 and Vogue being epic finale.
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