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Rays Of Light
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  1. https://dl.buzzheavier.com/1786991934251380736 Its a direct link, be mindful it will not show up as a File name so after the 14gb file has downloaded you must name with with a .ts at the end and it shall play in VLC, be mindful its also in 5.1 but using AAC which still is a compression but we shall await till we get the proper concert on Blu-Ray
  2. let me confirm this is the clip before i can post it, thanks
  3. UPDATE: The person who posted it has posted the link to his profile, its a 14GB TS its seems to be legit, im downloading it now and keep you guys posted!!!!
  4. we have to hope we can get that Sharemania one cause the fact that its in 5.1 it would sound far better than a 2 channel stream
  5. whats the twitch link please?
  6. Hey Madonna fans, Specifically to our Aussie Madonna fans who are going especially on the Tuesday 5th March I shall also be going and would love to do an Aussie Contingency Group before we go and see her to meet up together before cause this will be my FIRST EVER MADONNA CONCERT EVER (and yes i'm 40 and i'm doing a shirt for the night too)? Reply here or if you want to DM me that's open as well?
  7. all good, a resale ticket on Ticketmaster came up next to the centre catwalk and i got them, IM GOING TO MADONNA!!!!
  8. Hey Madonna fans, Need some help, for my 40th Birthday I have decided to go see Madonna and YES This will be my first time ever seeing Madonna and the only time I shall be able to see her is in LA fat the Kia Forum (after Sydney Mardi Gras) the First Week she's there. I haven't got tickets yet but Tuesday and Thursday are looking not bad for the good priced tickets especially the "You Can Dance" tickets round the right catwalk 2nd row from it I'm flying from Sydney, I'm still deciding where's a good spot to see her, should i go the Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday night cause the Monday its her first night there and lastly i heard that to wait till the week before cause resale tickets will be plentiful. Advice and suggestions thank you.
  9. guys, I'm thinking of doing LA on a Tuesday or a Thursday, its my first ever Madonna concert, what seats are good to see her and get a full experience as best as possible?
  10. heya Maddy peeps, I'm from Australia and i'm really contemplating coming to my first ever Madonna tour and the only time i have to see her is in Inglewood at the Kia forum next year in March, can you give me tips on the best way to see Madonna and get a good experience, best seats to try and get, im deciding to go on the Thursday and Saturday and lastly can i trust the Ticketmaster's reseller tickets i can get on there or can you recommend other sites to get good tickets please?
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