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Unapologetic Bitches
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Everything posted by stefo

  1. This is a great pic of the stage wich makes clear how good and versatile it can be https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F8axe3rXIAAFASS?format=jpg&name=medium
  2. No, let's have fun together!, It's a matter of a hour, let's enjoy and descover what's in store live at this point (Devastated by the Promise to try/Inside of me disappointment, with Rain it was my highlight) I'm going for a shower and to put on my vintage Blond Ambition tshirt on
  3. In the meanwhile everybody here of course watched Kravitz's last video, right?
  4. Ok this is just a little depressing, I'm supersupersuper excited, but let me say it ... "I'm not on tour but I'm on tour."
  5. Sorry man, I just posted about that again cause I started to answer before reading your request. I stop it here, sorry again.
  6. For what I studied at uni years ago (I studied social anthropology) the term "jihad" also have an expansive meaning, not necessarily destructive, as it is intended as the "fight on the way to God" (sorry in case my transaltion could sound incorrect), wich means the fight the believer makes inside of him/herself to improve his/her own moral conscience and, if necessary, a real war in the name of God. And yes, Quran is definitely not a violent, neither even indulgent text about violence. We have to consider that the main contribution Muhammad took to the arabic people in political terms was the unification of the semi-nomadic desert tribes, often in fight with each other, in one only unified community under the faith in Allah, the Ummah. Those tribes were composed by great merchants and warriors (I'm simplifying a little here but I don't mean to be too long). About the hijab tradition, it absolutely comes from Orthodox Judaism and beyond. The word hijab, wich should mean "veil" appears only 7 times in the Quran and 4 of them meaning the veil that protects/hides the truth, in a spiritual sense. And it never says expressly that women must be veiled, it was just a common tradition. The first trace of the institutionalization of an early female yerarchy, to separate the family, honorable women, who had to be veiled, from the "public" ones (slaves and prostitutes), is in the Hammurabi code (XVIIIbC). At the same time the story of niqab and burqa is interesting and complicated for what I know and in a sense Occidental colonialism had a huge place in the spreading of that tradition. I like to report it here shortly because it is so emblematic about this kind of matters imo. Burqa was adopted by the Afghan monarchy in the XXth century and the complete body covering veil use (the niqab and the chador are examples) is much more recent and started to catch on in the Mhagreb land even more recently: all of them were signs of specific identity and political demands from oppressed colonialized people who were starting to radicalize. I love this community, a place where you can share ideas about these subjects with maturity and open mind.
  7. The new song, we're gonna have it (let me dream till this evening )
  8. They will surely be mentioned in a way. A minute of silence for Frozen and Secret anyway (and Rebel Heart also)
  9. My God, don't say so, I need to sleep tonight! It's 30 years I'm waiting to listen to RAIN again live on stage. Can't wait guys
  10. Yeah I'm sorry a lot about that too ... and no Rebel Heart either apparently (but maybe she could sing it in the announced acoustic segment) ANYWAY, 24 HOURS FROM NOW WE WILL BE HERE WAITING FOR HER LATE ENTRANCE TO HAPPEN!!!!
  11. Vogue and Holiday were hinted by DM. Like a virgin seems to be in the setlist by what read on the paper she had in some Insta pics, with the Billie Jean piece (some think maybe it's going to be in video). I think, if confirmed, Material girl, Frozen and Express Yourself could be the most resounding absences. And yet, we did not see the show, wich is told to have a completely new and narrative structure, so they could be hinted and "celebrated" in a more subtle way.
  12. Yeah, considering what we know by now, I think that in terms of imaginary Express Yourself seems to be the only big missing song. Music for example is my all time favourite dance track, I don't know why but I never got tired of that fucking super easy, deeply funky and dirty sounded tune (in spite of the Sticky and Sweet dramatic performance ), but it can be replaced. If confirmed EY is out of the final setlist, maybe Vogue could take part of its place, the cone-bra, the strong muscular backing choir, the energy, but still it's not exactly the same thing.
  13. WOW! This screams Nothing Really Matters to me, as just last night DM people in the comments were asking "Why do you think we changed our cover image (on Fb) with the lyrics of NRM"? Of course nobody wants any more spoiler at this point but, if so, she really paid us and that gorgeous track back for the long absence from the satge
  14. And a much more elegant way to look at it
  15. Well guys, live streamed or recorded WE NEED TO KEEP A TRACE OF THIS LIFETIME EVENT. It's the debut night, her return on stage after what happened, her first time ever telling the whole story by her perspective, the authentic reaction of a crowd who's really experiencing the show for the first time, third and forth nights will be already a different thing as not seeing a pic or a title is going to be almost impossible. We need to get a full recording of th efirst show.
