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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Starchild

  1. I thought Rain was the first video Romanek and Madonna collaborated on? Fever was by Sednaoui.
  2. I think it's a little simplistic to label Madonna 'the female Bowie' though there are some similarities. I was really touched by her tribute performance. She performed it with such gusto and passion and true honour.
  3. https://medium.com/marmont-lane/miami-e8922deb18e2#.3a9jfrn9s + About Bobby Woods: http://www.madonnanewera.net/en/voices/304-bobby-woods.html
  4. I have to say it really bugs me that she doesn't just sing this song straight up like the original. The Grammys performance has been the best one. This remix takes the SOUL out of the song. Ugh.
  5. I prefer the other 'rockabilly' hair. This is just some tacky hair piece.
  6. She has had and will have good shows and bad shows. I don't think there are tours where she is overall happier or sadder. I believe she either had a good day or bad day for whatever external reason. And also she has mentioned she loves the very beginning and the very end of her tours, so... And you can fake a smile in show business
  7. I think there was a lot that was novel and new in MDNA, which I won't go into. It's in my Top 3 for sure.
  8. That's because she's a rebel and doesn't conform to society's standards of beauty ;)
  9. Maybe she had to tighten the purse strings after using up most of her Live Nation payment on other tours? There's a certain Madonna quality that seems to be lacking, and the slightly lacklustre performances by her are evident to me. There are also some wierd setlist transitions. For instance - La Vie En Rose into Unapologetic Bitch... I think you can be grateful and still critique. I think we each won't truly know how we feel about the tour until we see it in person/or DVD, not to mention with some time and hindsight which the past tours have had the privelage of.
  10. The stranger on stage thing is a little cheap and poorly done imo and it doesn't suit her. Madonna is not really built to converse with fans and she generally sucks at stage banter THESE DAYS. At least when Janet does it it's well integrated into her performance and music.
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