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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by Holy_Water

  1. Post something Madonna released on your birthday. It could be an album, single, DVD or whatever. Me: Released The Confessions Tour DVD - January 26th
  2. I feel like she always has to tell us something. And she does that through her music. She is flopping on the charts? I don't think sh gives a damn about it. She has 38 Top 10s, 12 #1. Does she still need charts and sales? All of these year's she's been balancing the humanitarian work/non-glamdonna and the controversial side. And she earns so many pennies from touring All at all, I don't think she'll quit, bc I don't see a reason I also neither expect a album next year, most likely in 2018
  3. Oh, thank God! I hadn't won in a while Let me pick the hardest one .... A song
  4. I find it funny how some of you still consider Madge as Queen of Pop... She was the queen back in the 80s and 90s . Now she's The EMPRESS Of Pop.. Do you agree?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Holy_Water


      Pop Goddess is great :D.

      Idk who's the queen (Britney or Gaga), but M is more than that.

    3. baymad4her


      You could call her Iconic Ness

    4. Gabvinet


      Kylie could be the queen or Britney but not Gaga. Hasn't been there long enough, haven't acheive as much as Brit or Kylie

  5. My 4th most favorite album by M Definitely, Holy Water
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