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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by devilpray

  1. She already said that Alicia won't join. I wish Niki would appear :D that would be the best reunion ever! PLEASE NO GRILLS
  2. The only flaw on the MDNA Tour was the DVD, the rest is perfect
  3. She's prpbably going to sing 12-14 songs off the new album and the rest will be classics and maybe one or two surprises
  4. You think so? She never performs her entire new album on tour, but that would be cool
  5. Hi, guys! This is my first topic and I wanted to make it about the new tour and what we think/hope will be on the setlist! For some reason I think Erotica will make a comeback this tour, probably an album track and not a single, but who knows? An interlude with Why's It So Hard would be amazing!
  6. I really hope that if she performs at the Grammys (if she actually performs there) she sounds at least half-decent I really don't want people bitching about that I just realised I'm bitching about that in advance
  7. She quoted Heartbreak City on instagram twice today, I hope that means that the song will be on the album
  8. I just hope she doesn't use the same filters that she used on that DVD. MESS
  9. If she shoots the video by the time January is ending there's no chance it's gonna be finished before mid-February
  10. this last picture is the only one that actually looks very photoshopped :mama003:
  11. Wait, I thought M and Stuart Price didn't like eachother anymore or something. Didn't he say bad things about her around the time she was recording Hard Candy?
  12. Bad Girl will always be my favorite Madonna song, I still don'tt understand how it's not listed as one of the best music videos of pop music in the last 20 years or something, it's amazing.
  13. Celebration as a closer was horrible until she added Give it 2 Me imo
  14. I still get chills whenever I watch the MDNA intro on dvd, but that's probably because it was my first M show ever, and I agree on the fact that it added lots of depth to GGW. But still, nothing tops the Confessions Tour
  15. Not in particular order but: Rescue Me Physical Attraction Goodbye to Innocence What it Feels Like for a Girl Bad Girl I still cry because she never performed Bad Girl on tour tbh
  16. I made this the day the demos leaked, when everyone was saying that the album was called "Iconic". It's kinda shitty
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