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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by LZE

  1. since there are 3 versions of the album, and plenty of awesome demos, imagine if they would add different demos/versions to each release. So for example Messiah or Wash all over me, Joan Of A, Hold tight, Beautiful Scars etc (having 3 versions of each)… we would all be less crazy for buying 3 editions just because of album cover
  2. http://drownedmadonna.com/madonnas-next-singles-rebel-heart-video-director/20150214 possible news on Ghost town and maybe devil pray M please make a double video single
  3. we know that super deluxe will be normal format, digipack, probably nothing fancy? american life box limited was nice, hopefully this super thingie will be supper in some way other than 23 new tracks which is great. i have never heard of super deluxe before so i just sow Led Zeppelin super deluxe, with book and css demo cd and LPs, hopefully M's super deluxe will have some tick nice booklet with lots of photos.
  4. this is youtube video era. with all the similar thematic songs, maybe she could make a mini movie, packing 3 songs or at least 2 songs in. imagine ghost town>hold tight mini movie, maybe with sean penn as a costar directed by guy itchy. wouldn't that be talk of the town?
  5. yes it is fan made found it on sound cloud. i like the first red shirt photo (in bed with madonna like). but this one even it is ok, it does;t look like album cover material for some reason. but the is just weird me i guess :P
  6. this looks much better than the other 2 :( why she didn't use this photo for standard edition. the domestic one with red shirt is so outtakish, she is ok on it, but not cover material. maybe i talk shit, i probably do, but there must be a better picture. please treat to GuyO if it is not too late
  7. RQ: to all nice knowledgeable peoples. can admin or someone very excellent with links and releases create a proper topic with all the links to all the options of messy release called RH. especially super special confusing version. where can we find Queen and Autotune, or various color red edition etc. i am totally lost.
  8. hey i bought this shiny new lp recently. it is gorgeous. p.s. i thought upside down cover is rare, but guess what bought it on amazon.com and risked to be the rotated one but it didn;t so i have both :P i wonder why do they say it is rare because it obviously it is not both versions are available.
  9. world is coming to it's end, she is mentioning Nikki M feat as add for her album. oh dear this is really fun.
  10. could it get any more super lazy boring and uninspiring? i dare them.
  11. more lezz it is a good thing when people say Madonna (56) or (65) some bitch on twitter. she does look like she is in her teens and people are amazed.
  12. i love deluxe 1st album cover with ropes. this LFL big round head with huge smile looks so blah :P and the special edition is also nothing special, so repetitive. i wish we got 3 variations of the ropes, maybe left, center right sides of her face. imagine something like bjork's biophilia with that moving whatever it is called effect. something like ROL special edition. what happened to consistency
  13. don;t want to be a party pooper, but 99% it will be the same thing, unless she decides to wear some long cape which might be dangerous on the stage, so she better not use any cape.no capes.
  14. i guess it was already shared? lazy cover 2 track edition. :( http://www.amazon.co.uk/Living-For-Love-Madonna/dp/B00T3Q1C4K/
  15. what is wrong with his profile. madonna's everybody eyes are stunning.
  16. i never heard of this guy until someone posted his tweet here. and to my surprise he even won a grammy. so bashing or praising madonna will make you more famous :P
  17. feels like youtube comment section of Britney 'live' singing where they trying to prove how she sings. this is silly. you can barely hear it on some places and where you hear her she cracks. i'll rather have Nothing really matters or power of goodbye where she sings imperfect but it makes me shivers down my spine. Madonna is doing backing vocals to the album track, it is ridiculous, if you love this type of performances lucky you. i love her as much as you do, and i am the type of person that will tell her how it is in her face.
  18. i am singing along the album versions all the time. Annie Lennox kicked ass singing just now. Annie is looking like Girlie Show MAdonna in 1993 p.s. this si 5.1 program, prepare to laugh at "live vocals' channel tomorrow ala Britney from las vegas show
  19. it was boring wasn't it? like really average. i guess i expected too much :P i am just honest. i luv her none the lezz.
  20. HD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3s1ZYl4AS8
  21. man she lip-synced like the whole thing, album version , and last part when she invites people to sing, she sings live and totally out of breath really bad . she looked flawless btw
  22. so she didn't dance and barely moved first 3 minutes because she had to lip-sync precisely ? #callitlikeitis
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