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Unapologetic Bitches
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About nito84bcn

  • Birthday 10/30/1984

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  • M Fan Since
    1998 - Ray of light

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  1. Wow! Love it, but it's more expensive than the silver vinyl haha
  2. https://x.com/PlanetMLVC/status/1816427481068400737 Like A Prayer has now been marked as a popular song on tiktok!!!!
  3. I,'m playing the Celebration and Immaculate version since Monday at least 5 times per day! Also the full Like a prayer album. Let's all do it!
  4. Wowww, this is amazing!! Fans say what they want, but this is for sure because of the deal with Warner. Her music is getting more exposure, even the old hits are returning and increasing streamings like never before!
  5. I think everything counts with the multi-deal... This release doesn't excluded possible expanded editions in the future.
  6. Now it's on madonna.com too: https://shopuk.madonna.com/products/like-a-prayer-the-silver-collection-vinyl
  7. Right! But don't forget that kids are watching it on small devices, so they don't care if it's HD or SD... We as fans are more concerned about it, tbh
  8. As fans we should help streaming the song too. But I wonder wich version should be the one that we focuse on!
  9. I liked W.E. It was visual stunning, well directed, good actors... I trust on her! I think we will be surprised on a good way! On the other hand, that means no music, or experimenting for some long months from now...
  10. If she follows her usual rule of 3 years since the last date of her tour... that will be 2027. I think Finally Enough Love counted as the album supporting the Celebration Tour. Maybe we will have new singles like Popular or Vulgar, but a full album cycle will be after the movie...
  11. Same old material for ages now. I'm a big fan like mostly all of us, and I don't play here everyday like before... So imagine the general public!
  12. This! The transitions between albums look forced on the past 4 eras. It was a perfect evolution from Ray of light - Music - American life - Confessions. And with the Interscope years she was stucked with the dark vibe BDSM thing... She doesn't like to repeat herself, BUT...
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