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Unapologetic Bitches
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Starchild last won the day on December 6 2022

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Bitch I'm Madonna

Bitch I'm Madonna (82/89)



  1. They were showcases, like a kind of album sampler, so the setlists that she decided on were suitable.
  2. Excuse me while I roll my bloody eyes.
  3. While some fans were busy complaining about Ricardo's talent, David decided to shift his nepotism into turbo.
  4. Hung Up thinks she's the jewel in the Confessions crown, but that might just belong to Future Lovers. The way Mirwais allowed that song's soundscape to breathe is just mwa.
  5. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling to understand. Note to self: stop trying to reason with *those* kinds of characters.
  6. 'Most of us are talented, that's the difference' has a whiff of bitterness and entitlement to it. What makes you think that Ricardo doesn't appreciate her work? Do you think her glam team are obsessive fans? She likes Ricardo's output enough to keep him on the books for a few years now, and in an increasing capacity. For whatever reasons that she sees fit, he strikes the right balance on professional and personal levels. If you don't like Ricardo's output, then you don't like her current taste levels and aesthetic judgement. This debate could've been nipped in the bud if some fans would just realise or admit that.
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