  16. Just let me tell everyone who's going to the debut weekend shows how sincerely happy I am for all of you: the spoilers we got just make everybody think this is going to be something at another level guys. Just prepare for something we did not even imagine before and I'm anxious to read all of your feelings and opinions next week on these pages. So enjoy and celebrate her 40 and our 40 years of an artistic and community journey
  17. I think she really made excellent live renditions of that track, I always loved it live (and I HATE Hard Candy ... sorry). The 2008 coreo was one of her best, the 2012 version had a fabulous arrangement and the 2015 was cool and much more fun than Music imo.
  18. I really don't understand the hate for HN, I think it's one of the tracks she always performed in an interesting way, from the moving mirrors to the rockish arrangement to the gorgeous trumpet/cage version of Madame X. It's definitely a signature track for her character and I think for herself too and the song is still so good for me, funky, dirty and ironic. I love it. All the four tracks revealed today are excellent choices imo, happy
  19. Let's not fight guys please! We are very close to share an event many of us were expecting since years and a show that the majority here was waiting since decades: it's normal that preferences and hopes are different and we know how passionate we can be about this. Let everybody express his/her own feelings, disappointments and also doubts about the credibility of our sources, it's part of the thing. I'm hardly a dance-disco lover (my only beloved uptempo tracks seem to have been cut out also: music, express yourself, deeperr and deeper and living for love ), I'm all for the mid-tempo, ballad, acoustic real live sound tracks (wich is not the way she choose) and I'm not excited at all about the Hung Up/Sorry/Get together news. Yet I'm loving all this and I will love to share it with everybody on saturday night.
  20. The real setlist match now changes completely! About 45 tracks used for a show in wich, Stuart says, about 20 are just mashed up, mentioned or used as interludes. So the main point for me becomes wich tracks will really be performed at least in half? Will my beloved Rain finally make it again on the stage? And Bad girl, Oh father, Erotica, Bedtime Story??? I assume Nothing really matters will have its place as it's been announced too theatrically for just being mentioned and Stuart talks about the motherhood and the spiritual journey as part of the narrative of the show; for this reason I think the same about the mum death track (wich I deeply hope won't be Mother and Father, wich I love but listening to Promise to try or Inside of me live after all these years ...)
  21. I'm very sad about the lack of live music BUT I trust her, this is concieved as a huge biographical show, in wich she presents her version of the story and the social involvment and impact of her work, from the causes she supported to the tabu subjects she dealt with and fought against, to the fashion and the image contributions she gave. Music here seems to have a specific kind of role, staying at the words of Stuart: evoking those moments, mood and sound, like a philologic work to be in those times again. It's an artistic choice and I'm positive about the result. SAID THAT, it already gives me a new idea to start being noisey with her and asking an unplugged future show (when she probably will not dance anymore), aaaaall about MUSIC, with Donna and Niky and the best drums, percussions and bass in the world for a great live acoustic experience. Even just 3, 5 shows in New York with tickets at 1000 dollars each (this argument will help to convince her imo ).
  22. I've got one question and one huge request for you The question is about the most important thing for me when it comes to her live shows (and I have to admit I'm sooo disappointed about the lack of live musicians presence on stage, for what it seems from the first article posted): does this mean that there won't be neither two or three "pure live sounding" tracks, like Rain, Why's it so hard, La isla in the Girlie Show or Burning up, Like a Prayer, Mother and father in the ReInvention tour? I mean just live instruments and live vocals. EDIT: sorry you answered already to this question, while I was writing The request is: please, when the tour will be started, will you tell us what you know about the songs considered, rehearsed and excluded from the main setlist? It's always so interesting to have infos about the creative process. Hope you will!
  23. Too many references imo, it's almost the same in terms of imaginary: the body suspended in the air, the long dark dress, the blue cinematography, the exact kind of dog wich runs and then looks at her, the flying crows ... I mean, I like Lola (not so much the song, as you said, not into that type of music either), but alluding is a much more subtle kind of operation, she basically reproduced most of the Frozen imaginary. Nothing bad, I repeat it, I'm not saying she did it badly or it is a mistake, I simply think it's not clever for her as an artist, at this point of her career, especially releasing it at three days from the debut night of her Monster Pop Icon Super Duper Godess blablabla mum
  24. I'm completely caught up by what's leaking, I would have never thought to be so excited again about her: RAIN, Promise to try or Inside of me, EROTICA (and yes, Justify too), Nothing really matters, LIVE TO FUCKING TELL (one of her masterpieces), Bedtime story, Bad girl, Papa don't preach (finally a proper come back in live form) a never performed before Rebel Heart track (except Veni vidi vici, wich would be disappointing for me)!!! This is beyond my most ambitious expectations ever. So, no doubt man, I definitely agree with you, if all that is gonna be confirmed as real and mixed with some of her strange experiments like the Tokisha thing and the Hollywood groove abomination (cause the Tokisha thing at least had some personality), you know what? I'm gonna love them too!
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