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Everything posted by Headless.Headphones

  1. I know she should probably put them away but that photo shoot from interview magazine last year; her boobs look sensational! as well as the turn up the radio video. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I was googling today and read the headline "Madonna nip slip with Lourdes" and for some reason read Lourdes had the slip, thankfully nope it was just mom. NSFW or do we do that here lol anyway
  3. Like a Prayer was perfection on BAT since than it's been either really boring like Re-Invention or that.
  4. This tour was so tacky! Vogue, Borderline, Into the Groove and She's Not Me are all amazing. But Like a Prayer was an abomination.
  5. I thought Pharrell had a great chemistry with her and thought the Timbaland side of the record was totally stiff. I do enjoy Dance 2night and although Devil was a total retread of Cry Me a River I love it - Miles Away, Voices are pretty awful. Pharrell on the other hand did produce Spanish Lesson (which is wretched) but stuff like She's Not Me, Heartbeat, Give It 2 Me and even Candy Shop (I love the beats) are so purely Madonna. I remember when this first came out and thinking Give It 2 Me really harks back to Live a Virgin in the best ways and still does; so I don't fault him as a producer. It was Timbaland who brought nothing to the table.
  6. Keep the Trance adding to list of good confessions tracks. And once I get over this whole MIA thing I'm gonna check out cellophane - I love the rock side of Madonna. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I'm a Sinner is such good example of William Orbits bad contribution to the record, first it's completely a knock off of ROL the title track, it lyrically takes me nowhere, there is no journey. Best Friend is trash but takes me on a better journey than this. Since coming here I can see how much Love Spent is loved, to me it's never been one I like or dislike but that acoustic mix is beautiful. I'll give this Arabology a listen and he should have been able to collab with people by now; there is so much greatness in Production. I think both him and Shep are the ones who threw the most paint at the canvas with Madonna. Although I don't know what Pharrell and Madonna threw when they made Incredible - anything even the family dog wasn't safe.
  8. Just deleted my reply accidently clicked back - well in short thanks for the recommendations and will check these out! Also I agree but disagree with him great til the end and have a reason lol. Material on Music and AL is more evocative and rich the stuff he did for Confessions was him trying to get with the themes of the record. Future Lovers (a staple) and Let It Will Be is alright; Super Pop and It's So Cool are cheesy but expert and love them so much. Fighting Spirit is his only miss probably for me. And William Orbit MDNA has Masterpiece, Love Spent and I'm a Sinner which are not good but Gang Bang, Some Girls and Falling Free are the opposite - nothing reaches anything from ROL.
  9. So tonight I decided to try William Orbits solo albums - nothing even caught my interest for more than a few mins. You go back even to his Batman remixes in the early days, his production work with other artist and what he tries there is way more interesting. Mirwais on the other hand; I remember getting Production months before Music to get an idea of direction. Coming back to this album tonight - what a brilliant electronic LP! Why has there been only one (well tech two) but nothing since? I mean at times it's as good as anything from Daft Punk, Justice, The Chemical Brothers, Aphex Twin. I guess I am more surprised by his only production being Madonna so far. Music and American Life; so experimental for her and wish there was more demos of these sessions! along with The Rain Tapes as importance for me. I am just wondering did you like this album? maybe make a come back? why did nobody else pick him up?
  10. The list of complaints I have for them is long so if Tidal exclusive, add the list.
  11. Ok theYoutube comments for Cosmic Climb are everything
  12. I take back what I said the three that groovyguy posted are probably the best, Madonna and a hoodie warms my heart. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thanks! I really like this shoot already. My favorite one is the one with the mask I love the casualness of the rest. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. There will be 70 pages of it, which for me sounds like a lot.
  15. I really have no idea how to do this but all I can say is Rebel Heart >>>>>> The rest Because I knew it was going to be her longest stage to date and she might appear to be close to me, and she sure was!
  16. So i'm on tidalhifi streaming because once you go FLAC you never go back. So anyway i've had it for about four months, Hard Candy being the only one the albums by Madonna missing. This had to happened in the last week - still no sign of Hard Candy but they added this album finally! and it's double album with extended versions. Now I have not heard this stuff in ages: when I did it was mere mins because it was horrible! and wasn't something she had a part in. I put on Cosmic Climb and what kind of Vincent Price mess is that.
  17. There isn't much that offends me, it takes so much. Recent thing would be when Gaga was performing Swine she had a performance artist; they would puke paint I believe on her? could be wrong but yeah Black Madonna is so offensive!
  18. Yeah no more documenting the tour stuff, that secret was best kept to herself. Boring! :mama003:
  19. David's discography not unlike Madonna's so varied and enjoyable to explore. I just became a fan of this during The Next Day; so happened recently.
  20. Is so curious as to the sound of Gagas new single, in no time now.

    1. Andymad


      yes I know! I'm hoping to GAWD we can dance to it

    2. Headless.Headphones


      Hey if you can't bust a move to cheek to cheek you can't dance :P


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