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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Holy_Water

  1. @@Fighter I really wouldn't mind if you close this thread. I was totally misunderstood and the discussion turned into something it wasn't meant to be.
  2. @@NowRadiate this thread was about to end, bc everyone who wanted to give an opinion gave it, and you continued commenting LOL Are we M fans? Hell yeah, but it's not forbidden to look up to other artists, right?
  3. I'm going to say that Madge was inspiration for The Fame, tho.... Not about ARTPOP.. But, for The Fame, definitely.
  4. There are a lot of threads about Madge on Gaga forum... I don't see a problem, tho... Threads about other artists are not abandoned, right??
  5. I wanted to ask people's opinions, and those who don't share the same opinion as me I asked for reasons. There must be. And it's 100% OK if someone dislike Gaga, I dislike some artists (and if you want an answer - Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus). And you do. But you went that far, you called her a rotten egg.. Rly??? You could've just said ''I can't imagine them both together in a song" or something like that. Can our discussion stop now? Thanks in advance. (I'm still trying to be extremely polite) I hope this answers your questions.
  6. I politely asked you to stop and leave me discuss with other users who have normal and reasonable answers... Why are you so pressed?
  7. Well, if you're not blind, you can see that I've commented there a month ago, so that means I know that thread This is a totally different question/topic. Thanks for spending (wasting) time commenting here. It was really good too se how hatred can there be in one person against someone they don't know. Speaking of tastes, everyone has their own. Nah honey, I just reported those extremely harsh comments and that's all Luv, Holy_Water
  8. But Madonna is my taste, too.... Does that mean that you need help too?
  9. what's the problem btw?? We're having a random discussion and you're just here..... like... Why do you even hate a person that you don't even know? I don't want to sound offensive, but you need some help. and who said that American life and bedtime stories are bad albums?
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