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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by LZE

  1. political correctness aka bullshit. clean should be no songs like holly water, sex or whatever is on the clean version, just like they removed gang bang. and why do they make clean, anyways, if someone do not want to listen to world like fuck or whatever they should go and listen to gaga or whatever. watch me dance topless here.
  2. i wish they did separate booklets, to be consistent with album art. not mixing all together, it is really lazy and nothing special. these pages with song titles are so boring too, hard candy and this, they better print album lyrics or add proper photo. not just waste the page with titles. bedtime stories was really cool, and ray of light, bunch of photos and plus lyrics (i do not like or need lyrics but they make sense to most people, but just titles wasting page is silly. i would rather have 10 or more photos all over the place. but on the end of the day i really just see booklet once or twice so why do i even complain is beyond me.i need to go fuck my self, like literally p..s CD - rebel heart centered and cut of by cd hole is also stupid. why not madonna top and rebel heart bottom. p.s.s.s. this photo and album art regardless what is inside is pure perfection:
  3. @roccolino this si fantastic ! imagine if she just colored it in red (so it is not exactly the same as erotica, or if bg was black and contours were white or red, man that would be SPECIAL edition and plus if the package was tided with actual ropes maybe or something or nothing
  4. this is weird photo.looks like outtake. her head is huge but the ropes pic is so awesome. i wish we get lots of more rope photos different angles etc.
  5. there is nothing that extra special about "SIPER DELUXE edition). photos that were whoring around for moths, simple digipack. not impressed at all. and off course remixes are ridiculous. i am angry kitty.
  6. please make sure to preorder LEVEL HEART: http://www.amazon.com/Level-Heart-Deluxe-MADONNA/dp/B00TG0BSEW/
  7. thanks for the links: i was reading and than start laughing like crazy, see the flow of the question and than the photo:)
  8. so cool she is moving to other songs too. mtv on the road thing she did would be cool. unplugged just plugged
  9. single cover: how hard was to use the first in bed with madonna - like photo, rather than rehashed rebel heart cover (which is gorgeous) but the red thing and crop and FONT is ridiculous. Madonna look at the fan made covers. she definitely is working with wrong people, no attention to details.
  10. haha cool she is laughing it off. i believe i can fly hahaha she is so cool.
  11. i donut think that even madonna has an answer to that one. it is haiku kinda poetry, luv the DWT version and album version is ok too. nice little weird song about scissoring one might assume. what do you think is about?
  12. You and your gay hair obsession curls makes her a bit more of her actual age. americal life and ROL era was perfect for people who like to see her in different styles. she could try and experiment a bit more at least in videos or something like that
  13. designed by someone's son or daughter who just started learning how to drag and drop images to templates. terrible :( madonna website was ground breaking in GHV2 era. following any link from the menu like media etc:http://fancommunity.madonna.com you will get: http://www.madonna.com/index/error terrible www visually and technically
  14. imagine what his eye were seeing, reading over the decade. wow.
  15. i have never heard of sit-down comedy expression could it be take on her fall? so kind of a sick joke or she is for real ? googled and found this : Sit-down comedian A comedian, who is a quadriplegic. Did you hear about that paralyzed guy who tells jokes? He's kind of more of a sit-down comedian. p.s. i don't understand the part where she chose to fall? it didn't look like a choice? confusing.
  16. beautiful face expression. standard or super deluxe cover material unlike those they will use.
  17. hahaha i almost choked laughing. want a dead pussy- rotting and smelling ?
  18. brits were so much more fun, host etc…. this year was so weirdly ammateirish +bjödonna ;) gstq oh memories like it was yesterday haha
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