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Redha DBL

Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Redha DBL

  1. Oh yes, most of hate comes from envy and jealousy.
  2. Once again, totally spot on. Now about Cher, it's another case. First of all Cher never takes herself seriously, even more as she grew older. Always keepin it cool and funny, even about herself. Second she's never hidden anything about her plastic procedures, always been cool about it and even discussing it. If you're a celebrity, makes obvious platic procedures but act as if you don't, don't wanna talk about it and makes clear you don't want anyone mentionning it, be sure people will talk and talk about it, and be nasty. Now if you decide to talk about it publicly and be cool with it, even joking about it, people will quickly lose interest in talking about it, that's what Cher did.
  3. This is absolutely spot on. I've always noticed the same thing.
  4. Nothing surprising here. She pushed boudaries. Wether it was about gays, religion, sex... Of course she would get stong reactions, good and bad, by pushing the buttons of such important matters. She had the choice to just put on an elegant dress, sing her lovely song, say thank you goodnight politely shut up her mouth and go back home but she has decided otherwise. She took the road less travelled by. She used and still use her fame and exposure to make changes about important matters of our society, and so she gets the shit that comes with it. No mystery here.
  5. Sure she was criticized even when younger but which young celebrity isn't criticized at all ?! She was also the biggest female selling singer when she was younger, she was praised and admired globally, hence why she became the queen of pop. Being sexual on stage when you're 25 and when you're 65 won't resonate the same way, unfairly actually. I'm stating the facts of our society.
  6. When asking ourselves why older females performers like Cher or Tina are not as mocked or criticized the way Madonna is, the key element is that they don't perform sexual choreos on stage, that's the main reason why. People don't feel comfortable watching an ederly woman mimming sex on stage, simple as that. Take off all the suggestive moves from the Celebration tour (The guys in Jockstrap mimming sexual intercourse on her, the pussy rubbing in Papa don't preach etc...) And keep just the nice and lovely performances like Holiday, Don't tell me etc and people will be fine. Simple as that. Madonna wants to make a statement, that if you wanna be sexual after 50 or 60yo you can be, and she knows she will gets shit for it, she's used to it and i will even add that in a way that's her driving force. Controversy, pushing boundaries as always been and will always be her fuel. She's alive and moves forward when she's pushing boudaries.
  7. To be totally honest Tina was still amazing on stage even at 69 yo, full of energy and really dancing, not just "Rocking around". Watch her perform "Proud Mary" at 69 on Youtube and she's fire, voice and choreo.
  8. Please can someone post of a video of it i can't find any !!
  9. THIS THIS AND THIS ! + Add to that S & M sex mistress. Take dark + S&M sex , put it in a bag and throw it in the ocean as far as you can. Gimme carefree, fun, joyful Madonna. It's been a long time. Ps : carefree but done right, with good music, a la Ray of Light not a la Bitch i'm Madonna 😉
  10. Sorry i didn't get it. Can you explain ? I don't even know who Luke Slater is 😂 Edit : Maybe you meant Max Martin ?
  11. Was about to say it but as no one mentionned i didn't... Damn the "Of a friend" line is terribly out of tune 🙉 but yeah, so great that she aknowledged it.
  12. Yeah Maripol was also there with Nikki and Donna. Would have been nice if M had a little word for them...
  13. Guys let's not fight about Nikki, Donna and Madonna. Fact is their 3 voices blend perfectly together. When those 3 perform on stage together, somethin happens. Nikki & Donna were not only back up singers, they were parts of the choreos on stage. As someone said on this forum, it was almost like a girl band. Each of them 3 bring out something great from the two others. When they perform separately, something is missing, as for Nikki & Donna or for Madonna. Their loss. It's too bad they couldn't put their personnal desagreements aside and keep it together for work.
  14. Wait wait wait ???? Where does this come from ??? This is major breaking news !!!!!
  15. You always spot the right reference 👌
  16. Why do i have the feeling that one person is talking with himself under different accounts lately on the forum ?!!?
  17. Well the reassuring thing is that real extended versions like in the 80's/90's are back in trend (Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa etc...)
  18. Seriously, and i'm not even asking it to have an attitude or anything, but isn't it worrying that sped up versions that sounds like chipmunks are now listened by millions of people and being released by artists ? I know it's a silly trend from Tiktok but it's another thing to start listening to music only this way. I'm seriously worrying for mental health of the people... I'm maybe too old but you must have a serious mental problem to listen to music this way... I see kids listening to music that way and even some singers now performing their song like that on tv and i'm like, what the hell... The most silly the better now...
  19. True ! Wow extended versions are really back in trend ! Huge artists like Dua oe Ariana release extended like back in the days, that uses the same stems as the regular versions but with extra parts ! After years of average music seems like we're back for good music again !
  20. Diablo can now write an amazing book with all the inside stories and behind the curtains things she has learnt from M during the months she has spent writting the movie !!
  21. What a great story !! Lucky you to have seen all of this in person wow !!!
  22. You won't hear anything from Vogue because there is no Vogue in it. It just sounds like a track from the 90's and there's a piano intro that reminds the piano breakdown from Vogue, that's all. Nothing more, no sample.
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