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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. Yeah I get the feeling she embraces just being laid back - the chip on her shoulder I never saw once during the entire RH era. People will knock the set list or whatever but she was literally having a blast and why not. But I have seen her have a great back and forth banter with people at the sound check shows. How do people get there? like i've seen youtube videos and they are practically watching the entire show but she's in sweats lol.
  2. I never expect to meet her and if that where to happen it would be a sentence with no sense and prolly flamboyant ( i'm not that lol). And I wish she was little more like this - although yeah it was a movie preimere or something and she was "oh" and went to some fans behind the gate. Also the stuff at sound check shows but her being cold is another half I love so i'm torn.
  3. Ok so awhile back I was wondering; i've never seen her say at a red carpet go up to someone than sign or interact at all, let alone have a meet and greet before or after a show. But I ate my words because there was an event, I forget which where she went "oh" and went and like talked to some fans behind the barrier but how often? I would love to know she does way more than i've seen but sadly maybe not? Also come from being a fan of Tori Amos - every show unless sick or rare meets her fans, takes songs requests and it's free. I know during like sound checks she's back and forth talking so I guess so right? Forgot about that part just as I was typing this up now. She also remembers some of the people of upfront? And does she do autographs often?
  4. The videos during hard candy worked thematically and rest was so bad. For the album art and tour was in bad taste, go and look there is like 6 different boxer shots - looked terrible in all of them. MDNA didn't have one and it wasn' memorable album art (I will never forget the opening segment of the tour). Rebel did have one but managed to be coherent and beautiful. Until the videos with the matador, the grills and the asian girls but stick to the artwork being good theme and don't think too hard after that lol. The only time she did and could have pulled that off was Confessions; that was just perfect. I also can't wait when she says new album I can share my now 73 Rebel Demos, thanks to some people here it's more complete and legit. It was the one thing I first wanted to share with the people here for all the awesome stuff you had.
  5. !!!! I need at least my Top 4 in HQ very soon and Holiday. But vocals and don't want to aim high like Confessions but at least MDNA. Also funny you said lack of re-invention because since that tour i've always thought for a landmark type thing it wasn't. That boring LAP next to really boring Imagine, the last segment looking like a highschool production, butchered Deeper and Deeper. Sorry but that along with Sticky and Girlie are the three worst.
  6. I never mentioned this here yet but I want to know would anyone else be pissed. The RHT tickets went on sale and so I bought one, much later a 2nd date was announced and went on sale. My ticket was for the first night and the 2nd night was the later announced. We got no bonus song where she would do one but the 2nd night got Ghosttown. I don't care but maybe if was a better song like Borrowed Time there would be fury lol.
  7. They were so intertwined and hey it was more successful mashup than Justify and Sex - just picture combinations like "you put this in me so now what? so now what? SEX" or "on the permission of another absinthe novocaine" like it writes itself; we get Justify doing just some into. Best Friend is a bad song but when it went with Heartbeat that was synergy.
  8. I am not a big fan of Heartbreak like most and LDLHA always bad thing but I didn't hate this.
  9. Well curious now how do you rank every tour? go! 01 Drowned World Tour 02 Confessions Tour 03 Rebel Heart Tour 04 The Virgin Tour 05 The Blonde Ambition World Tour 06 Who's That Girl World Tour 07 Re-Invention WorldTour 08 Sticky & Sweet Tour 09 The Girlie Show World Tour Sticky has worse moments but for an album like Erotica is was not my kind of set, where is Theif of Hearts or Bad Girl or Waiting, In this Life is so poignant but as someone with HIV myself but it's too much for a tour set. Ps I always would have loved a Theif/Gang mashup on MDNA; the sirens but also killers songs.
  10. Also if I had the chance I would say those Rebel interludes and look at since Drowned, "fuck that" sometimes they got music videos and yes the opening was epic but I needed mashups.
  11. Damn I had some good stuff to say but than went back a tab short story, Erotica is my favorite album but it tops this for lazy. But she would have to reenact the Erotica video on stage for me to even say winner LOL. And I wish I got some the spectacle of MDNA but it could end up being so cringe worthy like most of Sticky (LAP was butchered and hard to take even a minute of it) it was painful to the senses.
  12. Thanks and Like a Virgin was a blast! the hot pink lights the cute solo dancing like she's 25. All the old hits was so into when hit sets are not my thing (Singles are usually not for fans I usually say). But Material Girl slayed and Candy Shop was "WTF" til she did that to it. Also for any people think the set still was lazy, True Blue says nah. But that fake rehearsal of Rescue Me was so mean!
  13. What are the best of the best versions this time or new jam? 1. Like a Virgin 2. Deeper and Deeper 3. Holy Water 4. Music/Candy Shop 5. True Blue Honorable Mentions Holiday and Unapologetic Bitch, when those new breaks came into Holiday did anyone else die?
  14. Winona and Christina Ricci are my lesbian moms, true facts.

  15. Well Madonna's were probably at the peak. That push-up sadly had to retire after this.
  16. Like a Prayer on Ambition is the goal and everything since it's the worst and S&S is so offensive!! but that tour had fun parts but it was so tacky. (as I have this new set lol)
  17. Huh well I guess I wasn't looking for them cause I had a great view. I'm gay but love boobs.
  18. Finally got back from Ghostbusters, it was a blast! can't touch the first one but way better than the sequel. Busting makes me feel good.

  19. Was she showing her boobies the entire tour? she wasn't on the opening North American leg was she? how very Girlie Show and never noticed but the clip had me pumped the other week!
  20. Also where is Spanish Lesson, what mess of a song it's like I'm Going Bananas in theme, instrumentation and in being crappy. And why did they get chosen for a live shot; Who's That Girl is in your cannon.
  21. Pull a Beyonce OR release a short and cute EP. She was going to release Rebel as a double album, Heart one side and Rebel the other and the company was like too complicated? it's fucking Madonna and 2nd it's not lol.
  22. I will come to agree both equally lazy but RH although ok set list couldn't afford to do that to the opening and closing interludes - Confessions was bloody brilliant so if they sucked no harm done lol. Also wouldn't have been able to see that tour easily the only time she never came to Toronto. That Mash-up of SEX and Justify was such a letdown! I think it just opened with some Justify lines and left for the remainder but I hate Best Friend but with Heartbeat awesome. BUT actually the opening video I can say makes up for those two bad ones, that was pretty amazing and bringing back the character from the Oscars.
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