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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. http://www.madonnarama.com/posts-en/2016/08/24/taylor-swifts-live-concert-audio-team-working-on-madonnas-rebel-heart-tour-dvd/ I have not watched a Taylor Swift DVD but it's gotta be a good sign right? :mama010:
  2. For me she only dabbled in the genre and didn't take it anywhere. 5 of the songs on BS are so dull it drags the rest of the album down. The more upbeat songs (Secret and Human Nature aside) don't have great hooks or production to be that upbeat (Survival and Don't Stop). It took no risk and yeah she was coming of Erotica; this is was overkill. Plus she took Tupac off his track and I gotta say even though it wouldn't have changed the record, the respect and credibility would be way higher. Also when it comes to Incredible it's a strange song, how does one end up with it - ultimately it's so weird it's good for me. Spanish Lesson on the other hand is so bad and offensive to Spain.
  3. That's awesome for the inspiration but I can't with those juxebox musicals. Mamma Mia I have never seen in full the play or the movie but i've seen large potions of the movie and it so beyond campy it's scary. And the songs just pop up and that's fine but with no connection the story. Maybe Viva tackled this problem but heard it was poorly received and closed soon after - huge fan of the SG but I wouldn't see it. If you go and have like a sing along than work it but Mamma Mia ruined it for the class lol.
  4. RH will forever be a work could have been, because there is a good possibility a good portion of these songs are incomplete in someways. Because yeah the leaks, we know one point wanted a double album, wanted LFL to come out around Valentines and instead self produced/finished the 5 pre-tracks herself and than put this together so know it's an album that wanted to be better. The track-listing alone is weird and than the deluxe and than the bonus EP and for some Auto-tune Baby but also what became of Queen. As much as I think Messiah is loved here (hate it) wouldn't people want Queen over that snooze? My album is HC because it was the first time she was using established producers and it was odd but seeing as I was obsessed with FutureSex/LoveSounds in the past I had faith. What at first seemed like this knock off Timberlake ballads and beats turned out to be way more Madonna's stamp than I expected. But I think Pharrell (Spanish aside) could really write for Madonna. She's Not Me, Give It 2 Me, The Beat Goes On and even Candy Shop even are just so Madonna. She can pickem' but like Patrick says she changes melody and makes things he never expected. Also as far as tacking the genre Hard Candy >>>>>>> Bedtime Stories. I also want to add Music, I didn't fear the worst but I remember getting the single and taking it on this road trip. And I had heard some of the rest of the record; my friend was like oh this going to be way more dance than ROL (no this is like country and acoustic) and just had no idea what to expect in full. But yeah it was not a bad thing.
  5. So was trying to think of an idea for a thread and this is only pertaining to an album which you were around and took notice of the makings of it, the producers, the genre, etc. up until the final release. You thought this is going to be a stinker and now it's one of your favorite albums, which would it be?
  6. So was trying to think of an idea for a thread and this is only pertaining to an album which you were around and took notice of the makings of it, the producers, the genre, etc. up until the final release. You thought this is going to be a stinker and now it's one of your favorite albums, which would it be?
  7. That's touching! I know she truely has a lovely heart, even asking our side of the stage that wasn't loud enough, to be our anti-depressant. Seeing as was having a horrible year it was amazing to see her first time and her say that. Congrats on that correspondence and like we didn't know it was coming, hold onto your weaves girls!
  8. This is the tumblr for many other artists: http://wtf-albumcover.tumblr.com/ also I love that AL is actually winning.
  9. Charts will never be relevant anymore and tours never did make an impact I dont' think? I mean the live show itself - Sticky & Sweet was massive but the sales of the show and album afterwards I doubt saw great heights. It's never the same although Tori Amos; in 2007 the North American leg had her mixing husband, master the show you were at that night and have it available for download the next day. It was magical! now I have that show in FLAC and even more emotive. But still can't wait to have a memento of my first tour! But the artists make their money on the road now so where the mind has to wonder so much and not the the DVD. Probably why she worked on the vocals to the point of C-3PO on Sticky (sorry guys I keep bringing it up those vocals because my greatest fear is RH will sound like a robot, it really is ).
  10. Oh yeah the chances of them cutting portions for the live album are good; just get the DVD rip like I did with S&S and Confessions. If they cut out that french cover, the spanish melody and Rebel Heart that's all they need to do. Well the interludes why bother putting them on the album? they are the album cuts pretty much except a little Justify in SEX. Illuminati was stellar and made me love the song but visually.
  11. Thinks it's about time for a new unreleased Madonna gem to drop or the RHT release date will do

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gabvinet


      i'd like to hear the demo of Hollywood when it was recorded during the Music Era and the demo of Die Another day. Both songs had a lot of change done

    3. Headless.Headphones


      I would love to see what those AL demos would be like actually I need more of demos of this weird album!


    4. BringUrLUV


      I'd love to see Can't You See My Mind & Work It To The Bone leaked/released

  12. You or Scamper need to change your picture, i'm so confuzzled.
  13. I just want the live album so badly at this point, need LAV in HQ and don't ruin the vocals for the love of god.
  14. That's hilarious and gross, Britney was the closest thing to reach Madonna pop female status and than she went crazy (loved her more though) and Lady Gaga was aspiring but is too talented of a singer and artist to be the next anyone at this point. But I don't take the young generations ignorance with much weight; watching a video last year and asking teens about Beck and them not knowing him by name at first made me question life and than think I am old aren't I? and keeps happening lol.
  15. I am going to guess from these he didn't attend. Like a Virgin and Living for Love at the best examples of you had to be there, if so they were amazing. Literally those petals that feel during LFL were 3D - we had no glasses on and the energy of the remix. (I can agree the melody was crap lol) And than one of the few likes is Rebel Heart? that final version is so drab and boring and that was my bathroom song. But maybe he's just hard to please. Also Deeper and Deeper is NEVER unnecessary!
  16. Happy B-Day Queenie! (This is Lourdes and Rocco btw) (and David)
  17. She's a goofball but the grills need to go after this era. Turning point for me was when she wore them on Howard Stern - radio show and I thought she was sick at first. lol I love the pictures so far. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Happy Birthday Madonna ������We have worked on an extra special issue of Love, 16.5 featuring Madonna, Rocco and a cast of boys seen within a 70 page portfolio 'Angels of Concrete' all photographed by Mert Alas. This very special edition, supported by Marc Jacobs will be on sale during London Fashion Week. @Madonna @mertalas @kegrand Issue 16 starring Margot Robbie and Cara Delevingne is available world wide. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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