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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by BlondAmbition

  1. it's works w VPN thank you. I'm using Bitdefenter VPN
  2. beautiful audience but poor audio and video ... thanks
  3. thank you very much. Do not forget to use VPN u guys to watch the show outside Brazil
  4. it's better Rain than Take a Bow, I love much more. May be she's needs a comparation between the two songs for the film!
  5. Tele Diario - exclusive going out/in the hotel IMAGEN - live front hotel El Universal 04.20.2024 - at 20.35 into the Palace
  6. great video thank you. She's so tired maybe next time in Argentina, I know it could be nice but it's a long tour to do at 66 years, too much dates in US I think. I can't see no cameras between the audience...
  7. it's a big venue in Mexico City, looks great!!!
  8. sorry, I never said that, I just say: I'd like to have another City like official realease! that's all Of course Rio'll be a beutiful concert and experience but I'd like an official realese with a stand stage/ste list configuration: that's what I mean
  9. yes, I know, I wrote in my comment but it's not the same that we have seen, this's what I mean...
  10. oh noooooooo...so I'm sure we won't have the entire concert but only the streaming and the film
  11. yes it's the best way to watch live this event by VPN...my last hope that some European platform will buy the concert, like SKY, but I know it's impossible because I know that Madonna is no longer very popular to do that
  12. Is it possible to change such a long list of songs in just 8 days from the last Mexican date? this would involve new videos and new recorded tracks... very strange!
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